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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Been waiting for the opportunity to play 'devil's advocate' and stinger comes through to provide it. So you mean like Alex Smith? (Or even Rich Gannon for that matter).
  2. http://www.csnchicago.com/bears/urlacher-i...ve-any-problems Not necessarily a rousing endorsement but good perspective nevertheless.
  3. So was reading on Rotoworld where depending on how well Freeman does in Minnesota, Ponder could very well be released next year. And they pointed out chances are he would not compete for a starting spot. So I ask.. Could he be a fit? Pluses: two years removed from being a number one pick (young), good numbers at Fla State, strong arm and good speed. Cons: hx of shoulder and arm injury (throwing), tendency to stare down receivers, indecisive Wondering aloud if this would be a worthwhile project for Trestman (that is should he be successful in his current project).
  4. Alaskan Grizzly

    Next Up

    There were a few times Urlacher made Vick unhappy. Lol. To the point of Alfred Morris etc. I think if the team assigns Bostic to RGIII, I'm fairly confident between Jennings, Tillman, Briggs and Anderson they can cover Garçon, Morris and Moss. Which as you pointed out will make them one dimensional pretty quick. Their tight end (name escapes me) could be a factor but he hasn't as of late so I don't see that changing soon. And funny how each week when we discuss what needs to be done to win over the upcoming opponent, each time it's mentioned "as long as Cutler doesn't turn it over." If only we were so sure.
  5. Saw one of the comments about this guy being "Haynesworth" -like. That would concern me. But, like UB said, if the money was right. Surely he wants to contribute....somewhere.
  6. Alaskan Grizzly

    Next Up

  7. Sorry if I don't measure up in the 'fantasy' world. Kinda been busy with other things.
  8. Alaskan Grizzly

    Next Up

    I think Williams' injury could prove to be timely (in all due respect). Now with the faster and more agile Bostic in the MLB spot, he could be assigned the RGIII spy role. Which I would think would be perfect for the upcoming game. Think Urlacher vs Vick from about 10 years ago (when he still played for the Falcons and before he was in jail).
  9. Now this is something I can say "this" to.
  10. Please show me where I said "bring back Uralcker" (sic). Rather than pull out of a sentence what you want to hear/read please...I beg you... understand what was written. And Connor; thank you for pointing out the obvious. I know he is "done" again, not the point I was trying to make. From Stinger I'm not so surprised, but you? I should have taken Cracker Jacks advice but “Persistency is a fool's best asset”. Thusly I too am done. Good night Gracie!
  11. I would hazard to say that in four of the above examples (AP, Bush, Graham and Jacobs) a lot has to do with the poor "front 7" play. Obviously the runners are making plays because the LB's are not able to adequately provide run support and Graham had a big day because the intermediate pass lanes were left open. Again, poor LB and nickel coverage. (And Brees is a pretty good QB).
  12. But it underlines a potential concern. The point that I'm making that Emery perhaps could be too stubborn for his own good. As was the case with Url and Izzy he effectively "hobbled" the D with not trying to work with either of these players. Instead bringing in a couple "rent-a-players" that are for the most part ineffective if not useless. Hindsight being what it is (I have that benefit) losing both the aforementioned players, if not just Urlacher, could reveal that Emery may make choices on pride before necessity. I'm just suggestin'. Still say he is miscast as a 'hand in the dirt' DE. Should be playing more upright like an OLB. I'd be willing to bet his production would go up.
  13. Context Connor. Meaning that looking back, it wasn't a good deal then and it especially isn't a good deal now. But I know...that's my opinion.
  14. http://m.espn.go.com/general/blogs/blogpos...amp;src=desktop As Robbie was kicking his second field goal (his 10th in row from 50 or more) my wife commented. "Robbie needs to go over to Hester and say 'how many times have you scored today'? God I love her.
  15. As Keyshawn would say; "c'mon man!". You're comparing apples to oranges. Singletary retired the better part of 20 years ago and Urlacher just last year. He could've been playing this year for the team. As I stated in another post, I feel that Emery's dealing with Urlacher and Izzy this last year is coming back to bite the team. Williams is not what everyone claimed him to be, a decent replacement to Url. I cannot let it go because the way Emery dealt with this situation could paint a bigger picture for future deals. Half the team will need new contracts next year and I'm still interested to see how that will play out. But if he keeps going forward with this 'my way or highway' mentality, it could only damage our team in the long run. One thing that Tucker could do is bring his ass out of the skybox. I have always hated seeing a coach, especially a primary coordinator, that sits in the sky booth calling plays. Martz did it and it bugged me then too. Those guys need to be down with the playres so they are getting instant feedback from them. What he's doing equates to me sitting at home playing Madden 25 on the XBox. Thankless or not he needs to coach not advise.
  16. Of course my stance on Urlacher is steadfast. The team pulled the trigger too soon and is paying for it. With Williams hurt...again this year...the virtual swap out for the two is a huge loss for the team. Williams hasn't shown a whole lot since joining the team. Additionally Izzy's departure has turned out to be another loss the Bears couldn't afford. Not sure if Emery's brashness is paying off after all. In these two instances alone his misdealings have proven costly.
  17. I was starting to warm to the idea of transitioning to a 3-4 next year but with the way things are going maybe they should do it sooner than later. I agree whole-heartedly in having SMC as an OLB. Briggs, SMC, Bostic and Anderson(?) should be able to cover it for this year. That helps in stockpiling D linemen. I would agree that find a trade partner for a stout NT and keep Wooten and Peppers rotating with one other DE. Maybe Washington's time is now?
  18. And to add insult to injury, Anderson and DJ Williams left on account of injuries last night. Not that having williams out is bad because it gives Bostic a chance to play but having Costanzo in there for Anderson made me concenred. The LB corps, even without the recent injuries, was still having trouble helping in run support. Jacobs looked like his old self thanks to our D.
  19. Oh yeah..should've looked at the schedule. ha ha. Duh... Still cool of the significance to Ditka. And I agree, that was almost a no-brainer on your choice. As Yoda would say; "chose well you did". Give a shout out if you guys make it on TV!! Enjoy and GO BEARS!!!
  20. That is really cool. Like how they scheduled this for Ditka. Nice move. You are lucky for sure! Don't let that TV land on you.
  21. And some info from the combine: http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/christ...upou?id=2532962 So what I understand is basically he's a stopgap until someone better comes along? It appears he could be good (not spectacular) at plugging the middle. And was he a senior in 2011? Why did he just participate in this years' draft? The ACL still an issue? Last thing the team needs is another DT on IR.
  22. I couldn't get this to play but I think it may have been the same (or similar) video I saw where Tom Thayer is talking about Shea McClellin and how best he could be used? Watching this video reinforces some of what I saw in the game last week. That being SMC isn't that far off in being a big factor on the defense. He was getting decent pass rushes and has been doing so for most of this year. In one of the three examples I saw Thayer show the defense actually looked very much like a 3-4 scheme but with Wright or Frey (couldn't remember if it was 21 or 31) lined up in what would be the LOLB position. SMC was upright in the ROLB position and got a pretty good rush to Brees. Thayer's observations appeared to lean towards the idea of allowing SMC to be in a two pt stance more often than the 3 pt as that lends more towards his skillset. I would have to agree.
  23. I think history would prove you mistaken; Lance Briggs and Charles Tillman (drafted in 03 by Angelo), Devin Hester (2006), E. Bennett and Matt Forte (2008) and Henry Melton (2009) just to name a few. As far as aquired talent; Peppers, T. Jennings and Cutler all arrived while Angelo was GM. It might be now but I don't think the team saw it that way at the beginning. Many here thought the team would be in contention for a playoff spot. Admittedly I still do think they have a chance, despite my banging on the current staff. I think Trestman has the poise to get the team prepared. I think some of the players are the ones letting him down, most notably Cutler. I will say that some of the things Emery has done has prepared the team to deal with the 'what if' of them not making the playoffs this year and necessitating major changes for next year. The biggest evidence is all the veteran players he signed to one year deals and holding off on a few others; Cutler and Melton come to mind first and foremost.
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