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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. Wasn't really telling them to choose another team, just that it could be worse and to have a little respect. For every Kraft, Blank or Rooney there are Davis, Jones and Snyder.
  2. Sorry. It was called comparitive reasoning. You don't have to like it but that is how i was rationalizing my disdain for showing disrespect. If I offended you in doing so, then my apologies. But as you said yourself we are all here to express our frustration or jubilation. I'm Alaskan Grizzly and I support this message.
  3. Since you guys are convinced he WANTS to call audibles, where has he done it before? Successfully.... I can't find anything where it says whether he did or didn't at Vandy or Denver. I'm not going to insist he doesnt WANT to call audibles but I can translate his words as they are unless I have reason to believe otherwise. Is he frustrated? I would bet he is. Is part of that because he can't call audibles? Who knows?
  4. And here's an article about that. To include some insight by Troy Aikman. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...0,3501800.story
  5. Actually I just read today that Cutler, during a Q&aA, says he "doesn't do audibles". Not sure if he means he doesn't like to or just never thought he had to. Either way it might not be a bad idea to consider.
  6. I'm sorry but I'm a traditionalist and this saying the team is a joke because of the ownership doesn't set well with me. The team was built by Papa Bear Halas. The team colors and history chosen by Halas. The players wear his initials on their jerseys as a symbol of respect. George chose a few things before his passing, Mike Ditka as Head Coach and his daughter Virginia to succeed him as owner. There have been good and bad times with the Bears throughout their history but one thing is constant, that there always has been a Halas somehow involved. That to me is cool, not a joke. What might be cool to others is unfortunate and if that be the case then maybe the Dolphins are more to your liking where JLo is part owner.
  7. And there is the problem with the D that I was concerned with. Safety coverage, or lack thereof. Ouch....
  8. I will say it and agree with more of what I am reading. The personnel appear to be a lot of the reason for the ineptitude on the Offense. I mean really, Knox over the middle...nothing but green and a defender about 5-7 yards away and........a miss. Martz is not to blame for what is going on with the Offense. Not completely. Although the Wildcat was a head scratcher.
  9. Great to see Meriweather play well and help in that last stop. That is definitely encouraging.
  10. Heck a sack will do. Way to end the half. Nice work Melton
  11. Well it was anti-climactic but the Bears are still only down by 7. Nevertheless, they set a tone and put the Pack on their heels a little bit.
  12. HURRY UP!!!! I LOVE IT!! Way to take advantage of those turds!!! BEOOOOTIFUL!!!
  13. Cutler to Knox for 40 yards....now THAT is the way you do it.
  14. Man I thought Terra held the "Negative Nelly" award. Last I checked the score was 7-0 early on....
  15. This is one of the best explanations I have seen. This echos a lot of what the so-called "experts" are saying in bits and pieces. Jay has been known to be a gunslinger and "yes" do what you say and try "to get it all back" in one play. The Bears are more along the lines of West Coast built offense but working against itself with Martz' style (or desire) for the big play offense and to some degree Jay's.
  16. 38-17?!?! I mean really. Im hoping you're using some sort of reverse psychology thing here. I believe you are 0-2 in your score prediction, and the last "blowout" you predicted ended up working in the Bears favor. So here's to you being wrong again. Looking at your notes and recalling last weeks player status'. Im still concerned with the Bears safety situation. The game last week began it's downhill trend with that long pass over the middle that split the safeties and eventually a score. I think things could work in the Bears favor IF Jay can get decent protection. That will be the single most important key for the Bears to win. And a little running from Forte....
  17. Saw this photo recently with the subheading: "This is what my town has to offer, whats your's got?" This may not have just the Bears trophy but does include some of the other teams of Chicago and makes me feel warm and fuzzy Although, I would say that Green Bay hasn't played all that wonderfully, just managed to stay ahead of the two teams they played. NO who doesn't have that great a D and against Carolina with a Rookie QB...and not much else. They (GB) had difficulty in stopping the opposition to any great measure. And yes I did notice you have laid off of Lovie. I think as we are starting to learn, not only is he appreciated by the players who play for him but he also seems to have some control over what some of the other coaches are doing, despite our assumptions. One of which includes Martz. Of who I am starting to have my doubts. And as far as JA goes, he does seem to stumble at times but I'm not totally done with him yet. He was, after all, the one in place when the Bears managed to get both Culter and Peppers in the last couple of years. And this year tried, unsuccessfully, in getting a player like Colon. So he has done SOME good. Or at least had good intentions. Anything is probable. Heck, just last year the Bears won the NFC North and whodda thought that if they had disposed of GB in their second meeting...where the Bears would have ended up? Supposedly the first three games of the Bears schedule this year was supposed to be the most difficult, but as is usually the case we are learning that sometimes other teams get better without our realizing it. (Detroit and Buffalo that come to mind). Each game has to be dealt with individually and planned for accordingly. I think it safe to say that the TEAM didn't do that well last week. Martz was definitely to blame in a lot of it. In that, I feel as though the team will endure and come through in the end.
  18. Oh yeah!!! Who could forget that???? I'm pretty sure that Dennis hasn't.
  19. Well as memory would serve me, thinking in the "glass half full" way (which I know drives you crazy). I would recall that there were a few games last year that were "prime time" that didn't really go to badly. For one, I believe the first game against GB last year was on a Monday. And I believe the Bears won that. Another that comes to mind was a game against the Jets....right after Christmas(???)...another win. How about the game where Hester set the record for return TD's? Although it was against an ailing team represented by Brett Favre, it too was on a Monday. And it was for nothing more than sealing up the NFC North Championship. Oh yeah, speaking of Favre, I believe that was also the game where we all got to meet the new "Purple People Eater" in Corey Wootten. And since Lovie has been coach, the Bears have gone .500 in their playoff appearances (counting the SB loss in 06) and ALL of those games were prime time and against non-"crummy" teams. But in the advent of Direct TV almost every game is prime time nowadays. And for the record, I feel a bit better about the upcoming game. I think the Bears are out to prove they aren't overrated.
  20. Another thing that has gotten me to ask ???? Has anyone heard why it is Martz has decided to watch the games from the press box? I would think that maybe it is because he could see what is going on better but he seemed to do fine last year being "closer" to the action. I have heard that he likes to stand away from the mob of people and usually seen at the opposite end of the sideline so to get a better view, on the field. (Kinda like Jay was doing late in the NO game). The other added benefit would be to actually TALK with the players that are on the field....see Jay Cutler. I'm just wondering.
  21. I'm not sure exactly the question in the first paragraph but if Martz were told to leave I have heard and seen a few mention Tice taking over on O calling duties. His style would probably be more rudimentary but we are talking Bears football. And he is the one teaching the oline... More on that in a second. The other name to consider is Toub. Not that long ago when Lovie was in hot water there came a story that Toub would have been asked to HC. I think it an intriguing choice considering how innovative and successful he's been. With regards to the 5 and 7 step drops. I've been watching these games, especially NO and wondering why so often Jay looks to be so far behind the pocket. It would appear in what you wrote above that the line is learning to form a pocket with a certain technique blocking scheme that isn't jiving with the 7 step drop. When the line is forming their protection they are doing it with where they expect the QB to fall back to and for some reason Jay is going back farther. This doesn't allow for protection but also gives nowhere for Jay to step into because he'll run into the tackles forming the top of the pocket. Thusly he has to scramble more and his line of sight is obscured. Not sure where the disconnect would be. One would think with Martz' known like for the deep drop that the blocking would be more flat or linear to allow more field view...think zone scheme in Denver. For whatever reason though it would appear that Tice and Martz are not on the same page... Or someone. I haven't understood the want for a seven step drop back. Too much time and process. QB's are normally afforded so much time in order to get off a pass and this cuts into that protection timeframe. And why we see Jay doing a lot of the back foot throwing. Not sure why they don't instead employ more of the shotgun that way the QB is already near where he needs to be.
  22. Amen! Things will go better this time. Except I think the score will be the other way around.
  23. I was wondering when I saw that during the game. Usually they put some sort of footnote or reference on there to show their legitimacy and where they came from. Gotta hand it to Johnston for playing the fool saying "these were actual headlines". What a nincompoop. I like the article's closing line about Fox could have just "hacked Cutlers voicemail instead" of fabricating this story. Now that's funny.
  24. Sorry, I'm going to have to agree. Mid season it's doubtful this would happen, especially after only two games. As embarrassing as Sunday was there are a few options that will play out before much longer to include Martz adjusting and/or the staff collectively realizing they need more help (OLmen or WR). I know it sucks, and I remember feeling like I do right now last year when the Bears lost in similar fashion to New England and the Giants. But the fact remains the team made it to the NFC championship game. And no Madlith, I'm not resembling that Kevin Bacon character from 'Animal House'. I'm not happy but I'm not panicky, not yet.
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