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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Agreed. He didn't sound cocky, just stating facts. He and Marshall together are probably the best WR tandem in the NFL. Alshon stated that as much and said what's done is done (2013) and now he needs to move on to be consistent.
  2. You're confusing condescending with HEAVY sarcasm. I'm trying to keep you from puking.
  3. It's called pathetic irony... Which word did I mispell? I'm always sure to do spell check when sparring with literary giants like him. Wouldn't want my glass house to get broke.
  4. Don't worry, the feeling is mutual sweet cheeks. Don't be so hard on yourself, you never say (or write) anything stupid.
  5. For the record, with all the pains that Jason can cause he is an equal contributing member to the forum. If he leaves we'll lose one more opinion, like it or not, and that's just not right. I recall not all that long ago folks thinking Terra should go because of his short but damaging remarks. Fortunately he wasn't discouraged and didn't give up and stuck it out. Hell even SCS left and came back. So Jason should reconsider his wanting to go because if for nothing else, Cracker will have to turn his attention to someone else. "He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day." I don't suggest Jason "run away" just take a break.
  6. IMHO, McCown consistently outperformed Cutler last year. Given the same 'equipment' to work with. Regardless of each other's past. Given he (Cutler) is now the starting QB for the beloved Bears I too shall hope he does better. I'm just not as sold.
  7. Even in the few games Cutler performed in last year he still favored BM over most any other receiver. This despite AJ having a pretty remarkable year with a "mediocre" QB like McCown throwing to him. The line was solid and he had the same advantage that McCown did. Now if he's able to put it alltogether and realize there are others besides Marshall able to catch maybe, just maybe his talent will show through. He's on an extended contract, going into year two with Trestman and a relatively solid oline. The excuses are few, the opportunity...plenty.
  8. Oh yeah...there it is. I coulda swore that it was under it's own heading. That's what I get for reading first thing in the morning..... Wonder if it's more like the motivational visit that Ditka did last year? But yes I would be good with Singletary as DC or at the very least, LB coach.
  9. Wasn't there a separate post with pics from the first day of OTA's? Where did that go? I was going to ask, for those that may make it to see some of these practices, how did players like Christian Jones, Fendi Onubun and Willie Young look?
  10. That's more like it! Spoken like what I expect a true New Yorker to sound. Your being cordial threw me for a bit. Kinda like when Cracker Barrel gets all mushy and stuff. We sound like a bunch of angry old men...
  11. Just watched "Monuments Men" last night. Good flick. And appropriate.
  12. Haha... Gulf of Mexico... Good one. Hawaii and Alaska are connected by a land bridge so when the tide is out you can walk in between. And don't forget, we can all see Russia from our back yard.
  13. Interesting thought about Maranelli. As much as it pains me I'm kinda glad things have gone the way they have. Personally losing URL and Lovie was painful but they have both moved on to better things. And after all is said and done so too shall the Bears. After watching Marshall's presser about Trestman makes me think the Bears are on the verge of something special. Especially on O... Which is weird for Chicago. The D will probably be fine. I can't imagine they'll be any worse then last year. Really what did they lose? For what they lost they gained in players like Houston and Allen. And from the draft I feel one or two of the kids will probably make some noise. Should be a good year overall.
  14. Oh you mean like the time when I thought you were a douche? Oh you're right that wasn't an original thought. Disclaimer: I don't mean to be jerky, just feeling sassy. The weather has been exceptional up here. No harm meant... Except to those directly affected. Mahalo hoapilis!
  15. Nah none needed. I understood. You're right, Jason can be a dick...but so can I at times... Ask Stinger. He's my personal shrink. I've gone round and round with Jason before. But from time to time I agree with him. Hell I even agree with Terra sometimes. Hence why I have a shrink.
  16. Fair enough...Like my 'well educated" colleague Stinger would say; "woulda, coulda, shoulda". But to you I say, good points. Peppers didn't 'buy in'? I hadn't heard that.
  17. This talk of fantasy world coming from someone who was an active participant in the mock drafts. I wouldn't normally waste my time with a reply but knowing you would: You're a lout. Psychoanalyze that.
  18. That was only proven because he didn't play last year. Hypothetically, if he had what would have happened? Jason's points (and I agree) were that the defense probably would have been better aligned for the plays they were defending. I'm fairly certain that 'fumble' by Rodgers late in the season would've been better handled. Brian probably would have outperformed both Williams and Bostic...last year. Because, as Jason pointed out and I've said before, a degraded Urlacher is better than many 'mediocre' linebackers. Buuuuutt..... As Adam said had Urlacher not left the team when he did, where would he and the team be today? The dominoes probably would have fallen different. No Allen, no Houston...who knows what else. True. But I didn't buy his jersey until after he left the team. Same reason I have a Payton and a Butkus jersey. Same reason I'll someday own a Tillman one. They are part of Bears lore and it's history.
  19. x2. I think SMC will be this year's AJ. And, similar to Lemon and MadLith I think that Wilson will have some noticeable impact. With Trestman's knack at offense and if Wilson does perform through camp and preseason we could see some interesting offense scheming.
  20. For the record I'm good with it. I think the lynchpin in this instance (between Bears and Bucs comparatively) will be McCown. I think losing him from Chicago will be more an impact than him playing for TB. Again one of my "X factor picks" being Cutler. If he (Cutler) does well and stays injury free, then things will go ok. *knock on wood*
  21. So riddle me this... What sense is there to the reasoning behind signing a QB and converting him to RB and drafting Carey when the team already has Ford? Draughn, I feel, will probably not last past OTAs. http://dawindycity.com/2014/05/15/2014-chi...ing-backs-line/
  22. I'm not sure how to take this. But since I'm paired with a couple rapscallions in Jason and Terra then I believe a "bullocks" and "rubbish" are appropriate for your comment.
  23. I think the x-factor to next year's success will be either Cutler or Mel Tucker...or both.
  24. If only...I can barely get in a 30 minute run every other day. Wish I could devote the time..... Of course my body would probably reject anymore strain than what I barely ask it to do now. Oh to be a professional athlete..
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