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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Was just reading the below referenced link about the top 32 LTs currently. And oddl enough Webb isn't #32. (Actually 28th). The interesting comment they make about him is first they say he has "great lateral agility" but in a few other places note he has no or little lateral mobility...confusing. But to me he reflects almost what youd expect from a second year player in his position. And "they" suggest he would be better at RT. Sounds reasonable to me. Especially since I'm still convinced Williams needs to prove himself at LT now. http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/10618...-tackles/page/6
  2. Larry Fitzgerald. But in reality, V. Jackson or Marshall then a high draft pick. In that order.
  3. Ah what else we gonna talk about? Another mock draft?
  4. http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/10507...n=chicago-bears Intriguing. From what I've been reading, Emery doesn't strike me as high profile big spender. I suspect they are going to try and get a deal done for Forte. This would make some sense, and I think he might be past his silly stage... Or would that matter? I still like Burress (as he could be available) or even better Marshall. But hey..what do I know?
  5. Well you can feel remorse in our team losing but that will in no way shape or form make me less happy to see the Packers lose. The fact that they were able to go 15-1 and EVERYONE thought they were unstoppable (except NY who didn't get the memo) makes it that much more enjoyable. Is our teal that much worse? Dont think so. Most will agree here that the team helped itself immensely with Angelo and Martz leaving. I've said it before and will again. The Bears are not this years Colts. Nor are they the Bengals or Lions or Saints of old. Theyre better than that.
  6. Alaskan Grizzly


    Forget McNabb. I used to like the guy but ever since he left Wa I've thought hea become a douche. It seems every time he speaks he says something else that's newly dumb. The guy couldn't hold a job against a rookie in Minnesota and still thought he was all that. And he was usurped by Rex Grossman. I mean really, what kind of real value did he have?
  7. Not to malinger on the subject too long but saw a funny post today: Despite a 15-1 record "the Packers won as many playoff games this year as the Bears did.". Goood stuff.
  8. So, I was wondering. You think GB lost so they could get a better position in the draft? Sorry...feeling giddy.
  9. I think the priority should be on WR, whether through draft or FA. Then CB. I still like the idea of moving Peanut to FS and putting either Graham or Moore starting at CB. As far as T goes , I think the Bears have proven you may not always find a starter in the first round (Williams) or one that will stay healthy (Williams or Carimi). So to me, it doesn't really matter where they find a good OLman. In that, I have to agree somewhat with DTG that now that Tice is the full fledged OC then the blocking schemes will become more potent. And most of the current OL on staff (save Omiyale) will suffice.
  10. I like what I see in Davis, primarily size. I also like Spaeth, mostly due to his experience. Think he's a great fit for the NFC North.
  11. Intriguing... One of the reasons being of the connection to Cutler. One plus to Bates being considered as OC. How about someone like Tony Dungy as GM? I had a long drawn out post started but it got lost somewhere. Anyhow, plenty of common sense to the idea and it cuts down (IMHO) on the idea of the new GM playing second fiddle to Lovie. I think Dungy has the football acumen to be a GM and there is no doubt he can evaluate talent. So why not consider it?
  12. I know you and I are about to beat the poor horse but I would be willing to make a gentlemanly wager that the 1-5 WR's right now will move up or down several times before the draft. And just because they're "projected" at that number doesn't mean each team rates them that way. Anyhow, as usual I'm trying to put a positive spin on the whole scene because it stinks having to wait until next August before the team takes the field again.
  13. Amen. And, no offense to your "field", but they (players and coaches) shouldn't have to talk to the media if they choose not to. What matters, as you said, is what the end product is during and after the game. Lovie would be better served to not have to talk. Not because he doesn't know or have anything to say, but because he owes us (the fans) no explanation.
  14. Well based upon what I have heard recently, Urlacher has a sprained MCL. Similar injuries, I believe, as Cutler and Peppers. So as far the hypothetical of him "being lost last year"...unlikely. So what if one of the top three WR's are "sitting at 16 and not 20"? What if the 4th best is, or even the 5th? We're still talking top 5 WR prospects. What if all three top WRs go to their teams and get injured on day one and don't play for the first half of the season or the rest of the year? What if the moon WAS made of cheese? The beauty of watching and playing football is the uncertainty and spontaneity of it all. As Herm Edwards would say, "thats why we play the game". And as far as the year "not starting out happy" I beg to differ. Starting out 2012 at 1-0 is not bad.
  15. I think it easy to wax hypothetical and take it either positive or negative with what "could have been" had Cutler not gotten hurt. But with the way things were trending, I think it safe to assume the Bears would've won most (maybe not all) of their remaining games. They were on a five game winning streak with signs of improvement each week. The line was blocking, most of the receivers were catching (even Williams) and the team was looking at playing a host of teams that did not match up in the AFC West. Unfortunately, and hindsight being 20/20, the team didn't adjust away from Hanie fast enough. What wouldve happened had McCown started a few weeks earlier? What if Orton signed? What if Cutler didn't get hurt? A lot of "what ifs". As expected a few would rather see the team dismantle and re-build entirely. I haven't seen that and still don't. Just a few tweaks here and there. Goodbye Angelo and Martz(?).
  16. This talk of "draft position" before victory is ludicrous. The players want to play and win. They could care less about who's at the 16th or 20th position of the draft next year. Besides most of you are convinced (myself included) that Angelo would piss it away anyhow so how does it matter if it's #1 or #32? Gimme a friggin break! And Happy New Year.
  17. My point exactly. So what if he wants to go back to coaching? Good luck Chuckie...wherever he may land.
  18. 2. I'd have to side with those that say he has been able to adjust. He was able to get the offense to focus more on the strengths (run) and short passes, rather than the long ball. However, he needs to be open minded to any and all ideas especially from Cutler and the actual players. if they are seeing something not work on the field, make IN GAME adjustments, not notes for trying to implement at a later time. And he needs to get back on the sideline, no more of this box observing. The team lost too many timeouts and had too many "delay of games" for him to be sitting on his duff with no direct conversation to Cutler and the O. 3. This is probably the single most important thing for the team to address, besides the OL. The defense is getting old but I feel the front seven is still very capable...and maybe so for another few years. The D needs capable man cover CB's (maybe Peanut can do it for another year or so or, like others have suggested, rotate to Safety). The secondary is getting exposed especially in the second level. One simple adjustment might be to go Nickel coverage dominant. I saw a lot of nice things from DJ Moore and Corey Graham when they were in. Pretty sure that Roach may not be able to cover the likes of Shiancoe, Pettigrew or Finley. Need speed, which both Moore and Graham have. Besides, Roach may have to move to Briggs' spot if he ends up going away....
  19. I could be mistaken but I believe Bennett just re-upped recently for four years. And I think Williams is on a two-year deal...could be wrong.
  20. I still like Barber. He is the true definition of Bears football (bruiser style). Although he did mess up in Denver, not sure that its enough for him to be cut. Conversely, neither is it reason to renew his contract just yet. (He is on a two year deal right?) I still think Bell is very similar to Forte in many aspects. They have similar builds and running styles (upright). Bell has the edge to quickness in the holes and more drive upon initial contact. Forte is more elusive with quick cuts and the ability to catch out of the backfield...of course he is a #1 RB too right? FWIW, I think the current depth is adequate. I wouldn't think the team should necessarily go out of its way to address it through the draft. If someone comes available via FA...maybe. If anything in the RB world needs addressing its Forte's contract. And with the production, where he is at in life, and his necessity to the team...I say long term.
  21. Gotta agree. The team missed an opportunity in Plaxico for not considering him probably because of his "past". And, as was seen, he turned things around pretty well in New Jersey. Of course, as Chitown pointed out, if someone else were to come along of a higher caliber then forget it. But if Edwards were given A LOT of incentives to meet and looked as though he were heading in the right direction, why not? And to Williams' benefit, he showed some pretty good promise with McNown throwing to him. Granted he had quite a bit of short term negative history to overcome.
  22. Sorry but they would be best "served" if they were to win and play like they deserve to and prepare to play Minnesota. To give up now is the losers way out. Never give up, never surrender. Merry Christmas.
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