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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. I would agree that Meriweather is WAY better than Manning ever will be. And i did say I thought that Manning was, at best mediocre... Not fantastic. Besides his run back ability and "edge blitzing" Manning did have a few notable picks where he left his feet and caught them mid-air. None of those things, I believe, he carried in with him when he came from AC. Instincts suck... Sure I'll give you that but as i said before he improved from crappy to mediocre with the help of Lovie. And as is sometimes the case he didn't stay unemployed long. Houston must have liked something they saw.
  2. I like Meriweather for his style of play but that could prove dangerous in a Cover 2 (for the Bears) as he would be trying for the big hit and his coverage skills are weak as a result. Or so says a coworker of mine who is from the Boston area. But as much as Lovie is probably intrigued with the pickup, I have hope he can get him back to his Pro Bowl level. I believe I remember reading some time ago where Lovie took Danieal Manning under his wing and individually worked with him. Look at the improvement Manning made from crappy to mediocre if not better in the short time he was with the team.
  3. The Giants are one of those teams I would not like to see Briggs on as that would make them that much better. And as much as I like Osi, for his play, don't think he would be a good mix for Chicago. And his age and fact that he is wanting more is disenchanting.
  4. I think mostly it has to do with Lovie's familiarity with Defense and doing well at maintaining a strong one. I believe he entrusts a lot to Tice and Martz and if they say they are good, so says Lovie. Will it work? We'll see. I have to think that the team made it as far as they did, despite Jay being sacked 52 (?) times then maybe overhauling too much could upset the "balance". And that (OL status) appears to be the only real ding in the armor still lingering from last year. However and like Jay, I don't want him to have to risk being sacked 52 times again.
  5. Not saying this would be a counter but the Patriots did sign Guard Brian Waters today (formerly of the Chiefs). He who had been sitting around as an FA for awhile now. And whatever happened to Leonard Davis? Maybe what the Bears have in place at OL will work? As much of an optimist as I usually am, the only thing that really concerns me right now is the OL. Not like I am going to lose sleep concerned, just a little.
  6. For what it's worth and if anyone cares, Chester caught on with the Cardinals and Marcus Harrison is with the Panthers...for now.
  7. Maybe Brandon McGowan? Like the move. Although he's not an OLman....
  8. Are you kidding me??? This is too easy. Rex Rick Mirer and this whole mess: Cade McNown: And lastly...this should have been a sign of problems: John Thierry
  9. Alaskan Grizzly

    Typical BS

    Yeah, reading up on the last time this happened ('07?), Urlacher offered to help in getting Briggs to stay. Especially when Briggs was saying he was done as a Bear. Read the part about "Professional Career" ugh!... However I have to believe that even Urlacher has got to be tired of this. And I think we will have to agree to disagree on the importance of Briggs to the Bears. More the other way around, or at least with Urlacher. As does Urlacher, so goes Briggs. But that's just me.
  10. Alaskan Grizzly

    Typical BS

    I was reading this thinking that something didn't quite add up. As far as Holdman and Colvin I will have to defer as I don't remember them actually doing better until AFTER they left the Bears. But with Briggs I'd have to disagree with some of the previous post. The first thing I noticed is that Jauron's last year in Chicago was 2003, which was Briggs' first. As he (Briggs) may have done well his first year, he didn't make his first of six Pro Bowl selections until 2005 (Lovie's second year). And of course the other five were during Lovie's tenure. So although Lovie did "inherit" the player Briggs, Briggs I believe is "inheriting" his top notch play as a result of playing for Lovie's scheme as opposed to Jauron's. And similarly there really hasn't been a need to develop a lot of talent behind Briggs as he has been pretty reliable and steady. However a case could be made for Roach or even Iwuh. And I was reminded recently that the Bears did manage to help out Hillenmeyer in his career after not doing as well while with the Packers. So the system, actually something I believe Tony Dungy either invented or perfected and passed along, has done pretty well. As the Chicago Defense has been rated near or in the top 10 in most of Lovie's tenure. As far as Briggs being able to do well elsewhere, perhaphs Philly as the example given, I'm not sure that he would have as prolific career as in Chicago. For one thing he is going to be 31 this year. Another (and in using Philly as the example) is Briggs has shown that he is not as effective when leading the Defense where he would probably be asked to do there. Especially given their starting MLB is the Rookie Casey Matthews. Briggs would be better served in saying it was all a mistake and maybe looking again at it either next offseason or after the next three years.
  11. I have to second this and the rest. There is simply no excuse for acting or being this way. No way. I won't rant like I did in another thread but good riddance if that is the course taken.
  12. Alaskan Grizzly

    Typical BS

    I'm sorry but regardless of what the "rest of the tweets" say I still think this is another symptom of poor sportsmanship. I know we will never go back to the "day" of players that played for the love of the game and whatever you were paid, you were happy to get. But there needs to be a point where enough is enough. What Briggs and his agent are doing is deplorable. It sets a tone for other players, whether with the Bears or elsehwhere that if I make enough stink I too can eventually get "what's mine". There is WAY too much sense of entitlement without earning it. In a time where people HAVE to work two to three jobs just to make ends meet and some don't even have that option, then when you have someone like Briggs who thinks he hasn't gotten enough??? Well I have a hell of a time lending any sympathy towards him or his "friends" IE: Harris. Just the other day we saw a QB receive a $100 million contract AFTER spending two years in prison. And we have another who could be a "first ballot HOF'er" (R. Lewis) who should have been locked up years ago, but wasn't. What kind of example is being set for the influential ones among us? Why don't we know more about the efforts like Cutler and Warrick Dunn when he was playing? Where good is being done but with little or no fanfare? I don't mean to be on the soap box but this professional athlete culture to me is just getting out of hand. -End scene-
  13. I have kids at home and do this with "computer time". They don't.
  14. Put me down for keeping Phillip Rivers so I will lose the 4th (?). Thanks again.
  15. Yep. There is no questioning that Bell COULD be a good (maybe equal to Forte) running back. He has unknown potential and done pretty well when given the chance. And that bodes in the negative for Fortes leverage. Knowing it's "a business" the FO could say that if Forte wants top tier money they could counter with Bell. After all, another angle the team likes is nurturing it's youth. How many times have we heard how they didn't want to bring in "big name players" at WR or OL because they didn't want to hinder the youth development? Anyhow, I'm just saying that having a POTENTIAL up and comer in Bell could keep Fortes price more "reasonable".
  16. Agreed but so too is neither Forte a Gore. That's what I'm sayin'. I know Forte will get paid, as he should, but don't know that he can or will be measured as an equal to Gore.
  17. Think the only thing working against Matt in a deal like this is time (lacking in comparison to Gore) and the fact that Gore has had two Pro Bowls. And the Bears are aware they have a player like Bell in the wings. I hope not, but it "is a business".
  18. Pretty sad considering Lewis should have been locked up years ago. And I hear others recently saying that the likes of Randy Moss could too be first ballot. Sad what its coming to. A guy like Urlacher may not being considered before these two.
  19. I'll second that!! And if for no other reason the Chicago weather doesn't allow for an offense like "the greatest show on turf" to flourish. Especially late in the year and when you have home field throughout the playoffs. This version of offense needs to take on more "West Coast" less "Coryell". I saw that a few times in the Tennesse game. Cutler was actually selling the delayed handoff and screens pretty well. Which I think is awesome given how teams are now automatically assuming they will get to Cutler each time they blitz. It's as if to say :"Come on in and get Cutler. Problem is Forte already left with the ball moments ago."
  20. Here's my take, "arguement" or not. Briggs has a history (or at least his agent does) of pushing for more when it wasn't needed. His timing is crap if he wants more then demands more and/or a trade. If it's the alternative, I hope that he is just looking out for his best interests and inquired about the possibility of a long term deal for the sake of personal security (similar to Urlacher), but for some reason the media got ahold of it and made it sound worse than it was. I prefer the latter. But again, history shows.... As far as whether he's "worth" the trouble? No. There is a comparison, if you will, of apples to oranges here. They are both round (LBers in this case) but one gives you a good dose of vitamin C whereas the other is rumored to keep the doctor away. Taken together, even better. Fact is if Briggs wants to play hard ball my answer is 'so long'. I'm sure someone like Roach, Iwuh or Tatupu could flourish just as well. On your own Briggs...you would not do as well. Now if Urlacher comes along and asks for an extension and makes similar demands, well it would be more understanding. Would I as a fan be upset? Sure. But you think I would be as equally willing to let him just walk? What are you crazy? He's synonomous with Butkus, Ditka, Payton and other Bears folklore. Briggs is not. Like Mad Lith pointed out, Urlacher is similar to Singletary where Briggs is more along the lines of Marshall or Wilson.
  21. I couldn't help but notice the IR designation next to Clark. Was there an official announcement on his injury? Too bad for sure.
  22. Right about now wouldv'e been nice to have someone like Taylor Mays around.... But heck...if he does anything like CJ in Tennesse is doing.... I say do like the Tennessee owner and tell him we aren't playing his games. But actually mean it. Then I would say, so long Lance. It's been good. Good luck in finding another Urlacher to carry you.
  23. Doese it work during the Preseason? I know it does during the regular season. For what its worth, I watched a game or two on my laptop last year and it worked great. I LOVE Direct TV for that reason alone.
  24. I would hope that's what it is, a fluke. Without being able to see the game until the replay tomorrow I am going to play "Devil's Advocate" to my normal self. By reading these posts it is obvious that when the team does well, everyone is happy and few are convinced that they have solved most (not all) their ills. Then when things start not going well, well the posts reflect. "Contagious drops spreading to Hester", "Gould's missing", "Where is Okoye, Gholston and Taylor?" I have to ask most of these questions are affecting normal starters. And does the Offense overall (not just Cutler and Forte) look improved? And consider who they are playing...a mediocre (at best) team in Tennesee. The Bears did ok against another mediocre team in Buffalo and fared not so well against a pretty decent team in the NYG. The things I would hope to see improved are consistancy in the Defense, WR's ALL catching their passes (not just Bennett) and the short game. Especially when it comes to goal line and 3rd and or 4th and short. (Did someone say Barber was hurt???? ) - that could be bad. This is supposed to be the "dress rehearsal" to the regular season so I would hope the Bears are able to put it together CONSISTENTLY without showing their hand too much.
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