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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly
Whatever you do DONT bring in McCown! That would be HORRIBLE! Sheesh!!!!
How's that again?
For once Terra...I agree. This would be the 'Mr Hyde' type of play that we may not be able to afford to bring him back.
So far one sack.... Suh had little or no trouble with Long
And that Long is sure strong! My oh my ... Nice blocking on Suh.
Wow! Lookin great Jay! Nice way to stand up to adversity. 2 INTs .. So far
Forgot about Bowman. The staff has good things to say about him this year. Althought I would like to see what Frey has to offier. We shall see.
I think some regards will need to paid to the run game, last I recall R. Bush will probably be out but this Joique Bell seems to be halfway decent. And with Meltion out the run game could be a difference, if not a distraction. Although I'd have to admit that Collins has played pretty stout in his appearances so far this year.
After the game I'd like Trestman to say something cereberal (but insulting) to that ass clown Shwantz. Enough to where Scwhartz has a sour patch look on his face like "what the hell did he say to me"?
Funny I was just reading this article somewhere else. (Scary how sometimes we think alike...) Anyhow, I also read that Tillman was held out of practice again yesterday. From what I recall he was having groin issues. He's been in and out for at least the last two weeks and really not a factor. I'm a little concerned with whether he will be able to play Sunday, let alone match up with Calvin. You can't blame Calvin for being upset, as the article points out the Bears tend to keep him in check. Of course that was when Lovie was coach...hopefully that'll stay the same If not Tillman for whatever reason could we see Jennings roll over to CJ's side or maybe even Frey? Hmmm.
Ok, I would agree but 'what if' Cutler is injured? Many here are not confident in McCown's ability as a back up. I am not one of those however. I agree that it would be better to not waste the money on a guy that will probably eventually be cut and especially for a guy that has had the career he's had. I also agree with the comments that more needs to be learned about this guy, maybe the Bears are doing that? As another put, could the 'QB whisperer' fix what ills him (Freeman)?
So "coaches review"? I looked at three differenct sites; ChicagoBears.com, Rotoworld and ESPN.com and all three show 19 total (solo and assist). Coincidently the closest he's gotten to the 100 tackes (solo) were in 2011 (98) and 2010 (101) both with Carolina. "On pace" translates to speculation. And we have already discussed the speculative decline of productivity with other linebackers in the past, that one being Urlacher. Not to say it will happen here but similar to your comment of "on pace" it could.
I think you might have to consider what type of regime he's been playing for, especially as of late. The Bucs have gone through a lot of changes in the last few years and that alone could eat into a player's sense of stability. When it comes to instability, the Bucs are nearing the Jets level of a circus. Freeman hasn't done himself any favors though acting as he has. To lose the "captaincy" tells you one thing, and not showing up for the team photo..another. Thought I'd ask. Maybe someone would have a perspective on him that noone else thought of.
So before I get into this too much, let me reiterate that I picked Anderson to be the surpise player for the year. He still has that possibility. But if you take it all into context, Anderson really hasn't played all that much better. First look at their respective positions; Frey is a Nickel Back, Anderson OLB. Frey doesn't play every defensive down, Anderson does. Frey has 13 tackles and is a two year pro, Anderson has 19 total tackles and has been playing for 8 years. Lastly, Frey makes about $400k per year, Anderson $1 million. In relation to what you ask me, there is a fine line between "mediocre" and "good". In my mind, Anderson should be MUCH better than Frey in order to gain the distinction of "playing better".
Since he wants a trade, is this something the Bears should entertain?
I think someone else pointed out before that a large reason he isin't coaching right now has more to do with the $5 million that the Bears are paying him (for the last year of his contract) more than him not coaching because he can't. I second what CD says that at the worst, Lovie will be coaching somewhere as a DC if not HC again. A commentator just made an observation the other day that made sense. Sometimes coaches get stale after a while and a change of scenery sometimes makes a world of difference. He was talking about Andy Reid in this instance but the same could be applied for others. Bill Belichick and Pete Carroll are two others that come to mind.
Ok so let me play 'Devil's advocate'. Looking at the video I see missed blocking assignments more than Anderson doing something "spectacular". In fact if there is credit to be given, its not on one player or another but more a team effort. Hell, Thayer even acknowledges that McClellin did as good a job as Anderson at distracting the blockers to open the lane. The Guard that double teamed (and could have missed his assignment) in both cases is Ramon Foster. Not a lot of history on the guy other than he is the oldest member of the Oline and was an undrafted free agent from Tennessee back in '09. So the discussion could be moreso Pittsburgh's overall inability than any one player's ability on the Bears, especially Anderson.
FWIW, I'm glad to see one other person out there that isn't 'Lovie bashing'. Although Mad is one of the few that does it with facts and understands my stance. He and I have gone back and forth....now he's trying to convince me to drink the Kool Aid instead of the other way around. Oddly enough, he's a 'cranky old guy too'. Just not as cranky. I've been asking that same question since I moved here 36 years ago. I've even tried a few times to leave (joined the Navy, started college) but for some reason keep coming back. Its a viscious cycle. The best opportunity to move is duing the summer but when the summer is here its the only time you don't want to leave. The summers are beyond comparison. Today is actually in the 40's but raining like cats and dogs. Monday we saw our first snowfall, although it didn't stick. But as I look out the window I see the "termination dust" working its way down the mounatins.
Right, but Anderson is playing in the spot that Roach used to occupy. And although you might counter with the stats are not the same due to the positions they play, an arguement could be made that Roach should be making more tackles in the MLB spot. But so did Webb....so.....
You know I can't pass on the opportunity to chime in on this subject. On the one hand you want to 'leave what is in the past, in the past' but make a dig (however slight) at Lovie in the openning paragraph (bolded above). And what brought the response from Cracker was the dig by Mongo. So if you guys want to 'leave what is in the past, in the past' quit making comparisons to the negative of the previous regime. Now that being said I realize that it is difficult, if not impossible, to do. Heck even me a Lovie sympathizer can realize that Trestman is better at things that Lovie was not. That most notably is offense....at least three games into the season it would appear he is. As Cracker said the picks/players that are not favorable somehow get linked to Lovie when the ones that do well, linked to Emery/Trestman. We've even had a discussion about Angelo (who I didn't like) did well in some regards in bringing in players like Peppers, Cutler, Hester, Forte etc. But Lovie needs equal credit for the positives that he brought to Chicago as much as he apparently brought the negative. And speculation is all you have at this point. The season is not quite a quarter over and although the team is currently undefeated there is a long road to go. Lovie's record is proven, Trestman's is still being minted.
I'd say mediocre at best. I feel the team swapped out Roach for Anderson...so far. I even picked Anderson early on to be the 'standout' on the team and so far hasn't done it. Just to give a comparsion so far this season: Anderson 19 tack 0 sacks, DJ Williams 10 tack 2 sacks, Briggs 24 tack 1 sack and Nick Roach 17 tack 0 sacks. So you see, it was a virtual swap out. And to put into perspective, Urlacher had 14 tackles after three games last year.
IF Wright were to go, why couldn't the team entertain the idea of putting Tillman in at Safety? Ala Charles Woodson? I know Tillman is probably seriously thinking retirement but maybe this would encouage him to stick around? And with the development of Frey maybe he could move into Tillman's vacated spot? Just a thought. And FWIW, Wright and Conte have been doing pretty well. Wright has been doing some effective tackling and had one pick six in the last game. And Conte had one INT and more near INT in the last game. I think a lot of the reason the teams the Bears have faced have been able to get sustained drives is due to the middle field coverage. That respoonsibility falls on the LB's not the Safeties. TIllman and Jennings so far have been sporadic and its no secret that the front four have been slow on their pressure.
Ok never mind. I thought it was Frey or Hardin. Tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. Heck I picked Anderson to be the one, so far....pfffft. Average at best.
I think we discussed the "dark horse" contenders earlier in the season and I don't want to necessarily tip my hat to *unnamed poster*, but I believe he picked Frey (at least I think it was him) to be that candidate. So far, Frey has been pretty impressive. I see a 'Corey Graham' type of player in the making and there almost is no doubt he (Frey) is the current starting Nickel back. IMHO, he is defintitely the better option over Hayden. From what I've seen when he's playing, he's been around the ball in almost each instance. So far, of the 13 total tackles that he's got for the season 6 were made during the game with Pitt. And to put things in perspective; Briggs, Tillman and Jennings each have 24, 14 and 14 tackles respectively.