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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. The one question many have not considered is how will Cutlers return affect Alshons game? That int helped answer that. A throw to BM in double coverage while AJ had single coverage. Welcome back Mr Hyde
  2. Although it may seem minuscule in nature it might be important to point out that McCown has done nothing to lose those games. I might also point out that McCown very nearly won two games where Cutler was losing (WAsh and Det #2). When you're trying to keep ahead of sieve defense you're going to lose ground. This conversation would not be fair if we didn't include that Jay contributed to some or his loses. With two games of multiple (3) turnovers each, these things happen. And, since many will say Jay didn't have the oline then that McCown does now but the same could be said for the defense. Many here have pointed it out and they're right. I wouldn't say Trestman and Emery are "sold" on Cutler just yet. Today will go a long way towards his (Cutler) stock rising or falling.
  3. Awesome!!! Thank you for sharing! Should've knocked that guys hat off outside Ditka's. Haha. If you haven't been able to get the game on video yet you might try iTunes. Sometimes you can download full games from there. Just a thought.
  4. I would give you two thumbs up and a snap in a Z formation...however I think the team can make a Super Bowl with Cutler. Now 'win' a Super Bowl with him? Meh. For what it's worth I also think the team could make a Super Bowl with McCown, so there is that.
  5. I would wonder aloud how does one explain the chaos in Washington? Is it because RGIII isn't really a good QB or because Shanny mismanaged him? I know you never explained your earlier response where you quoted me as saying Cutler is a mobile QB and thusly could be culbable for his mounting injuries because of it. Why don't you explain that so I can come up with some sort of response? Anyhow and in the meantime, I'll offer you this. When watching the game this weekend count how many times Cutler "truly steps up into the pocket" or does he bail or scramble? Look to see how many times he chooses to go mobile instead of surveying the field in the cover of the pocket. Ask yourself what would Josh have done? How many turnovers does Jay commit or near commit? My "guess" is that he is going to do one of two things; he's going to revert to his 'old habits' and scramble when he feels pressure....not that there is necessarily pressure. Or....he will stand in the pocket and be as effective...or better...than McCown has. Which means he's learning. Before you offer the excuse of his having to be mobile because of the previous admins/lines (of which you painfuly outlined) Cutler was hurt this year while this line was playing.
  6. I think the "coulda, shoulda, didn't" priciple applies here. Not sure I totally agree with your thoughts on McCown but you're right, 'this is the internet'. Be that as it may, the difference between the two is that one is a "Franchise, elite-status (potentially) QB" the other, an off the street backup.
  7. Unfiortunately that won't "shut them up". Him playing really well will only perpetuate (if not worsen) the "who will the QB be going forward" debate? Especially in the off season. Jay is near virtually in a 'damned if he does, damned if he doesn't' situation. If he comes out and plays like crap them theoretically it'll make it easier on the team to decide what to do with him. And in light of the possibility in them "shopping him" already, that is unsettling.
  8. It sounds to me like the market is already 'testing him' with the Titans firing the first volley. I get this feeling that the money will be available elsewhere if Jay wants it. Pretty certain the Bears won't/can't match what some of the other teams will offer. It will come down to Jay holding true to the "home town" deal he proposed before. And for what its worth, I'm still of the opinion that Emery's ego is large enough that if Jay's camp says he wants to do this or else...it'll be "or else".
  9. Similar to how going into Detroit game 2 this year, Trestman could have said 'you know Jay, it was only a few weeks ago that you were hurt pretty good against Washington.' 'If you look like you're struggling, I'm going to pull you so Josh can go in there.' 'He's been doing good in helping out, so there is no need for you to make your injury worse'. But instead and when the second half started (it was obvious to anyone watching, Jay was in fact physically struggling) we hear: “I didn’t want to take (Cutler) out unless he felt he couldn’t do the job. I thought it was a very courageous performance throughout. And then at the end I took him out (only) because I knew he would have to run around in the two-minute drill.” (source: Toronto Sun). Yet this was after Cutler admitted that his play faded from the hot start that he had. Yet he wouldn't admit to it until almost 2 mins left in the game. I might add, dissimilar to your example, the team did/does have something to play for...this year. Which is that much more painfully obvious now that the Bears are tied with Detroit for playoff viability.
  10. Mad, you sound like a jilted girlfriend. Don't overreact and say that I was suggesting that McCown is overall better than Brady. You need not protect his history. What I did say is that McCown could be better than Brady , if only for one game against one team. It was in response to SCR and in that context alone. But if for stats alone whether they be "lies" or no, McCown, at the moment, IS better than Brady.
  11. But you also admitted that Baltimore and St Louis were decent defenses and Josh performed admirably in both games. You're talking about the same Cleveland Browns that lost to Jacksonville Jaguars (28-32)? I think Cleveland is the anti-thesis of what Chicago is. They have a dominant defense and crap offense. At least in the QB and RB role. Which should play to our team's favor. Remember that Denver also held Brady to zero scoring until the second half and they (Denver) still managed to lose so.... I will hold judgement on how well McCown is to Brady until he actually plays the game. If McCown produces better than did Brady then I will say 'yes' McCown is better, if only for a day. Isn't it true that McCown is trailing only P. Manning in QBR or some similar stat? In that regard, he is better.
  12. To be fair, and perhaps play the "devil's advocate" wouldn't it be apt to judge him as the "Franchis QB" vs the "Backup starter" and be appropriately "burned" if he doesn't at least put up respectable numbers? Trestman actually may be the one that bears most of the burden for making a choice and sticking with it. Make no mistake, this story (outside of Halas Hall and the fans who do pay attention) makes for a dramatic QB controversy story.
  13. So your point is??? Please expound.
  14. As long as we don't have a repeat of Detroit game #2. Where Cutler started to show signs of wear after the start of the 2nd half then expect Josh to bail out the team with only two mins to do it.
  15. You could save yourself a whole lot of time by saying 'you don't play to lose, just to give your "bubble" players exposure/playing time' and gotten the point across. And that is my point, if you are wishing to lose then I question why. And for the record, you know nothing of what did or didn't contribute to Urlacher's career. He easily could have said he wanted to play and just as easily gotten hurt in a 'garbage game' by his own volition. It is just convenient to place blame on Lovie.
  16. Nolo comprendo. EDIT: Connor, there was no implication of yours or whoever else suggested it "being a fan". I have no doubt "you're a fan" just why someone would wish for the team to lose just to get better in the draft. I don't get it, won't get it and really don't care to understand. If you want your team to lose to get a better draft pick...all I can say is 'aye carumba'. I should add that I would personally never want to be a teammate of yours with that way of thinking.
  17. Agreed. I was listening to Gruden comment about how well McCown is making adjustments at the line. I am noticing in re-watching (and noticed before) that he (McCown) does really well at making pre-snap calls, if need. He did a bunch during the Cowboys game and some during the Ravens game. Some other "intangibles" are his looking off (progressing) his receivers. He doesn't 'lock on' but actually 'tricks the defense' with his check offs. Cutler hasn't always been real good at that. And even though given the option to option (play on words) Cutler doesn't make that adjustment as well...it would seem. One thing I have noticed they have both gotten good at is stepping into the pocket. McCown has some innate ability to adjust away from pressure, usually going the opposite way from it. Cutler seems to like to try and bolt out the top of the pocket whenever he feels the pressure. Not that its bad as he is a bit more mobile than McCown but sets him up for a harder hit straight on. Speaking of stepping into the pocket. Two of the amazing TD's that McCown has thrown this year were the one to Jeffery in the corner (when it appeared McCown was about to get blasted) and against GB when he threw a similar pass to Marshall, almost identical in trajectory etc, but to the right middle of the endzone. Both were reliant on McCown putting the ball up only where his receivers could get it and the receivers actually going up to get it and him almost running face first into the defensive line pressure. Pretty cool stuff.
  18. Fortunately the one they did actually catch was negated by the def holding call. But I think it safe to say that most teams see what could happen even if you build a sizable lead and aren't able to maintain it. (Denver vs NE). In all fairness, McCown's numbers have been pretty similar over most of his games this year (suggesting they have'nt been as conservative as some suggest) its just that penalties have literally wiped points off the board in some cases. Sometimes more than once.
  19. I for one believe he is genuine with the "home town" talk. He admits to being a former fan and I get the idea that he is liking playing for the Bears. One of the incentives being that the Bears have essentially built up to him. With the additons of Marshall and the hiring of Trestman he has to be convinced they are invested in him. That being the case, he could easily want to make more money and go elsewhere. But to which team? Would they offer him the same 'comfort' the Bears have been working towards? He has to realize he is not getting younger and has started to rack up the injuries, so would he risk that going to a team that pays a buttload of money for him only to not have enough to pay for his protection (O line) and compliments (WR and RB combos)? I think he wants to play at the earliest possible convenience. If for no other reason to prove that he is still viable.
  20. I will agree that the Tampa 2 could be waning. Both Dallas and Chicago run it but don't have the people to support it any longer. However, not sure that your assesment of Lovie is quite right. An 84-66 combined record and teams looking for a new coach may prove otherwise.
  21. I'll ask it again.... Josh McCown = Gannon 2.0? Nice work tonight Joshua!!!
  22. My oh my that conservative play calling is killing us!!!! LOL!!
  23. Your "bank on it" comments and diarrhea are similar in that they are warm and fluid.
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