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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. I think it safe to say that Otogwe will not be a Bear. He's engages to Singletary's daughter? Yikes!! Talk about intimidating.
  2. Simply put: the "need" is OL. Otherwise you got noone to throw The "want" is that potential #1 big body receiver to draw attention away from the other, very capable, receivers (Hester, Knox and Bennett). Each has their own unique skills and (the bigger positives) are young and not injury prone. Hester is not only fast but VERY elusive. Pretty good slot receiver actually. Knox has pure and raw speed. Just needs to fight more for the ball and complete his routes. And Bennett is a true clutch receiver. Lacks speed but has some pretty strong will. How many times this last year did we see, after he caught the ball, Bennett continue upfield while bouncing off defenders like a pinball then drag one or two for another yard? I'd say the core receivers are pretty good but with the "need" and "want" filled could be exceptional.
  3. Have to say I agree with all this. Now how about that Lovie Smith Fan Club membership?
  4. Me neither, but when you start talking bidding and prices don't think that Atogwe is worth th hassle. Or should say THAT position. And I forgot that Wright is waiting in the wings. If the team can get a good sustained year out of him, think there is a "diamond in the rough" forming.
  5. I was just about to start a post on this and say the Bears should go after him. Until I realized, as you pointed out, that Atogwe is a Safety. (Some reason thought he was a CB). With Harris and yes Manning I think things are ok enough that the team doesn't need to spend a lot at this position. Which I am sure he will want, partly why the Rams dropped him. For now, in the secondary and IMHO, the pressing need is Tillman's eventual replacement. That and getting Jennings a few more inches in height. Still the primary #1 overall is at OL.
  6. I'd have to side on Jason with this one. When you have someone like Burress as an example (a relative known and cheaper) against the unknown of Rice ... it's too risky. Especially, as others have pointed out, the OL is in much more need of that player that will cost more. Paying top dollar for someone like Rice is too shaky without having some measurables behind the deal. Now if you are talking of pursuing a player like Jackson, Fitzgerald, S. Holmes or even B. Edwards then maybe it would be worth the "risk" and investment involved. That all being said. I do like the idea of handicapping one of the NFC North foes by taking one of their cogs away. But if they (Bears) were to consider that for that reason alone then there is also James Jones out of Green Bay. Heck that was one of the initial reasons I was a fan of the Taylor signing last year. Still am.
  7. For what it's worth he is basically a big body lacking the talent of pass rushing that he might have once had. I see him more like the Williams' mold of Minnesota or Grady(?) Jackson of the Falcons / Packers. Great for run stuffing but little else. He had better come at a deep discount or forgedaboudit. Have to say OL and #1 WR (big size) are still ahead of the rest.
  8. I'm 6'4" and almost 250 and can assure you that I wouldn't stand up "to an NFL safety". Not even sure some 20 years ago when I was closer to 20 I could have. The point being that Plaxico has "been there, done that". June is a few months away and camp usually begins in earnest in July. What's to say that he couldn't get into "shape" by then? I can tell you that many didn't think Mike Williams couldn't play again, and if you ask me he still looked out of shape, but look at how well he came back. This after being on hiatus on his OWN accord. I thunk someone like Plaxico, at a lighter weight, will have something to build upon rather than the opposite. With a lighter frame he could have that leg up for speed. And with the height advantage better jump-ball ability like Plaxico of old. Bottom line, he's a bargain for a decent player. Give him a try.
  9. I read that he was released by the Giants back in April of '09 - according to Wikipedia and to address his "weight" status. http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/07/sp...-nfl-20110208/2 Sounds like he is down about 20 lbs.
  10. Agreed 100%. I don't, however, think that Taylor and Forte are "identical" backs (as was posted previous). They may have similar skill sets but in no way are they identical. For one thing they are obviously not the same size. And what Matrtz tried to do with Taylor later in the season (run up the gut) was what he tried with Forte earlier in the season. Forte is an edge runner and receives from the backfield. Taylor catches too but with his size, or lack of in this case, I think the intent was to get a change of pace mindset with Taylor. Problem being is the OL was unable to get the holes open early on. Hence Taylors lower numbers. I agree with keeping Taylor around. Especially since he's received a fair portion of his money. What's the harm? See if Unga or Bell pan out and move on from there.
  11. Who or what is the "Beaqrs"? Sorry, just being silly.
  12. Was just reading that Burress is due to be released in June. The article asks "how well will he perform after being away from the game after two years?". I think I might have an idea; ask Michael Vick or Mike Williams of Seattle. The article also highlighted that he has lost some weight. New York has no interest in him moneywise i believe. Could be that big receiver for relatively no cost and no strings the Bears are needing. Still leaves room for a few OLmen.
  13. Of course we like "Tommie Harris and Johnny Knox because they are Bears". They are members of our favorite team...for now. Would most like an improvement in a player? Of course. From the Packers? Maybe not. And besides all the accolades they received, one thing should be remembered: they very nearly lost to the Bears third string QB. I saw where someone had mentioned how the Bears "lucked out" to get to where they got. Perhaps GB did too. That is if I believed in such a thing.
  14. It's like asking me of all the major plagues that have covered the Earth, which one would you choose? I'd prefer, given from whence they came...none.
  15. I don't care what they did right or didn't accomplish. It's all moot.... The Packers still, and will always...suck.
  16. Congrats Sackman. Not bad for the SB XX MVP.
  17. First: I think it safe to say that those that jumped to the conclusion that Cutler was "pussing out" have now realized that they were wrong. If not openly, with themselves. Even watching replays, and paired with the comments Kreutz made, you could see that Cutler's leg was bothering him. Take his weird looking attempt at riding the stationary bike as an example, he could barely rotate the pedals without difficulty. Anyhow.... Secondly: The more I think about it, as much as I would like to have someone like Fitz with the Bears, I just don't see it happening. I agree that the Cards are going to simply want too much. Besides, looking back at the NFC Championship game, what was the one thing that broke down and caused the game to be lost? The "D" stepped up after floundering for a quarter or two. And that was against Rodgers and his heralded passing attack. So...me thinks the "D" is pretty sound at the moment. Was it Cutler??? Nope....see above for why. Pretty clear that it was the o-line which led to Cutler getting hurt. Although the line did improve greatly since the bye adding one or even two key players could make a world of difference. I have heard the O-lineman name out of Atlanta that was mentioned earlier as a good possiblility and recently read that Baltimore Tackle Jared Gaither was another strong contender that could be had for considerably less. Problem being that he is Tackle and I think the Bears need a Guard more than anything at the moment. Like Fitz, Mankins is gonna cost too much and he's too old. K. Williams needs to relocate back to his LT position as he is out of position at LG. Maybe after the last few years he's got a better handle.
  18. To Lovie and family: Our hearts and thoughts are with you. God be with you in this time of sorrow. A family in Alaska
  19. Born in Great Lakes. Have family in Woodstock, Waukegan and Mt Vernon. Occasionally get through Chicago to visit parents in Indiana. Been living in Alaska for over 30 years now. Not sure I'll ever get out. Bears football for a loonnnnggg time. Have to say that I did like the Vikings for a very short time because they were purple, but that was when I was about 6 or 7 so I obviously wasn't in the right mind. Bulls basketball. Remember once my Grandfather wanting to go see this "new kid named Jordan who was supposed to be good". Man was he right. White Sox baseball. Not really big on the Cubs although I did like watching Sosa. But have been drawn to the Sox for years. Especially when Frank Thomas was there. And I like Guillen as manger. Blackhawks hockey. I have to admit I don't catch much of the Bulls, Sox or Hawks unless they're in the playoffs. Bears are my only real sports vice. Live and breathe it.
  20. Fellas, gave this a try. Was craving some "Chicago style pizza" and man was it good. The crust was fantastic. Not sure if it was the cornmeal or??? But it was allright!!! Caution as the recipie says bake at 475 for 30-35(?) minutes. May want to bring the temp down a bit. The heat was pretty intense and as my wife said it was like broiling. I kept a close eye and avoided burning it although a little did. Mine had a Marinara I found local the seasoned burger, turkey pepperoni, dry salami, tomatoes, Parmesan, mozzarella, and Colby jack on the base. Couple onions and green peppers to get that "vegetable" factor in there. Made two 9"ers and another Vegeterian for the wife. Yeah I know...she knows how to ruin a perfectly good heart attack. But like I said, the crust is what made it for sure. Thanks for the link.
  21. "Do what ever you gonna' do, I'm getting ready to eat this fool." And then Julius Peppers "ate the fool". There is no question that Forte had improved this year, after he seems to have about half of the highlights. And ANYONE who thinks Jay Cutler is some sort of wimp apparently hasn't had to try and tackle him. There seems to be other footage of him out there where he has gone headfirst many a times rather than slide or scamper out of bounds. Good on ya' Jay. Rest up. You deserve it. And I like the segue piece with Wootton and his sack of Favre...especially in slo-mo. Is there some sort of way to loop that to make a screensaver???? Nice work.
  22. I just deleted the ones I thought should go, except for Collins, which I would assume would go without saying. And commented on the rest.
  23. OK, I'll bite. And no, I don't "hate" it. I am glad things went better this year, as we have discussed many times. Yes we know that you are not a fan of Lovie's. But, as you pointed out, those that are ACTUALLY "working" for him do in fact appreciate working for him. Especially someone like Urlacher. Which brings me to an idea I saw floated here recently. I like the idea of extending Lovie for as long as Urlacher has left. The Cover 2 (that Lovie loves so much) is really only as effective as the MLB. In this case Urlacher. If they are able to find that next player to eventually fill that role, then maybe Lovie could be extended further. I realize that the Cover 2 has it's flaws but I also think that the staff, Marinelli in this instance, will be able to realize that some re-tooling is in order. Speaking of staff members and in particular Martz. As far as the Assistant Coaches I am almost certain that Lovie was in support of having Martz, Marinelli and TIce all join his staff as opposed to against it. In fact he had been accused many times of being overly loyal to Martz and Marinelli from their days together with the Rams and Bucs. That being said, Martz showed an ability to adapt his offensive scheme to more what was "Bear-like". That went against conventional wisdom that Martz was inflexible. I think that there is no question that another year...maybe two with Martz and Cutler things could only improve. The one big flaw that I am pretty sure Martz would have to agree in is that Collins IS NOT the answer at #2. If Collins continues on with the Bears, then I would have to really be suspect. I'm not always sure that Lovie is 100% knowing what is going on either but I do think he has surrounded himself with some pretty good people. And that in many ways is the definition of a good leader. Realizing that you don't know everything and having those around you willing to fill those gaps. The balance for now is good so I think it should be continued for the foreseeable future.
  24. Yeah i would have to totally agree on your analysis. Too bad Urlacher couldn't keep his feet cause nothing but open air ahead and two "escorts" behind him. Watching him reminded me though that he is aging and the Bears need to start thinking about who will take his place whenthe time comes. Additionally and in regard, the Bears need to start working on variants of the "Cover 2" or other formations. Peppers hit equals total awesomeness. Sorry Aaron that your bell got rung but after that pressure, their "O" production was not the same. Rodgers became skittish and threw off target pretty much the rest of the game. Especially when the pressure continued... Both from the D and the game itself. And on that Raji interception, " if only" Hanie had seen Hester in the right flat. Hester had NOONE near him for about 10 yards. And we all know what he can do with a one or two step advantage. Who knows what we would be talking about today? Except possibly what your superstition and routine are for Super Bowl Sunday
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