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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. I thought Bush was the one with the shoulder injury? Holy cow! Sounds like an injury bug of epic proportions. I don't like this trend for sure.
  2. Or as many have said, Green Bay could have played better (like everyone assumes they will) and put the game away in the 2nd or 3rd quarter. "If you wanna crown their a**, then go ahead!" I'll say it again... The Pack is NOT what we thought they were.
  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/...on-flight-home/ Really, you're going to protest until the regular refs are back? Please do.
  4. So I have to ask, in the below photo does Webb get partial credit for the Sack? Or was Cutler not completely in "his grasp" before the GB defenders? Is there replay on this? I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. *edit* I couldn't help but notice that Cutler is already displaying his dissatisfaction with his right hand in this pic.
  5. http://www.windycitygridiron.com/2012/9/25...n-for-a-workout eom
  6. So, after this weekend I got to thinking about what might be ailing J'Marcus Webb. Why this sudden epiphany? Well during the game I noticed a play of particular interest and a curious series of events. Somewhere during the 2nd quarter I believe is when it took place. As the Bears offense is lining up I notice Marshall point at something on the ground, near Webb, and draws Cutler's attention to it. Cutler looks down at it and subsequently calls a timeout. Keep that fact in mind as I continue on. So the game goes to commerical break and once the game resumes things continue on as if nothing happened, other than the Bears calling the timeout. The analysts thought it was because Cutler didn't like the lineup he saw from the Rams and that was that. My first thought was there was something sticking out of the ground. We're all aware that the turf at Soldier Field is questionable at best. So I figured after the break the analysts would explain what I thought to be technical error thus the team would get back it's timeout. Nope. Nothing. Fast forward to last night during halftime. They do that "mic'd up" piece with Brandon Marshall. One of the snippets is Marshall telling J'Marcus Webb to get his shoe on, while the game is progressing. The camera pans down and Webb barely has his foot in his shoe and I hear him say something to the effect of "I can't get it....(unintelligible)" And I belive right after that is when Cutler calls the timeout....HE FREAKING HAD TO CALL A TIMEOUT SO THAT A PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYER (PAID MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) COULD PROPERLY DRESS HIMSELF!!! Are you FREAKING kidding me?!?!?!?!? Pieceing together my frustration I recall the analysts saying that Tice knows Webb has gobs of talent but can't get him to put it all together. My answer is dump him and move on. When I was in boot camp one of the first things the Company Commanders said to us was they were going to fix what our parents couldn't in 18 years. This is ludicrous and absurd. I was willing to give Webb the benefit of the doubt, but no longer. Thank you. I'm Alaskan Grizzly and I endorse this message. *end scene*
  7. I can understand and appreciate the frustration many have shown about how this call should or should not have gone. But in my opinion this is turinng into, what I used to hear in the Navy, as a "nuking it situation". That means its getting WAY too overnalyzed. I further understand the advancement of technology and how things are not what they once were. I honestly miss the days of leather helmets (not that I was alive in those days) and the basics of football. This call last night on any other day would have been determined a TD or INT LAST NIGHT and that would have been the end of it. Packers or Seahawks fans would have hurt feelings but oh well. With the analysis of a call like this what ends up happening is we find ourselves looking for miniscule details that are impossible to determine at game speed and with the naked eye. Before you know it we (as fans) will be watching games for 5-6 hours because the ref has to look at replay film of 30 different angles to determine if the receiver's toe touched green grass or white grass, when catching a ball out of bounds, while first his one hand touched the ball then the second and his shirt was tucked in.
  8. Acutally you complicated it, Seahawks won. Bad call or not.
  9. No, the point is he's not doing the pre snap read. In fact he's not even trying to make the check down reads. He's basically telegraphing to the D that he is going to go for the big play and it will more than likely involve Marshall. Remember this is the same guy that said his arm is stronger than Elway's. So he has something to prove.
  10. Not really that obvious at all. The receiver actually had his left arm inside where the ball was and was grasping with his right. And despite that there were two refs RIGHT there with one calling for a TD. And as far as making every call, it's impossible. What you saw at the end of the game and with what you claim is an "obvious" Off pass interference call equates to the inevitable hold that happens along the line in every play. With a group of guys bunched up like that it would be impossible to clearly make that call.
  11. Have to say that I agree with you Jason on this one. But Austin was right too. He said that if the Ref (white hat) had done his job he would have made the tiebreaker. But I don't think he would have overruled the TD call. Like you said, the "tie goes to the WR". Replay cannot determine who had possession, just confirming the TD... Which it was.
  12. Make it 8!!!! How glorious!! Now how good was GB again?!?!? F*#k Green Bay!!! They are NOT what some here thought they were!!!
  13. Simply put, since I'm rudimentary in nature, it has to do with pre snap reads etc. He can't keep convincing the opposition that he's going to throw to anybody but Marshall each and every time, it's not a secret. I think he sometimes wants to go too much for the big gain instead of the more conservative dink and dunk, hence holding the ball. By pre-scanning the D he could determine what formation theyre in and find the soft spots. However many times I think he simply wants to do the big gain. And that, at least in his mind, involves Marshall.
  14. Well Jason it's not Astrophysics, it's football.
  15. I'm going to go with a large part on Cutler's shoulders. With the addition of Marshall, Jeffery and Bates he's been given players (and staff) he needed. With Tice he's (Cutler) been given more freedom in what he wants to do. With that he's simply overlooked some of the other receivers and tried too many times to get it to Marshall. Just today in the second half he appeared to be getting it as he threw more to Jeffery with favorable results. And despite what many will say, aside from Webb the oline played pretty well today. What was it one sack or two? I'm pretty sure one was due to Cutlers holding the ball too long. And Bush was on his way to a 100 yard game before the half. Not sure what happened to him.
  16. I know this will not be well received but whatever. Before I say my piece, understand that I want more than anything for Jay to succeed. That being said, he continues to look like crap. Has Webb helped? No. Should Tice maybe call for more receivers than just Marshall to get the ball? Probably. With Jay allegedly being able to call more audibles and have more say in the offense, this is not what I was hoping to see. Jay has been mediocre at best. He's forcing it to Marshall way too much. In fact the Int was a result of him doing just that. The article that I saw earlier about Jay holding the ball too long may have something to it. Perhaps that is partially to blame for the sacks we have seen, not just the oline play... Or lack thereof. Although today's was a satisfying win, it was against a mediocre team. The next couple will be true tests. If they can at least split the difference (1-1) with those games, some hope will be restored. For the time being I'm going to be fan for Seattle tomorrow night and have to say thanks to the Vikings.
  17. Well as I said before, we'll have to see how the year pans out. I hope to be proven wrong but so far I have not been impressed. Like I have been telling my wife the last few years: Jay Cutler is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. One day great, the next not so. I expect he will be Dr Jekyll this week not soon long followed by another appearance of Mr Hyde.
  18. I could go "back over the years" and look at the discussion on this topic. In fact, I believe you and I have many times discussed the value (or not) in picking an OLman in the 1st round and whether it makes any difference. To me, it doesn't...every time. But that aside, I think sacks are a fair measure and yes they could be paired with a "collection". However I could also say the line has very little to do with it because allegedly the team has had an "elite" running back in Matt Forte who somehow manages to get to close to 1,000 yards each year. Or I could say that the recievers were too small (because that's what Martz liked) or another myriad of things. The one consistent though is that is Cutler, through his time in Chicago and Denver. Just like Roethlisberger in Pittsburgh and Rodgers in Green Bay. In fact I've heard comparisions made to Green Bay and Chicagos oline abilities as similar in (dis) ability. Yet they (Roethlisberger and Rodgers) both can produce despite their olines. As someone mentioned before (think it was Mad) that "there are stats and there lies" so it would depend on which angle you were looking at it to determine how to read them.
  19. This I would agree with. However, there are those that believe 1st round (or 2nd) is where the team needs to address the OL line. I caution as the team has done that and so far....as of today....only one of the last two (Williams and Carimi) that the team chose are panning out. And for the record, Rachal is a former 2nd rounder, who just this week will be getting his first start with the team.
  20. I hate to admit yes I do have a PS3 and like BF2 and 3. That's pretty much it. Occasionally I'll do some Madden (insert year) but rarely.
  21. Well of course you don't like it. Anyone who uses the word "meme" on a football site wouldn't appreciate TRUE slapstick humor. (Although I am concerned that you and TerraTor agree on something like this). This is Three Stooges and Chris Farley funny. Not Dennis Miller funny. That right there, is funny, I don't care who you are.
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