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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Thank you!!! Looks like I'll be getting one after all. Ever make it to Alaska to do some fishing? I don't do a lot of fly fishing but hear people up here love it. Again, many thanks. Happy Holiday!
  2. Where do I get one? Figure if you guys don't know there is still time to ask Santa. http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/18376...grater-headgear
  3. I like how the three kids who asked for "CB" stuff are all across the top and the one who didn't is on the bottom. You are a lucky man. My kids wouldn't even think about asking for CB stuff. All the other stuff on the lists yes, but not the other. Thanks to you and your family, there is hope for the future.
  4. I had actually thought that as well...the "what if" thinking in me. If not right away, I could see Marshall becoming a real nuisance if Cutler were gone. ala Denver, of course Trestman is no McDaniels..thankfully. In regards to the QB situation, I think the best case scenario at this point is to Franchise Jay for next year. I'm fairly certain McCown would be willing to sign on for another year or two as the back up. I agree with Cracker that he ain't going anywhere. One thing to consider is that Cutler is becoming injury riddled.... I shy from saying "prone" but for all intentns and purposes, he's starting to build a reputation with a history of injuries. We all know it, and other teams know it. All things as they are, my money's on Cutler being back next year...if for only one more. And with McCown as the backup, I'm good with it.
  5. I think fiscally this makes the most sense. I think if Cutler were intent on leaving Chicago (purely due to frustration or wanting "too much" money) then I would be ok with your scenario. Like I said recently, I believe McCown is willing and able to be the #2 ... unless he was asked to do more. At which point I would think he could fill in quite admirably. Remember, he still has Jeffery, M. Bennett, Marshall and Forte on his team. Not like he's working with a bunch of scrubs.
  6. He's cast in the wrong position. I think it safe to say that after this season the defense will definitely need to re-evaluate its direction and seriously entertain the idea of a 3-4 base. With McC I as an OLB he'll be much better suited to his skills. Despite Terra Tor's opinion of SMC's obselence, he will work out fine. SMC not Terra Tor.
  7. Agreed. With being 35 and through his experiences he has learned the value of humility. He knows his role and would probably not expect more, in Chicago or otherwise.
  8. The same could be said about Green Bay. Look how one dimensional they became when Rodgers is hurt. And...if Lacy were hurt how much a drop off their is in their running game. Their D, although run by one of the better Defensive minds in the NFL, is injury riddled much like the Bears'. The only reason they're still in the running is due to Chicago and Detroit's own inepetitude this year.
  9. Did you see last night's game when Brady didn't get the call he thought should have been called on Kendricks? He was about to piss himself he was screaming so much. And there were tons of 'missed calls' against Talib in his coverage of Thomas. And lest I forget the week before on the late game interception against Carolina. I think Brady was more than a little miffed in his not getting his way.
  10. You're absolutely right. Offensive and defensive holding goes on EVERY play during a game, especially in the trenches. Its been this way for years. The calls that seem to gain noteriety are the one's that are near or at the 'point of attack'. Like Bennet's block to back as Forte scooted by for a TD is pretty obvious, as was Bushrod's near choke out with his right arm when McCown threw a TD around the same time. Calls of this nature are hard to miss. I agree and first the buck stops with Trestman. He needs to figure out how to address and put an end to it. The other aspect is the lack ... or less... of leadership in either squad. On D its pretty safe to assume that had Urlacher been playing he would have been able to get people in their proper spots and chastised them when they consistently caused a penatly...hello Bowman and Conte!!!! I swear if I see one more lob over Conte's head without him looking back!!!!! On the offensive side I would think not having Cutler in may be an issue. I don't know that McCown is as much the disciplinarian. Weirdly enough the time in yesterday's game when Mills' shoe came off reminded me of last year when Webb did it and Cutler had to call a timeout to address it. Not sure how Cutler's presence would have changed things...more just an observation. But I'm not sure that Marshall, Forte, Bennett are leaders in the true sense of the word. I do see Garza trying but he's got his hands full with the o-line, especially the rooks.
  11. Gotta say I agree. I made the same observation during the game thread. I was much more frustrated then but the players killed themselves, not the refs. I would normally agree with Cracker that the calls were horse pucky but this trend of negating scoring due to penalties has been on a trend these last few games. I know it happened against Detroit and pretty sure it happened (or at least stopped a drive) against Baltimore. If I believe the referees are conspiring against the Bears then that was an alien ship I saw hovering over my house the other day. But more than likely its just pure undiscipline on the part of the Bears. Like I said in the game thread, they don't deserve to win any further unless they clean this crap up.
  12. I dont the delayed scoring was due to McCowns play. Instead more because of all the penalties .
  13. I will say this now. Based on what I've seen today and the last couple games with the penalties; the Bears do not deserve to win. They've become a disgrace.
  14. If you get a chance and have "faith", this is a great video from Josh. I think I will get his jersey. He's a great man and inspiration. Good luck today Josh!
  15. Thank you mate. I don't think McCown is THE answer either. And yes if our team was on the precipice of going to the SB tomorrow, I'd have to say that McCown would get the start. If it were the next day...maybe Cutler.
  16. As they say, 'this'. Twig, I don't necessarily dislike Cutty. I like the guy, bought his Jersey, sang 'Hosanna' when he came to Chicago, the whole nine yards. It's just that his 'body of work' makes me cringe sometimes. I like many things about him; his strong arm, his aloofness, his intelligence, the fact that he is about as good a QB Chicago has seen. I also dislike him sometimes for the same things...minus the last. I realize this year he's had the distinct disadvantage of being injured and quite possibly could have led the team to the big game had he not been hurt. I also realize the Bears are largely responsible for his wear and tear. So in context, they owe each other something. I think he should be tagged for next year. I'm not sure that if he were to go on the open market (or trade) he'd go to a team he'd be happy with. At this point he might get a back up job on a good team, or a starting job on a bad team (Jax, TB, Minn come to mind). I don't think he wants that. Being tagged will give him another shot at showing his worth and another shot at the Bears giving him the opportunity to get a ring. I don't think McCown should be the starter for the rest of the time he's in Chicago. Never did say that. Just that he's been playing better (like TD says) and hasn't proven yet that he needs to be sit down, especially if Cutler isn't 100%.
  17. "Hocus pocus" in the context you used it and saying that he just wins is a "joke" makes one wonder what your "hope" is. If for nothing else youre not a believer. McCown has done nothing but prove himself. As has Cutler. So far between the two, THIS YEAR, McCown has the better record et winning percentage. I didn't doubt your allegiance to the team, don't cram words. Just said what I said above. And I make no qualm "old associate" or not, I'll debate you just the same.
  18. Please stop this comparison. Its pointless. When you have teams like Carolina (who sucked big time early this year) suddenly finding themselves in playoff contention (in a normally strong NFC South) then every game counts differntly than the last and the rest. SF who was supposed to be dominating and on the verge of returning to the Super Bowl finds themselves one loss away from being out of it. Baltimore is nearly out of it, it not already. Cleveland (did I really say Cleveland?) is in contention for a spot. The NYG (yes the same once 0-6 Giants) are suddenly viable...if only a little. And Detroit is leading our division. The defense that Jay Cutler saw one week could very well be a different defense the weekend following. Factor in injuries etc. He had three turnovers against the Vikings too. One fumble for a direct score. Remember, McCown played against the same Detroit defense (not on the same day as you describe) and nearly won the game..with only two mins to try. You are absolutely right (bolded). Another thing that remains to be seen is how will McCown perform for the rest of the time he's in? Will he continue to win or will he lose? So by your reasoning Cutler is not a game manager, but rather a franchise QB yet lost against the Saints. So the game managers AND franchisers can both lose...if the defense isn't up to par?
  19. There are stories not all that dissimilar; Warren Moon, Kurt Warner and Rich Gannon (of which McCown has been compared) to name a couple. So the probability isn't all that far fetched. But he is "just winning". Posted great numbers against Wash. Did well against GB...at Lambeau. Nearly pulled out a win against Detroit (with only two mins to try) and won against Balt. Granted he's not doing this all on his own, he has Jeffery, Forte, Marshall and Bennett to help but the dude is pretty solid...so far. If you weren't hating on McCown I'd think you would hope him to look horrible, just to prove your point. But if he doesn't then the team wins. Kind of a catch-22 if you ask me.
  20. Daventry my old buddy ol pal. I'd have to say I agree. If we simply look at this year, the comparison sample (between Cutler and McCown) is different. Where Cutler has a tendency (some say knack) for a turnover, McCown has not committed that error - yet. Granted McCown hasn't got a lot of "starting quality" stats over the years, the arguement could be made that he hasn't been in the right system. Same arguement could be made for Cutler with Chicago for that matter, at least until this year. And I won't say he (Cutler) hasn't improved but to again look at the sample for this year where Jay has now had at least three bad games (to include the last Detroit game - not his fault) McCown has yet to falter. I side with Twig that I hope McCown doesn't falter (although I'm not convinced by your sincerity). But I will also stop short of declaring McCown the permanent starter for the team. As will he.
  21. For what its worth (and GFY's aside), Incognito is an ignoramus.
  22. Hm. Who knows? Maybe if he has any inkling of being able to play his old position, perhaps he's breathing new life into his career? Stranger things have happened.
  23. Good points. I'll go with what AZ suggested as that is more amenable to the "middle ground" of this type stuff. And...did you call me a 'bitch'? GFY! LOL
  24. ...And I read somewhere the Rodgers says that he might not be available for their contest against Detroit. That could be troublesome for us.
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