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Alaskan Grizzly

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Everything posted by Alaskan Grizzly

  1. The Bears should have traded Hester when they had the chance. Earlier this season when Hester was holding out for money I (and I think a few others) said that he is not going to be worth anymore than he was then. I said he was one injury away from losing his step and was only going to get slower regardless. That and all the other teams are figureing out how to stop him. First he tried to make something out of nothing (see the Colts game and a tackle on the 3) then this injury. A "soft tissue" injury to the ribs that could keep him out for up to two weeks? I mean come on!!! This was just a result of the heat and cramping. There is a troubling trend developing. Buckle down and get back to practice. The Bears are paying you big money to play....so do it. TAKE A TYLENOL, DRINK SOME WATER AND GET BACK IN THE GAME!!!
  2. Isn't the Patriot Act one of the largest infringements on personal liberties you have seen in recent memory? You realize where that policy came alive right? I know it was a "result" of the "unexpected" and "unprovoked" attacks of September 11th but why didn't it go away as originally intended? You know when Clinton attempted to enact ideas that are listed in the Patriot Act, IE: wirtapping, file perusing (Filegate) and other similar actions he was chided for his work. Now these are commonplace and accepted practices by the Republican party. Oh yeah, I suppose you have heard that in the last couple of months we have been experiencing the worst recesssion in a longgggg time. Today begins the fall of the Stock Market. Does it feel like 1929 in here? As far as wealth redistribution goes, what is wrong with taxing the snot out of the upper 5%? I kinda like that idea anyhow and being sure that the smaller people are benefiting more from what has been a total disregard for sensible Government in the last 8 years. You can bet Palin won't do anything to help her party out in that regards.
  3. In case Drunk Bomber thinks of me as a Liberal Left Wing nutjob...or whatever else nasty terminology people like Ann Coultour (sp?) would call those opposed to her, I actually did vote for McCain in 2000. I wrote him in as I really wasn't enthused by Gore and there was no way I would vote for Bush... Just to emphasize that point I voted for Kerry in 2004. So I think my viewpoint is of a more "centrist" Moderate type viewpoint. Although I find it hard to convince those of the Radical Right Republican that those exist. And I don't like Palin. “We don't want someone who will get 98 percent of the vote. We want someone who will get 51 percent of the vote.” - Ann Coultour So far that hasn't happened, probably never will.
  4. As far as where to eat. A couple of years ago I was there with my family and went to "Ditka's" at the edge of downtown. Saw the ad for it in Sports Illustrated. The menu caters to those that want to spend a lot and those that don't. Really good food and cool Bears memorabilia. I think it also has a cigar bar in the upstairs, unless I was mistaken. My wife bought me a hoodie sweatshirt from there and I am always getting complimented on it. Anyhow, also recommend the Lincoln Park Zoo if you have family with you. It is free and actually really cool. Strongly recommend it if you have some time.
  5. I am very happy for the outcome. However, as I like to play the devil's advocate, they (Bears) will need to be sure and keep focused and work off this win. I want to be sure that this win wasn't more the Colts not playing very well than the Bears really playing well. Payton Manning didn't look all that hot....probably too much off time. But hey...a win is a win is a win. Forte = AWESOME. Definite difference from Benson. Especially after that hit with Sanders. Think that Benson would have stayed out. Orton = Definte leader. He looked POISED and VERY CONFIDENT and ready to lead this team. I think they did good in making him the C. I think we may have us a team here....15 more to go.
  6. Excellent game and execution.... Lovie looked like he had something up his sleeve recently. Or does he always???
  7. My turn. I decided since it appears you think that what is out there is taken out of context I would instead use your own words to highlight a confoundment, hence the bolded words. First, not many people really want nothing for something. I and you would be very hard pressed to name a few people that would really want to accept housing, food and health care for nothing. If I may illustrate something for you. The Republicans are attempting to grasp hold of the traditional idealogue in order to win the support of those disenfranchised. They even went as far as reaching...emphasis on reach, for Sarah Palin. The Governor of the State I live in. Now, if you were to take two people and ask them what their definition of a traditional lifestyle was the first person, perhaps somebody from the Midwest, would tell you that they could live in their house without the doors locked, everyone knows everyone and Americana is on every corner. Now if you were to ask the second person, an Alaskan Native perhaps, what they thought were some keys to traditional they might mention some of these things but they might also mention that theirs is a community that helps one another. Most times and in tradition, the men go out and kill a whale. They in turn bring in the whale for several of the townspeople to help butcher. Each person takes their share and some deliver extra to those that can't participate, the invalid or elderly. But guess what some of these people are doing? They might be babysitting the small children while the rest of the grownups are out doing the things mentioned above. So, who is doing the most work and who should get the lions share of the "reward"? This is called community, a root word being "commune" or dare I say, Communist. God forbid. That is not a true traditional lifestyle that most in the Midwest would recognize. Now about the health care to those that only pay the taxes. Never mind the do nothings that will have to fend for themselves....but what about lets say we have ten adults that each pay their equal share into the healh care and pay their taxes? Of those 10, what if one of them has an elderly and dependent father and mother living with them? Do they (Mom and Dad) get the share of that one for health care or to heck with them? What about perhaps another one of the ten that has 5 kids in their home? And that original one is the only one that works? Let's say one of those 5 kids has special needs and you know over time that person is going to require more and more health care benefits than the rest of the family? And let's just say another one of the 5 kids has a child before they are 18? You know that is going to cost more. How is that distributed? Now we go to one or two more of the original 10. They are single and young and of strong health...never see a doctor except for the occasional check up. Do they still get their share? Do they get as much (or more) as the family of 6 (1 and 5 kids) or the 1 with two elderly parents? How do you distribute that? I think that now that the "glitz and glamour" of the Conventions are over, we all need to listen to what the candidates, primarily the Presidential ones, have to say about fixing the problems we are facing today; gas prices, unemployment, inflation and the crashing housing market. How about the International stage of restoring our credibility and ceasing these pointless and careless wars? We have to ask ourselves when the questions are asked, who is going to have the best answer and solution? So far Obama has been talking issues....while the McCain and Palin followers continue to talk about how a great speaker she is...or is it reader? GO BEARS!!!!! BEAT THE COLTS!!!!!
  8. Chris Farley and "Sausage" That is some funny stuff right there, I don't care who you are. RIP Chris...
  9. Suspected? I was hoping for factual evidence for you to make your claim about him bad mouthing his own country, but since you don't and apparently he didn't then I agree, this discussion is over. Unless you can find something that is actual. Mad Lith....When I get a chance I will give you a quick rundown on my take of Palin. I haven't had a chance to sit and write it all out just yet. Plenty of material out there still to be learned on the National stage. And just so you know, a fan of her's I am not. McCain is allright but not enough for me to vote the complete ticket. More to come....
  10. Agreed wholeheartedly. When Booker was traded to Miami, I heard that he actually was very woeful and not happy about going to Miami. He really and genuinely liked being in Chicago. That is enough for me to want him in Chicago and even more for me to cheer him on and do as good as he can. He performed well and without the accolades that a lot of high profile WR's get. He is what the Bears need in leadership and setting the example.
  11. That is good to hear for sure. I am glad he cleared waivers. He is a product of Alaska and Nebraska. Hometowns for me and my family. Welcome back Zach....
  12. The problem appears you don't get my point. The dirty laundry is already aired IE: war in Iraq, illegal interrogation tactics, harboring ill will for countries that don't need it...etc, etc, etc. If there is a specific comment, or even action you can cite, that Obama "hates his country" then please tell me what it is. If he simply went to Germany and maybe suggested that he wanted to reverse the way International relations are handled then sorry, that is not hating your country. That is promoting your country and abilty to co-habitate this here Earth of ours. BEARS RULE!!!!
  13. Since this seems to be the forum to be in, count me in. I live for political debate while loving the Bears. First, I have to say that the original poster and I will agree almost 100% on what he wrote. I too am more what is called a Moderate, however I always find that saying that then following up on my beliefs (and when talking to friends) I get labeled as Liberal. By the way, I am from Alaska where it is thick with Republicans....plenty of blind ones in fact. But more on that at another time. Now to talk about the above quoted remark. I find it utterly amusing that you are offended by Obama allegedly talking down about the US while in Europe, which he did not. And, since you are concerned about him "airing our dirty laundry" then maybe we should stop dirtying our laundry. Consider this, we invade a soverign nation in Iraq, depose (and eventually hang) their leader and impose upon them our form of Government. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. Russia decides to go into Georgia, help two individual cities within Georgia gain reaffiliation to the Russian government and in the process lays waste to the central part of Georgia. In response, Bush and Rice wave their collective fingers and beside saying that that's not nice, expect the Russians to simply stop what they are doing and obey us or else.... So it is ok for us to do it but noone else? As expected President Medvedev and PM Putin told the US to butt out and continued on with their operation. The Russians cited the above given example for how the US is rife with practicing double standards. And we don't have a leg to stand on. I hear too often that the solution for International opposition (Iraq, Iran, China, N Korea, Russia...and others) is to "screw 'em all" blow it all up and start over. Most times I ignore the comments as I figure it is a simpleton's way to deal with the stress invoked. But we, as Americans, need to realize we are not the only ones on the planet. If we continue on the path we are on we will become isolated and cut off. The Department of Defense needs to stop becoming the Department of Offense and return all military men and women within the borders and confines of US Territories and Allied countries. If you want to fight a war in a place like Iraq or Afghanistan then ask your congressperson to re-invoke the draft and volunteer yourself and your family to go and fight. Until then, I think Obama is on the right track and has my vote. Besides that, he likes the White Sox.
  14. Why not blame Babich? He is the Defensive COORDINATOR and that is where the root of the Defensive problems originate. Just like the Offensive problems originate with Turner. It is Lovie's responsibility to get the best coordinators into their respective positions. If the team tanks before the season is over, then Lovie will have to make adjustments....whether that means moving/dismissing coordinators or players. Bringing in a new HC changes the whole scheme of things which equates to rebuilding. The Bears are in no need or position of having to rebuild. They went 7-9 last year. That is only 1 game from .500 and 1 more from a "winning season". The year before that was the Super Bowl. And by the way, the McCaskey's are cheap. Just look at 1986 - 88 when they single handedly dismanteled a winning team because they wouldn't pay to keep the players that got them the win in XX. Eventually Ditka was thrown to the curb as a result of all this mismanaging.
  15. "Playoffs...wait, did he say Williams? Who the heck is Williams?" I don't know how Williams came into the discussion at all. The season was the reason for the title of the beginning thread on this one. Hence "Many calling this year a bust". And as I said before, the disagreement is about whether the season is already lost because of the lackluster play during preseason. I'm saying at the very least let the season play out, all 16 games, then talk about what major changes need to be done. What are you gonna do get a new coach next year then if he doesn't immediately take the team to the playoffs ask for him to leave? I mean really the Bears are only (so far) one season removed from the Super Bowl.
  16. I think the disagreement is in regards to whether this season is a bust. I disagree on the part that since the season hasn't started at least give him a chance to see what he can do, as the Head Coach, then reassess. I still think giving him the opportunity to fix the coaching staff, rather than start all over, is more the approach that should be taken. As far as being able to praise or criticize him, sure you bet that is your right. Just like politicians. He is a public figure expected to receive criticism and praise alike. I just think it VERY premature to drop the axe. Since Cowher has been mentioned, there are comparisons that can be made. So far, as of today and the season not starting yet, Lovie has not had more than one consecutive losing season during his tenure. Cowher had two losing seasons back to back in 98 and 99. And even though he was able to get back to the winning ways in 2000, the Steelers didn't make the playoffs that year. Imagine if the folks in Pittsburgh (or Steeler followers) wanted to see Cowher go after that second losing season would have become? They may have never made the Super Bowl in 2005? Which, I might add was his only Super Bowl win...10 years after losing his first Super Bowl. By the by, Fisher has only been to one Super Bowl too...which they lost. IN LOVIE WE SHOULD TRUST...
  17. Not really sure why this year is a bust since it hasn't really happened yet. Sure I know there are some things that need fixing, but I really feel that more of the asst's need to be replaced rather than Lovie. Besides Lovie, who in recent memory has taken the Bears to the Super Bowl? Unless you go back 22 years he would be it. Noone else has gotten close...save Dick Jauron (and look how things are going in Buffalo by the way). Chill out with the "axe Lovie" talk for now. Maybe he could talk to someone like Singletary to come to Chicago to take over the Defensive Coordinator job. I would be all for seeing Babich go away. The real problem with the team appears to be the Off Coordinator (Turner). Something I have noticed in recent years, it doesn't matter who is running the ball they all seem to do the same thing. Run into the back of the OLine then fall (or in Jones' case) reverse course and go around the mass. Benson - 2 / 3 steps then stop. Peterson - 2 / 3 steps then because he has a huge heart run a few more steps with people hanging on Jones - 2 / 3 steps then run around the pile Forte - 2 / 3 steps and 50% of the time, keep going. This is a product of an Offensive scheme gone awry. We all know/knew that Lovie is a Defensive mind (much like Fisher and Cowher for that matter). So why not go out and look for that up and comer that knows the Offensive game? Maybe a college head coach like Mike Leach (of Texas Tech) or Tommy Tuberville (of Auburn)? Let's not all jump off the Lovie bandwagon at once. Who knows, maybe he will manage to get to the playoffs regardless of the help he has? Guess we should let them first play the 16 scheduled games before we call it a loss.
  18. Forget about Horn. He is a disgruntled ne'er do well and mediocre at best. I think the Bears should consider getting in on this however: ESPN's Chris Mortensen reports that Anquan Boldin has again made it clear to the Cardinals that he wants to be traded. Boldin, due $2.5 million this year, wants Larry Fitzgerald money. He says Ken Whisenhunt lied to him, "If you ask me, coaches should be coaches, management should be management, and I don't think those lines should be crossed." Boldin told NFL.com. Mort says Philadelphia and Dallas would get involved if the Cards made Boldin available, but that's extremely unlikely. In the end, Boldin should still produce as normal. The Bears really need to "get involved" if in fact Boldin were to become available. This guy can get it done. Get rid of a few "non-factor" receivers, hell give 'em Hester in a trade and call it good. I think that Orton will prove to be relatively solid. With Grossman disappearing on the radar screen, Hanie as #2(?) and an unknown veteran to come in for good measure. The waiver wires will be buzzing very soon.
  19. Couldn't you at least gotten a picture where he didn't look so confused? I mean I understand that he might be...for good reason but geesh. My 2 cents on Orton being the starter.... Good for him. I think he deserves the shot. Think that the Bears should drop Grossman..as much as I hate to say it and bring in a decent backup. I do think Hanie will work out given some more playing time. Now that's more like it....
  20. I hope I am wrong but..... CADE MCNOWN. No other player should be able to wear #8 for the Bears again.
  21. Muhammad is right in several ways and very wrong in many others. Chicago has never been, nor ever will be, known for its Air game. "Three yards and a cloud of dust" is what the Bears have almost always prided themselves on. Look at the majority of the notable players for the Bears that were worth anything: Payton, Sayers, Anderson, Nagurski, and Grange were all RB's and a few others: Singletary, Butkus and Nagurski (again) were LB's. The fact is that the Bears are not a finesse team. They are part of the "Black and Blue" Division and it would just be weird to see anything other than that. How are you supposed to complete a 60 yard bomb play next to Lake Michigan anyhow? Speaking on his comment about the number of QB's since Favre started in 92 and that the Bears need to stick with one. If you look at that same article that was quoted at the top of this thread you will see all the Bears QB's that have started in that time. Further, if you look at the W/L category and percentage you will notice two of the top three QB's in that timeframe are still on the team. Orton #2 (.667) and Grossman #3 (.633). Also if you notice something else, Favre didn't have a similar winning percentage as Grossman or Orton until his 4th year (.688) in 1995. Overall, Favre's is only .632. I will be happy to stick with what we got as Muhammad has suggested especially given Grossman is only in year 5 (even though you can't count the first two) and Orton is on 4. Sure WR's go to Chicago to die...especially if they are on the opposing team. But as far as being a part of the actual team, I think anyone who knows their football history will know that the Bears are not that way. That is the nature of the beast. The great Bronko Nagurski
  22. I don't want to reveal too much, since I may see some of you in our FFL that Pix set up but... generally I am a strong believer in loading (overloading some would say) in the RB position. I think there is maybe one or two WR's that stand out above the rest but for the most part they are a dime a dozen. WR's are nothing without a good QB throwing to them. RB's have to do most (not all) of the work on their own. And they pile on points faster than most other players. I would agree with what I saw Flea write some time back and go with LT as my first pick...should he be available then Adrian Peterson. However I would be hesitant on him until he went 2-3 years in row without getting a significant injury. Sleeper pick? Either Marion Barber or Thomas Jones. Why? Marion will be the feature back in Dallas now (with Julius gone and Felix Jones in now as #2). With Thomas Jones, we all know what kind of RB he can be given a decent OL, and in my opinion the Jets have potentially one of the best. And oh yeah..Brett Favre is there. That should open up their running game a little. I may even go with Forte who knows?
  23. #91...he will not be denied. I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!!!
  24. Funny thing Bradjock, I think Bradley might have more to prove, especially since he really hasn't done much with his 2-3 years he's been on the team. I like your (and others) analysis and agree with keeping him in the wait until he is ready to go 100%. I saw that too about losing 10 lbs. That really isn't all that much for an athlete to do, especially if he has been spending more time rehabbing and not full out working out like I assume that he has been. Should make him an that much more elusive and quick though. I really look forward to him playing for the Bears.
  25. Anyone heard anything more about Kevin Jones? I know he was on the PUP list. So is that meaning he will be out until regular season or???? OUCH!! Bet he's glad those days are over.
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