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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. *Edit to previous post: Now I see it was Jordan...at least on this one.
  2. The pessimist in me wants to know 'who' is throwing Kyle all these picks? Probably not Cutler (assuming it's second team reps he's - Fuller - getting). Which concerns me on the #2 is that is doing this. Jordan or Jimmy? Hmmmm...
  3. Yeah gotta see it (Cutler) before I believe it (do well consistently). Trestmans evidence of poor choice was during game 2 of Detroit(?) when he kept Cutler in too long after re aggravating his leg injury. Allegedly Cutler kept asking Trestman about it but he kept him in. McCown shoulda come back for that game, earlier than when he did. Maybe things will come up rosy but like Terra , I have my doubts.
  4. He should wear that and do the impersonation during a game. It'll freak out the opposition and be hilarious.
  5. Good question. Maybe with him in a Bears jersey would be too much Chicago representation ( because Tillman is there too). What's also weird is that it looks like AJ Hawk is trying to tackle him (Allen). At least Peanut's trying to tackle an offensive player.
  6. Whatever. You're a douche. The answer is Arizona Cardinals. As it turns out they, along with the Bears, are one of the only original members of the NFL having been formed actually in the late 1800's but signing on in 1920...based out of Chicago. (sorry mongo if I stole your thunder). Go Bears! Good luck Lovie.
  7. First thanks Pix, you're right haven't lost my love for the Bears. Only once was that really ever in question when I was about 6 because I liked the color purple, so I had a pair of Vikings mittens. The admiration of the Vikings was fleeting though I assure you. Been a Bears fan all of my 45 years ( probably longer than you've been around Stinger). Born in Great Lakes, have family still in Woodstock. Never had as much passion as I do for the Bears. Ask my former and current wives. Ask my kids. Ask anyone who knows me they'll tell you I'm annoyingly obsessed with the team. Just so happens I have a respectability for Lovie. Like how he coaches, like the product he puts on the field. Especially when it comes to defense. Love the 'rock me sockem' relentless style of play he conjures up. TB has never really threatened the Bears not even when they were in the same division. But if I had my way I'd just as soon see the Bears and Bucs play for the NFC championship. Rest assured that my allegiance would not be tested on that day, I'd still root for blue and orange until I was hoarse. Do I think that will happen? Probably not, but it would be cool to see. So since you're so smart Stinger, riddle me this. For the longest time why, if I was asked to choose a favorite second team, would I choose the Cardinals?
  8. We could do that. Or that TB will have a better record than Chicago next year. And our wager would be similar to the one MadLith made that says the loser pays to the Walter Payton cancer research foundation.
  9. The quick answer to you is 'anything is possible'. But a few things to consider. First, McCown could legitimately be a starter. The "magic" that Trestman performed with McCown didn't necessarily translate to Cutler. My thought on that was McCown was better adaptably to what Trestman had for an offense than did Cutler. Whether Cutler is successful enough to run the offense a full season remains to be seen. And in regards to that 'anemic offense' how about this for comparables? Glennon last year: 247/416 for 2,608 (59.4%)19 TDs to 9 INTs. Cutler: 224/335 (63.1% - whopping 4% difference) for 2,621 yds for 19 TD's to 12 INTs. Now it is safe to say that Cutler/McCown easily had the better talent work with last year (over Glennon) but with our "franchise QB" as the barometer, the stats don't show a lot better. I believe the largest knock on the offense last year, besides Doug Martin being out with an injury, was the lack of YAC yards from the receivers. Safe to say that due to TB drafting efforts they concentrated on improving that. With Tedford (who coached the likes of Dilfer and Aaron Rodgers while at Cal) it could be said he may possess some of the similar 'whispering' abilities that Trestman has. Maybe not, but that too remains to be seen. And as far as defense goes, I think it goes without saying but we all know Lovie knows defense. Add to that mix; Michael Johnson, Gerald McCoy, Lavonte David, Mark Barron, Mike Jenkins, Dashon Goldson and Alterraun Verner yes I think it highly probable that TB could post a pretty respectable record. I'd go as far as saying top 5 NFC.
  10. I'd be willing to make a wager with you (similar to the one Mad Lith and I have - but for just this year), except I know how much you hate to be proven wrong.
  11. For the record, our team has been to a Super Bowl since '85. Going to one and winning one are two different things. To this day there are still teams that can claim neither. As many times as our team has come close to winning the NFC North these last few years I'm fairly confident that they will this year. Detroit - non factor, Minnesota - same, GB - hasn't done much to improve ( maybe stagnated?). As far as NFC champs? With teams like Seattle, SF and TB ... Yes TB... In the mix, less likely. I will hand it to Emery, he's trying his darndest to fix what ills them. That being the D. I think the success of the overall team weighs heavily on the pieces all falling into place and Tucker completing the puzzle.
  12. You just described my lunch, dinner and breakfast for tomorrow.
  13. I've put on about 30 lbs since High School, without any artificial enhancement. All natural weight gain. If I can do it so can he right? My ' workout' involves eating when I'm hungry... And then some , beer consumption (occasionally and routinely) and sloth- like repetitions of nothing.
  14. When I first saw that he was signed I was pretty ecstatic. But after reading about his injury history I'm a little concerned. Since the Pats were willing to take a chance on him ( and for three years originally) then I think it's a pretty good deal. If Jeremiah Ratliff can come back and contribute as well as he did late last year, despite his injures and age so too can Wilson. Think it would be good to have another player like him in the backfield with someone like Tillman still in the mix.
  15. Yeah, I'll have to agree with the consensus here. It's been awhile since the last Super Bowl appearance for the Bears (which was played in January) so he just wasn't thinking. This is akin to someone saying they are a psychologist when they meant to type 'plumber' (Damn autocorrect). No harm, no foul.
  16. What he could have done versus what he's done, regardless of the circumstances, is moot. He's average because of his "body of work" not just because of his last year's performance. Blame the Oline, blame the coordinators, blame the coaches...he has remained average. At one point Aaron Rodgers was getting sacked more than Cutler yet he still is able to perform and still qualifies as a potential HOF'er (according to MadLith).
  17. Well how about at least come close? So far he hasn't. And what's more since his contract seems to be in line with other QB's recently re-signed (or about to be) and some of them are ones you consider at least in the Top 10, then yes I would expect he be in that upper tier. If he were to only be 32nd and the team still gets to the Super Bowl, then we might as well have kept McCown at a lower rate and drafted a Qb with the 1 or 2 pick. Not enough will be known until this year is played. Truth be told if Cutler is able to get through the first 8 games unscathed AND showing worthy stats, I'll buy in that maybe he's worth the investment. My feeling towards Cutler is similar to Daventry, I was a HUGE fan of the signing but the luster has started to tarnish.
  18. In defense of Terra, not that he's needing it, but what was proven last year was the Trestman can make a "mediocre" QB (McCown) look good. Despite this and given similar opportunities Cutler was able to still be a good QB, not 'elite', just good. Sure the arguments can be made that Cutler faced tougher D's and that his stats were better than in the past but all that is retracted because he was injured. Until Cutler is able to make a season injury free and put up stats that are more than middle of the road, he'll be average. And since he's receiving franchise money, now's the time for him to be the Franchise QB.
  19. He's got 'Rick Mirer' written all over him.... Maybe he'll be a good 'camp QB'. Apparently our defense is familiar with him already.
  20. One thing that stuck with me was the willingness (at least outwardly) of Jennings to do the NB. This despite he being a ProBowler the last two years as a starting CB. Talk about a team player. Good job 26.
  21. Heard on NFL Network that Bennett and Houston had "a little scuffle" during OTAs today. Video didn't show much but Bennett looked pretty ticked. Probably nothing but worth keeping note of. Kinda reminiscent of the "12th power ranking" discussion we just had here recently.
  22. Have to say I agree big time on Jeffery. Still remember him playing in that bowl game against Nebraska where he got ejected for fighting but still won MVP. And where is Doug Plank in your secondary? Wasn't he a better hitter than Fencik?
  23. Saw a snippet of the actual 'Q and A' regarding this and he said that 'what happened last year is last year' . 'We'll have to see..." when asked about how this year will go. If I didn't know any better you'd almost think he didn't have a great year and perhaps thinks he Underperformed. Nevertheless, I think he was unassuming enough that I get the feeling he is sincere that he and Brandon will build upon what they did last year. Oh, and I might mention he wants not only for he and BM to do well but everyone else, to include Bennett, Forte, Wilson etc. Pretty sure that's not cockiness. * Edit: cockiness wouldn't be unwarranted if he chose to. He was just voted as #54 in the 'The Top 100 players in the NFL for 2014'. Not too shabby.
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