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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. I did see this somewhere as well and I believe right after making this statement that he added something to the effect that he would work with a team (if it were in the playoffs) and they had a person on their staff he wanted for the HC job. He also led the reader to believe that he was still keeping all options open if that 19 January date wasn't met. But while reading this I still can't help think that he already has someone in mind and is simply going through the motions. Obviously the drive for having a coach in place for the East/West shrine game is that Emery wanted to afford the candidate the opportunity to hit the ground running with assesing next year's talent pool. You'd think Emery was some sort of scout before or something.
  2. And considering Carimi was a virtual unknown after being out for the better part of the previous year, Emery did have little info to work with. I would think he would have to assume (based on his knowledge - from draft reports etc) that Carimi would work out. And Williams (also a previous #1 pick) was still with the team. One would think SOMEONE would have worked out. FWIW, I would defend the choice of Jeffery every day to Tuesday as there is no question he will be a big contributer to the team in years to come and will be a complimentary WR to Marshall. To have gotten him in the 2nd round was a virtual steal for the Bears.
  3. I have to agree here. Not sure that an early round draft pick is necessary. In fact, and as someone else pointed out, I have this sneaky suspicion that they have plans for Shea McClellin still.
  4. Maybe the question should be asked who was the coach at Purdue? Didn't both Orton and Brees come from there?
  5. Going with the thought of NOT having to totally rebuild, it makes more sense to try and stay with what the team knows best, its defense. Currently its defense is the Cover 2. There are three (??) Pro Bowlers on the team because of it, so it would be simply ludicrous to change out of it. Obviously one of the biggest reasons why Lovie was dismissed was due to his inability (or at least manage) the transition of the Offense to a higher level. If a new coach comes in, he will probably need to focus on the offense and should leave the Defense alone...for the most part.
  6. Completely agree with this. There is one name in the "big" names that I could see as a possibility, Gruden. Not sure why, just get that funny feeling. But other than that I have a sneaky suspicion that Emery already has a list of 2-3 people in his head and a lot of what he is doing are formalities.
  7. Wow, if Te'o were available? I would hope that Emery wouldn't even think twice about signing that guy. But yes, generally speaking I say get the best player for the value at the first round if you can. Again, and considering where the Bears will be picking, that player just might be the #1 rated Olman.
  8. Although I don't agree with everything you said (although you're onto something with the term "rebuilding") I love the delivery. Felt like I was reading an excerpt from Gen. Pattons diary.
  9. As you may have seen I'm of a similar opinion that Terra has. Think it more "gun shy" than "idiotic". And yes you're right, it would be unfair to compare Angelo's two failures to Emery's none (in the OL Dept). Jason and I have gone round and round about this and I'm just concerned with getting another dud. I'm more of the opinion that 1st rounds are more for the skill set players, unless you really find the blue chip deal at OL. Personally, I'd just as soon spend the money (I'm talking big bucks) on a proven 3-5 year veteran before drafting for that position. And in that position I'm referring to the blind-side Tackle, in this case LT.
  10. Actually I was going to mention that Tony Gonzalez is also being mentioned as a possibility as a UFA....never mind. The tie to Cutler does make some sense, but he still seems too inconsistent to me.
  11. Hm, whodda thunk? Seems like Scheffler has been around forever. But then Clark was in the same system forever. Ok, I'll go with Clark being the better player...regardless of age.
  12. What about Dallas Clark? Read that he might become a UFA at season's end?
  13. So, as much as I despise the guy, Ray Lewis announced he is going to retire after the playoffs. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/...,0,959581.story Oddly enough I used him as a prime example for my teenage kid on how players that are good at what they do build up and sustain intensity for a game. Of course I realize that most players have their own routines but Lewis without question is one of the most visible when it comes to his intensity. For that I thank him and for what appears to be a dedicated player to the sport I cherish. So, why post that here on a Bears board? I heard earlier this year that if the Bears were to have made the Super Bowl, Urlacher said he would have retired. I wonder if he still is considering that? Or will he wait until after the new coach is brought in and assess whether he thinks the team will contend next season? Or will he persue the FA market to see if other fans boo their teams?
  14. Really? How many times am I told (in so many words) to respect other opinions and you put this out? Think that was the whole point of this board; to be able to express personal opinions and thoughts about our "beloved". Now you're telling me (and anyone who reads what you wrote) that it's not ok?
  15. Although I keep promising to move on, I can't simply ignore this. On the contrary, it matters very much what a player thinks. He played for the guy AND made it to the Pro Bowl during his tenure. So I think very much his, and any other players opinion, matters. Probably more than yours when it comes to knowing the guy. Change is coming, you're right. Will Tillman "do his job and move on"? Probably. But in the meantime, I'll appreciate whatever accolades are coming to Lovie. Lord knows there are plenty of negative ones out there.
  16. I saw your this and that it was addressed to me, so I felt compelled to reply. Didn't want to come off as rude. But what you have put above is pretty much the consensus. In fact, I am seeing that as more the case. Although I would have preferred he stay his last year and just see what could have been done. But that is not what happened and I have accepted it and look forward to see what's next. I will probably follow Smith to whatever team he ends up coaching next and call it my "back up team" (Arizona has been in that role for years as they have old ties to Chicago and its an area I have interest in living in...someday). And since we obviously disagree in that regard, I won't begrudge you that. I think you know we differ on this or you wouldn't have bothered in posting this. Nothing wrong with it at this point. Thank you for the explanation and here's to 2013, and what it may hold.
  17. Of the TE position alone my thoughts on Scheffler and Bennett are "no". Bennett is too inconsistent (especially when he was with Dallas) and Scheffler is too old. Don't suppose Olsen could be brought back? He would be the perfect fit for what you describe.
  18. I thought about leaving this alone as apparently you don't know the meaning of "moving on". But I would like to insert a quote I saw from Charles Tillman: "Lovie Smith is a man of God, integrity and loyalty, and that's how he coached. I had the honor to work with him for nine years. Sad day!". My sentiments were similar. I took exception when I saw what other "fans" were saying in their hopes of the team losing just so they could see Lovie get fired. Whether or not Lovie were involved, when a "fan" hopes their team will lose to me is (the exact word I chose) pathetic. Since then a few here have said, with good reasoning, that they felt Lovie simply had not been able to get the team over the hump and really didnt have an issue with him outside of that. I can respect that. Maybe we'll see our team now reach that plateau, maybe not. Only time will tell.
  19. So you try and insult me because my opinion differs than you? As i pointed out to MadLith before I dont purposefully go out of my was to stir controversy. I just dont prescribe to the safety of an echo chamber like you choose to embolden yourself with. I don't have a "holier than thou" approach to this. I didn't like the firing of Lovie (yes unlike the "vast majority") but I'm moving on. Hopefully eventually you will too.
  20. Ok, way outside the box thinking here but what about a guy like Troy Aikman? Sure he doesn't have coaching experience but neither did Jason Garret (in all reality) before he was made the man in Dallas. (That and he was backup to Troy for heck dake). And if Emery is leaning towards keeping most of the current staff in place, why not? Would also alleviate the idea of Emery losing control to a coach like Holmgren or Cowher. With regards to QBs becoming coaches it's worked for Jim Harbaugh and Kubiak. And another thing to condsider is the unique chemistry Cutler and he could foster. Outside of that "irrationality" I'd be a fan of someone like Brian Billick.
  21. I think one thing that will make a difference is the "family's" hands off approach to letting Emery mold what he needs in the coaching staff. That appears evident in the statement that McCaskey made in 'money is no object'.
  22. Pix!!! My Talkbears sponsor and mentor. Good to hear from you again. And Bowling...welcome back! Happy New Years fellas.
  23. Jason, if all you're doing is trying to get me riled up...forget it. I'm over it. I'm not happy about it but not much I can do other than look forward to see how things go next year. Apparently you have missed every iota of posts I have put out about my disssatisfaction. If you need someone to coax your ego, seek elsewhere. Happy New Year
  24. Read my reply to Mongo. It's fact and no way to slice it otherwise.
  25. Alas Dungy DID win a Super Bowl and was a perennial contender to the AFC championship in Indy (not to mention irritant to NE). And more than likely would have won a SB if he'd have stayed in TB. His " body of work" is much more proven than Grudens was or will be. And I do like Kiffen, had some time in Nebraska, but he didn't invent the Cover 2. It actually found its roots more from the Steelers in the '70s. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampa_2
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