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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. First, I don't understand why the team would bother with DJ Williams. He hasn't contributed to the NFL for the better part of two years now. (I actually thought he was injured one year with Denver before being suspended but couldn't find it). Anyhow, this next year he would be only one year younger than Urlacher was when he 'retired' and coming off a year of being injured. Almost similar to how many perceived Urlacher to be useless in his last year. Forget him, I say work on the youngsters: Bostic and Greene and move on. And if anyone stays on the "veteran side"; I'd first look at Briggs and Anderson long before Williams. Ratliff appears to have been a good late season addition so I would be ok to look at a year deal for him. Mannelly? Really? He's a long snapper....they are like Punters/Kickers...dime a dozen. Britton? Nah....Again I'm pretty sure a younger version of what Britton provided could be found elsewhere. McCown most definitely should be added to the "keep list". He has pretty much indicated he doesn't want to be a starter and wants to be in Chicago while he does it, so a deal should be made pretty simple. Wootton should be added, he's a younger Julius Peppers prototype but not as flashy...yet. Bowman showed some promise late in the year so he should be kept, with the premis that a new CB would be drafted, and that Tillman may be a Safety. I know many cringe at the prospect but for what Hester does and still managed to do this year, he should be brought back for at least one more year. He showed flashes of his old self in that Packers game and did in a few other games this last year. He still provides the potential for good field position in KR or PR when the punters try and kick away from him. But probably not to worry as he'll more than likely sign with TB.
  2. I'm good with all three. Cutler is signed through 2020. That helps take care of the primary skill position .
  3. Who knows,maybe Urlacher becomes an LB coach ? Just sayin
  4. Neither was Chip Kelly. One thing I'll be interested in seeing are how many current Bears players end up on TB.
  5. I am officially a co-fan of the Buccaneers now. Go Lovie!
  6. True this. If they were to bring in a 'Tom Coughlin' type coach most of the current players would rebel because their teams leaders are bad examples. Suh, Stafford and Bush to name a few. The only one worth any sand (talent wise and character) is Calvin. Poor guy's stuck on a sinking ship. They do have a lot of talent there is no doubt. Unfortunatley many of the players know it and are compelled to remind everyone else about it.
  7. Yeah the Chudzinki firing does have many scratching their heads. The ownership/management there is certainly being put through the ringer. FWIW, I'm VERY glad to see Schwantz leave Detroit. Talk about douchebags. Unfortunate for Frazier. Although when hired I had the impression he was in over his head. Turns out he just couldn't get it done. As I said before he or Singletary would make for an intriguing D coordinator. (Chicago?) Shannahan was put into a bad position..in my opinion. Washington is like Dallas in that they both have meddling owners who don't know their place.
  8. Fair enough and touché. I have to admit you had me laughing, especially at the end. Jason has provided me much fodder in the past but as of late he and I have been agreeing more than not. Maybe I'll continue banter with the likes of Stinger since he referred to me as a butt-face (or something rather) yesterday. Happy New Year you crotchety so and so. And to the rest, all my best in 2014. Except stinger; GFY. LOL!!!
  9. Totally agree. Both were painful to watch. But we'd all be fooling ourselves if we thought the Bears would have made it past SF much less eventually beat Seattle. I said it last week to many a friend, whoever wins (won) last night will lose in the Wildcard round the following week. Only small issue I have is that it also involves the NFC North title. Which considering half the coaches in it were fired today may not be all that big a deal.
  10. For the record, I would like very much for Cutler to return, if its the right move. Your 'shot across the bow' (bolded) is you being melodramatic and not once have I said he should be 'fired'. For that matter I haven't seen anyone here suggest that. The comparison between McCown and Cutler HAS to be part of the equation. In one hand the choice has to be made on how much is too much or too little to keep a player like Cutler on the roster while leaving less for the restructure, rebuild whatever of the Defense. On the other hand, can the team afford to lose Jay? I don't think so. The luxury the team has is that they have two very capable QB's on the roster. Not something we as fans have witnessed in a long time...if ever. One thing we agree to is that this is best left in the hands of the "experts" and that's fine by me.
  11. You know when I read the original post you responded to and thought the same thing. McCown (Josh) did the very same play at least three times with success (maybe more). One down the left sideline against Minnesota to Alshon, a second for a score in the right corner for a TD against Dallas and another against this same Packer team in GB. Whether these were all great throws or catches should not be lost on who threw them. McCown has been making plays like this in most if his games this year.
  12. Make up your mind, either you want to argue the Cutler controversy or you dont. Don't expect those of us not enamored with Jays performance to suddenly agree to you because we're "idiots" or "simpletons". (Frankly I'm surprised you know such big words ). The fact remains, McCown outplayed Cutler in 'overall' performance this year. And this coming from a guy who is one year removed from coaching a HS team. Did he play better today? Yes. Did he play lights out franchise QB level? No. Looking at the future and knowing what we have in Cutler and what we need in defense I trust management will make the smart choice for the teams future.
  13. Later gents, it's been real. See you next year. Eff it!!! Go Broncos!!
  14. Where has this D been all year? Briggs?
  15. Good to see Wilson out in E. Bennets place. And Forte ... Smooth as silk!!
  16. True. Although I'm AJ wouldn't mind a free trip to Hawaii. I know I would. Lol
  17. Finally a call FOR the Bears...wait???
  18. Good job Jay...finally you see there are other receivers on the field. Excellent play AJ!!! How he'd not in the pro bowl baffles me.
  19. So I'm thinking maybe having Briggs back is helping the D out ?
  20. I don't care what anyone says: RE-SIGN HESTER!
  21. One thing going for the Bears is Rodgers looks very unsettled I the red zone
  22. That was pathetic. I'm good with the Bears losing now. Absolutely freakin pathetic!!!
  23. That was the second one today of your "fellow" refs.
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