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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. I was just about to say, if Cutler pulls a Joe Flacco the team will be in a bind with his money needed (along with a few others that need extensions) and those "rent a players" they intend to keep. Sounds like a job for .... Balta Man!
  2. I'm not sure about 4th quarter comeback per se but I could have sworn he's been one of the highest rated when performing in the third and fourth quarters. Better in pass completions and yards gained etc. But that is something I've heard "them" say for a couple years now.
  3. Thank you (and Mad) for your condolences. But its not really all that desolate, just cut off. Winters are looooonnnnnnnggggg and dark. Oddly enough a poll was done a few years ago of which team represented Alaska and it was decided that most folks chose the Packers. One would think the Seahawks (since we are geographically closer) but nope, its the Packers. The few Bears fans I meet though are pretty quiet about it. The Packer fans...not so much. As far as getting away from it all, that's why we look forward to our annual outings usually in Oct-Dec timeframe. Hawaii this year!!!!
  4. Funny thing. Back when I was single I used to host a lot of games at my house. I had one of them big screen rear projection TV's (before the days of HD). Anyhow, I found that not only was I one of only about 2-3 Bears fans in Alaska, everyone else I invited either was a Packers fan or just wanted to come drink my beer and mock me throughout the game. Took away from actually being able to watch it and pay attention to what was going on. Occasionally I'll check these game threads to see if anyone else is seeing the same things I am (perspective). Or if I've had a few, vent. Most of the games on Sundays start at 9 in the morning here so I'm usually not lit but a Tequila Sunrise is meant to go with breakfast right?
  5. Watching the highlight of Paea with the team had me believing that the rest of they guys were trying to do it but didn't know the routine or tradition. Briggs was right there like he was ready to pounce. Maybe they'll practice as the season progresses. I remember in the movie Invictus when the New Zealand team "The All Blacks" would do their pre-game tradition it was something I wished more teams would do here in the US. Maybe Paea is onto something.
  6. No what I think you enjoy is coming in upsetting the apple cart. I was the one that said McCown needed to come in. And at the time I was ready for it. It was somewhere during the time he (Cutler) had either thrown his second interception or lost a fumble which resulted to a TD. To be frank, I'm still not sold on Cutler. I thought for sure he was the answer but at this point all he is is a Grossman 2.0 (IMHO). Until he goes against a team of true 'playoff caliber' and shows the same resolve he has for the last two games, I won't be sold. In fact when either Ted or George give me a call to see what I think, I'll suggest they hold out a bit longer on the re-negotiation. (by the way that last part was called sarcasm - and yes, ridiculous). Do I think the team would do better in having McCown start, no. But I am relatively confident he can 'manage' the game should he need to.
  7. At the risk of being called a "troll" (you're welcome Mad), the relevancy is that people keep making the claim that the Bears played 'two playoff teams' from a year ago but forget to mention that neither won their respective playoff games. If they were teams like SF, Seattle, Denver or Baltimore then maybe it would be something worth comparing. My 'counter' came at the expense of Cracker's comment about all the giddyness of what has occured thus far. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to see our team do as well as they are (in fact I'm still hoarse from yelling so much on Sunday) I'm just guarded in my optimism.
  8. And the Bears haven't beaten anyone that actually WON a playoff game last year. Just keeping things in perspective. Like Stinger said the team has an upward trajectory but they did last year too. One game at a time.
  9. To help stifle the giddyness a little, something to put into perspective was the team went 7-1 last year before "flaming out" to 10-6 AND not make the playoffs. So, it's WAY too early to celebrate. "That's why they play the game." And one other thought; these "two playoff teams" everyone keeps talking about we're one and done in those playoffs. And the Vikings had the same record as the Bears (only made it because of a tiebreaker). And as it stands currently these two teams are currently 0-3. Although by the end of tonight will probabaly be 1-3. Which means the Bears will be squaring off with an 0-2 Steeler team next week. I'll pass on the kool aid, thanks.
  10. Yes indeed. Right now the Bears are lucky to be 2-0. But, they are 2-0.
  11. Now THAT was a SPECIAL play. Nice work Costanzo!
  13. I thought they got rid of J'Marcus...oh wait that was Bushrod.
  14. Uhmmmmm....3 turnovers (1 resulting directly in the other team scoring) certainly does have an affect on the overall game. Nice try.
  15. Now THATS funny . I don't care who you are.
  16. Look up the phrase 'cause and affect'. I believe that is what az is referring to. Don't be so minimal.
  17. Wow, how about that Offense?!?!?! Mad....the kool aid is spoilt.
  18. Yeah like at the rate they're going that's not a possibility. McCown is similar to Orton in that he would be a game manager, not a chance taker.
  19. So far the weak links appear to be Cutler and Bushrod...as Cutler is almost sacked again.
  20. Is anyone else having issues with the video feed? Feel 'old school' with only sound. .... And they cut to halftime. Weird
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