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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Totally understand. Many folks thought that now Cutler has what he needs in WR, this would be an overly exciting year. But I'm one who doesn't like all the hoopla associated with predictions of bliss. Hence why I'm not a fan of power rankings. Ask Atlanta what it's like to "rule the roost" in the regular season, only to stink it up in the playoffs. Or even SF for last year for that matter. If the Bears make the playoffs, I wouldn't necessarily write them off. They have a good number of players that have been there before. Trouble is, will who the team needs be there? Like you said, injuries are indeed beginning to mount. And Cutler is one scramble away from being out again. (anyone else cringe on the slider and forward dive he took on a couple plays?).
  2. Of course, since I'm still a member of the Lovie bandwagon I'll add this... Bears vs Colts: 41-21; Bears vs Rams (who beat SF by the way - think someone figured out Kaepernick): 23-6; Bears vs Cowboys: 34-18 (in Dallas I might add); Bears vs Jags: 41-3; The aforementioned Bears vs Titans: 51-20; and just last week 28-10 over Minnesota. I don't think these scores indicate letting anyone "stay around". That being said, my optimism is waning. Just a little. My thought is simply, (and referring to the footnote of my posts) the team will produce what it is capable of doing. Will Lovie take the "blame" he professed yesterday to heart? Will the team react in kind? These remaining games will be telling. If they win more than lose it will be interesting. If not....
  3. I think "TD"s comment above may have struck accord with me. That being with the team not being able to score, especially as of late, taking them when you can is much more prudent. Next 4th and inches, go for the FG. But to address one part of your above reply. In regards to Fortes inability to run between the tackles: it looks as though Bush does it allright. He isn't a finesse runner and seems to be able to go "North/South" more so than does Forte. Although in yesterday's game, Forte was able to do better late in the game.
  4. I just have to say, the 4th and short...that end of the field. You almost always have to try. The fans wanted it, heck most of us did I would bet. 9 times out of ten Bush converts those. Had he converted, would we be praising the coaches? Had the team instead kicked the FG, how many here would have asked "what if" and perhaps been upset that they hadn't? "Hindsight is always 20/20". Things that killed the team today (just to name a few); no Jeffery, injuries are mounting, Fortes inability to run between the Tackles, Bennets drop (I swear at least one receiver has done that the last few weeks), and the Defense really showed its age. Like the announcer (Tim Ryan) said, that last drive (of Seattle) before the end of regulation, really sapped their strength. They have been playing at a high level all season it was only a matter of time.
  5. So in this article they point out how Carimi could be masked by playing in the interior. However he could be exploited by his size by the likes of Raji and Wilfork. My question, how does that translate if he is used in pulling situations? What about the thougt of an RB running behind a guard who is 6'7" and shields his view from defenders? Or how does it matter if he has a center on one side and a tackle on the other where he can try to deflect his opponent? I realize he might have more issues with this as that was some of the problems he exhibited while at tackle. Bottom line, I agree that he needs to be given more time. He's recovering from a pretty good injury and doesn't appear to have completely recovered just yet.
  6. Dont get me wrong, I too think that neither is doing all that particularly well...as initially hoped. But of the two I would be interested in seeing eacho backs YPC as it just looks like Bush gets more when he runs. And I would expect Forte's overall yardage to be higher given he is the "feature back". What I think is hurting him, besides the slow reaction to North/South running (and what you mentioned) is they aren't running pass plays to him as much. That is one of his stronger (sorry for the pun) fortes.
  7. "One man's garbage is another man's treasure" . I'm thinking (hoping) Gurode is one of those players for the Bears. Not the Orlando Pace version that didn't work out. And, as I said before I feel that Scott will pan out better than expected. He has had time as a starter with the Steelers, so there is that. Now the other side of the discussion is about drafting. You're aware of my stance and going with my original remark of "garbage" vs "treasure" I'm just leery when you see players like Colombo (in this case our garbage, someone else's treasure) and Williams - and maybe Carimi (who were high draft picks) not work out, then I tend to look towards the FA avenue. But like I said, hoping that the draft will work out.
  8. Looks like 2005 (according to Wikipedia - below). Bill Parcells thougth he (Gurode) would be better at Guard...then realized the errors of his ways. Hmmmm...this could prove to be an issue. Perhaps Garza could go back to Guard? The one memory that sticks out about Gurode was when Albert Haynesworth stomped his head. Hopefully it won't recur with a meeting of Suh. He likes to do crap like that. I'm a fan of this type of move (signing proven veteran OLmen). But unfortunately at the expense of Okoye. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_Gurode
  9. If I may, I don't see Matty's loss being all that influentianal. He really hasn't done much. With the line work and his slow attacking the holes, he has just appeared avearge so far. We were just discussing how the loss of Clutts makes a world of difference for Forte. At least it appears that way. Beyond that, Matt might benefit from having more short passes thrown his way. ??? But currently, of the two, Bush looks to be having a better season....overall.
  10. I venture into this with some trepidation...but here goes. I think what GrizzlyBear was saying, all things considered, its not a bad line. It could be worse...Orlando Pace (the retreaded version), Levi Horn (?), John St Clair (not even good in the original form, let alone re-treaded) and Omiyale to name a few "experiments" that didn't work out. And for the record, I looked at the lineup for the 2006 season (when the Bears last went to the Super Bowl) three of the 5 linemen then were FA acquisitions; Ruben Brown, Tait and Fred Miller. (Yes I know two of them were former 1st rounders, but picked by someone else). Anyhow, getting back to what Grizz was addressing. Given where the Bears find themselves currently (and after losing two linemen in last weeks game, and another for his "own reasons") they are making do with what they have. Who knows, with Carimi at Guard maybe he will do better there? He certainly doesn't appear to be a Tackle right now...not with his technique and physique. Garza is getting long in tooth, but still a veteran. Webb...well there are too many issues to address but until he matures we may never see his full potential. And for what its worth he was paired up with Jared Allen last week...and held his own. To be fair, Scott isn't really a "nobody". He did start several games for the Steelers and aside from a few glitches in last weeks game, didn't look all that bad. And Louis could prove worth keeping, despite his bad injury. Does the team sign him to a multi-year contract? Probably not. But given all this (and the ongoing issues the last few years) it is pretty evident the team needs to address the OLine. If for nothing else the reasons of what has transpired the last week and a half. How do they do it? Well that is where you and I differ. But I have conceded before that if the right OLman was available at #1 (weighted with everything else) then do it. I just don't want to be having another Carimi / Williams discussion this time next year.
  11. Cool article. That was by far one of the more amazing plays I've seen in awhile. I couldnt believe Spaeth caught it. On the actual running of the play, I couldn't even see him then *bam* ( John Maddenism) he's in the endzone. What was funny after the play, I think, commentator "Moose" Johnston said something to the effect of Spaeth amazingly caught that when he can barely catch the easier ones thrown his way. No doubt! Good solid game yesterday. Too bad about all the injuries though. We'll see how the team adapts.
  12. Indeed. Welcome back to first place Chicago. Was watching the game while at the gym and the wife couldn't understand why I was cheering...until she saw who the Giants were playing. Then she understood. She caught a glimpse of Matthews on the sideline and asked "what's wrong with that long haired a-hole"? "I dont like that guy.". My wife's a good woman.
  13. Think I heard about another player having the same problem. That being hurt last year enough to where that player couldn't really work out in the offseason enough to be where they should be for game shape. This I think is what is going on with Carimi. He seems smaller and weaker than the beginning of last year before he was injured. With his current size he looks more suited to being a Guard. I think all he needs is some more time to get some meat back on his bones and he'll look and play more like we are expecting. We may not see it this year but should by the beginning of next year. That being said maybe getting some time as a guard will be good for his development.
  14. Maybe Carolina would be willing to give him back? Agreed that I am glad it worked out the way it did. But still wish he (Olsen) was on the team.
  15. Considering he had Jared Allen over him for most of the game, not shabby. Even if he can't keep his shoe on. Maybe velcro closures.
  16. Couple things: The Bears need Greg Olsen back. Now!!! And for Kellen Davis to be sent packing, also now. Sorry to say but Forte out isnt all that much of a loss... Lance Louis is. Speaking of the line, not bad. All things considered. I like the look of Carimi at OG. Still a little weak looking but maybe he could practice there and see what happens. Webb is a juvenile in a mans body. Twice in the season now his shoe has been an issue (a friggin shoe of all things!) and cost a timeout both times. Ugh!!'
  17. Another player the team misses??? Greg Olsen. Thanks Martz!
  18. Or Julio Jones. But you're right, for WRs the true measure isnt until their 2nd or even 3rd year. I am a little concerned with his (Jeffery's) two seperate injuries in the same year. That will really be a good test of his resolve.
  19. Yes there is something to be said for the loss of Clutts. I too was trying to figure it out and you're right, Clutts gone has been a big loss.
  20. I have your name down for the PR gig, Mr MadLithuanian. Interested to see what you'll come up with. And "TD" can't say as I ever had seal. But have had Muk-tuk (whale blubber). Wouldn't consider it an enjoyable experience. Happy Holidays to you too.
  21. Couldn't agree more on many points. I think given the team is 7-3, will be playing at home and oddly enough that McCown is the third string QB I have faith in the "team" being able to improve on their showing from last week. And whats further, if the team wins they should continue to let Cutler rest through the Seattle game too. In all fairness, the Defense has pretty much gotten the team to where it is. I'm fairly confident they won't want to look like they did last week. And if the team has any hopes of making the playoffs not only are they going to need the D to get them there, the team needs to know what they CAN do on Offense going in. Especially if Jay is lost again or continues to not be able to play.
  22. Chris Williams (played Guard but drafted as Tackle) left for the Rams a few weeks ago. Is Edwin Eilliams still with the team?
  23. To the "TalkBears" family, all my best during this Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Holidays. Hopefully this finds you all where you want to be in life and spending it with those who mean the most to you. Like in real families there are squabbles and disagreements. So is true here at the Talk Bears forum. I find myself, as I age, that my patience grows thin and I tend to spout off as if suddenly striken by Tourettes. Whatever the case may be it is clear we all love (that too strong a word?) our team. I am thankful that they are currently 7-3. I am hopeful they continue to win more than lose. After this year will my, Jason's or Brian's opinions matter? Probably not. All we can do is move forward and hope the team will make the right choices, whether it be offensive linemen or Colin whatever his name is. And Jason, if Phil Emery calls me tomorrow to offer me the job as Head Coach I'll hire you as the Offensive Line coach. And Brian I'll hire you as the water boy. And for the record, I do have "Sunday Ticket", had it for several years. It gets great reception in my igloo. Happy Holidays!!!!
  24. Well he could be Joe Thomas the English Actor. Or Joe Lewis the R&B singer. But I assume you mean Joe Thomas the tackle for the Cleveland Browns. Point? *I found these by a source known as Google. Is it "credible"?
  25. In response to a post by Brian: "Well, to begin with, he was repeatedly forced out of the pocket vs Houston. You say "out of the pocket passer" like he's RG3." - who, by the way, has his own concussion to deal with this year. But yes, Cutler normally is an "out of the pocket" passer. And he likes to scramble, so yes..they are similar. "He likes to throw on boot legs and roll outs, yes, but he'd prefer to throw in the pocket. Do you think those 3 runs he had were the play call? He ran because the pocket was collapsing. Did the OL force him to triple clutch and then throw and get concussed? No, but had they blocked better, he could've stayed in the pocket." - How many times have you heard, I know I have, the announcers say that he was known to do it (scramble) in Vanderbilt and Denver? Hell, Shanahan built part of his offense on the predication that Cutler was a scrambler. So, we went from talking about the Bears' horrific pass blocking OL to talking about the fact that the Green Bay Packers took an OT in the first round in 2010 and now their running game sucks. I don't think I catch your drift, but I assume it might be that taking an OT in round 1 won't solve all the issues. I will say that the RB's Green Bay has had since 2010 have been nothing but crap. Again, the point being "Jason wanted me to learn about LT". Because I had no knowledge of it. So I turned to a source to check where the "Top 20 tackles" played and used that as the basis. What does Branden Albert have to do with the fact that Matt Cassell is horrible? Matt Cassell is the worst QB in football. He'd be this bad on just about any other team. And in any other case, I'd just skip your next point about their "HOF runner" because I already said we were talking about pass blocking OL's, not run blocking OL's, but you made this WAY too easy on me...while he might not be in the Hall of Fame, you might want to look up Jamaal Charles' stats, because he might be some day. First off, the difference between 'might' and 'actual' are like comparing Peyton Manning to Ryan Leaf. It was done before and you're doing it now. And as far as diffentiating between an OL who is better at pass blocking than at run blocking is ludicrous because you can't change out the line for the type of scheme you need. You would hope they do both well. Roethlisberger is out with "multiple injuries?" He has broken ribs. That's ONE injury. And yeah, that's an interesting link. "Steelers OL slowly improving." I wish the Bears OL was "slowly improving." - Reports say Roethlisberger has a significant rib injury and a sprained shoulder (hence the sling). So MORE THAN one injury doens not equal "ONE" injury. And his rib is dislocated, not broken. The Bears had 1 sack all game, and Kaepernick had 5-7 seconds every dropback to throw. I know this might be hard for you to process, but 3 of the 5 starting linemen for SF were picked in round 1. Moving on, The 49ers rushed 3 and 4 guys all game long and had a lot of sacks. What exactly is your point? - The point in this is that their "starting" QB is out with a concussion. Why? Because he was scrambling. Why was he scrambling? Oh, a Bleacher Report article. Credibility to the highest extent here. - You remind me of folks I discuss politics with. Especially those in disagreement to me. Doesn't matter how much fact I can show them, if it isn't what they want to hear they will denounce it. A source is a source. So, 50% of the best offensive linemen in the NFL were taken in round 1, and your argument is that taking one in round 1 is a bad idea? - yes. And I have said more than a few times why I think this way.
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