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Posts posted by Wesson44

  1. watch the whole games man, highlights will show you nothing.


    Yes highlights do tell a tale about what you do and how you go about doing it. Webb & Carimi you see get pushed back off the line into the QB at least Bushrod makes the D lineman go around the QB to the back

  2. So we still need help at the G,C,QB, DT, LB and WR positions


    California C/G Brian Schwenke is scheduled to visit the Chicago Bears today .......and the Bears are one of two teams that have shown the most interest in free-agent QB JaMarcus Russell, we just signed defensive tackle Andre Fluellen, defensive end Kyle Moore and center Taylor Boggs. And we are bringing in Brown LB as well.....so this makes for and interesting draft. If we are filling all the spots we need help at then it maybe a playmaker at WR or CB with the first pick we have,,,but with the moves we are making...who knows right?

  3. With Edwin Williams on the team, I think he would be the first to replace Garza if he got hurt, but they must see something developmental in this guy. Maybe Kroner can turn him into a player in the NFL trenches. I did see where he had 30 reps on the benchpress, that would tell me the guy has some strength.


    He might be a just camp body for right now but the guy also plays DT or they

    tried him there, he is 6'3 303 about, about the same size as Garza/Williams




  4. Do you not read or do you just read too much into things? Where does it say he's going to be put through a private workout by the Bears? It says he'll have to have strong workouts and that the Bears have interest. It never says they have plans to do so.





    1. Did you read what I said

    2.I said ARE the Bears going to give him a workout......that's a question


    Now using common sense...... if he canceled his pro day because teams what him to hold private workouts, and if the Bears have interest...then its safe to say if the Bears wanted to see more of him then they will need to bring him in for a private workout.. And for the record I never said the Bears have plans to bring him in for a workout, but merely asking are or will we. So you stop reading to much into things

  5. per draftinsider.net

    "Those plans have been put on hold as the teams interested in watching Russell prefer he perform private workouts. Thus far I am told the CHICAGO BEARS and Arizona Cardinals have shown the greatest amount of interest".



    What..... did someone just post this or was it just my mind playing tricks on me???? So we are going to give Russell a private workout huh......well that should ruffle a lot of feathers here

  6. Let me make this clear. I would rather have an UDFA as our 3rd instead of Russell. At least I know dude will show up and give it his all to make the team. We don't know this about Russell. Heck Russell has lost weight and still weights over 280. That's not a qb. Thats a DE

    Well if Russell get down to about his playing weight he will be good....the Giant had a back up QB from Kentucky and his playing weight was 275

  7. For the record, my comments on Robinson were for wr/kr not read option gimmick. Now of he were the third qb, read option would be ok. Otherwise, I want Cutler under center.


    We dont have the Oline that can run the read option...because our QB will have to many defensive players in the backfield to read cause the line cant hold their blocks

  8. Change the name of this thread to "My nightmares about the draft." A DT would be very upsetting, and a CB would be not what I'd expect from a team whose CBs - BOTH of them - went to the probowl last year.


    I agree we can get Cb/DT help in the later rounds. OL/LB/WR should be the mind set for the first

    two or three rounds





  9. So, if I have this right- Lewis is taller, faster, heavier, and played the same positions IN COLLEGE that Moore did so he's a better football player?


    I think I know he's not an upgrade because he went undrafted in 2011. There's nothing wrong with that, but he's been on SIX (6) teams since. That's a lot of teams in 2 years. If he was an upgrade, why hasn't he stuck on a team? He has played in EIGHT career games. You found a highlight video of a game he had ONE time against Tampa Bay and now I'm supposed to think he's good? You've been tooting this guy's horn since February 11. Give it up. He'll be lucky to see the field one time this year on defense.

    I will say this I never meanr to say he was an upgrade but just a replacement for Moore

  10. here is the problem with signing Russel, that means we wasted our time on someone that wont amount to anything, instead of finding someone that might have some value. Vick and Burress actually had good years that would give them more value on taking a shot with them. I think maybe you should start a carnival and have TO, Russel,ect and travel around and show off there big egos, because the NFL is not the place to take lousy risks.



    Ok lets get Brady Quinn or Matt Leinart or Seneca Wallace



  11. So now we want guys replacing mediocre players on the Bears because "they can't be worse?" I want clear cut upgrades, not Lequan Lewis.


    So how do YOU know he is not and upgrade over Moore?? Lewis is bigger,taller fastest and also plays special teams, and plays with and attitude.


    Moore 5'9 180 4.5 40, played CB/WR/ST in college

    Lewis 5'11 190 4.2 40, CB/WR/ST in college


    So i would say about even if Lewis learns the system and Moore was not a starter but played nickel and this will be the role for Lewis as well....we are not asking him to be a starter but maybe compete with Hayden for the job

  12. Not so sure we have the money to resign Izzy. The latest I've heard about the cap number was ~3M which is what's needed for the draft. I suppose they can release someone after the draft that would give them more money to sign him though.


    Still waitiing to hear who our nickelback was last year Moore or Hayden? I'm assuming with all the "DJ Moore wasn't a factor" talk that it was Hayden? All I know is PFF has Moore graded positively while Hayden is graded negatively so one would have to assume Moore was the NB.



    Moore and Hayden both played nickel.....but you guys are forgetting that we signed Lewis when we knew Moore was not going to be back



  13. Thats a good comment, maybe he could win some biggest losers competition, but is to far removed from the NFL to be consider a thought.



    To far removed to be a thought.....reaally??? Didn't the Falcons just sign a guy that has been in prison for 5 years and never played college ball or in the NFL...yes look it up...... Plax Burress, Mike Vick were in jail for two years and and there are others who have done it so your statement has no merit.


    He played at 263 lbs now hes is down to 280 some more left to do but at 6'6 and can throw it 70 yds in the air. is cheap we can sign him....and as Jason said what can it hurt, if he blinks wrong we can cut him





  14. Where did I say it would happen? Please use the term "RT" loosely. Carimi sucks, Webb is a failed LT experiment and Scott is a career mediocre RT. If I was Emery, I'd cut either of the first 2 losers and make Clabo the RT.


    If the Bears signed Clabo and drafted Cooper/Warmack in round 1 or Warford in round 2, they'd right away have a great OL.


    Sir you didn't have to say it would happen, but by merely saying if the Bears signed Clabo it gives us reason to believe that you want it to happen. Now as for using the term RT loosely....I did. Carimi,Webb and Scott have played RT and are in the mix for it now....but never the less they are RT'S on your team and mine. Now i will go on the record and say that they are not the best in the NFL by no means whatsoever but they are still RT' that maybe can play both sides and be yes be both mediocre or suck at it

  15. If the Bears signed Clabo and drafted Cooper/Warmack in round 1 or Warford in round 2, they'd right away have a great OL.

    Aint gonna happen....the Bears have three RT already...now if they had not signed Scott then maybe we would have gotten him

  16. I like the possession receivers we already have. I really wouldn't mind adding a CB to the mix in the first round, it can help now and in the future. The Pack have 3 solid WRs in Nelson, Jones, and Cobb. Itd be nice to cover those guys with Tillman, Jennings, and say Desmond Trufant. Or a trade down for David Amerson would be pretty sweet.

    You need to remember that the Packers had five good WR'S and a TE last year in Jennings, Driver, Nelson, Jones, Cobb and Findley that beat us in some way or form. It would be nice to give them a taste of that with Marshall, Jeffery, M.Bennett, Austin, E.Bennett, Forte and Hestef.


    OMG think about that 5 WR set with Marshall/Jeffrey outside. Austin and Hester/Bennett in the slot with either M.Bennett or Forte as the other element what a match-up pain, like the Pack likes to do

  17. I don't think we will but we still need another backup QB. The Cardinals had four QB'S on their roster after cutting Skelton and a few teams have three to five. What if we could sign J.Russell....cut from the Raiders.....hey...he will come cheap, has starting experience, is now back on rack and hungry to play and is a big man to bring down like Big Ben........so what say you?

  18. My point is....Urlacher looked around the NFL and didn't get what he wanted......even the sorry Vikings didn't want him...so he should have signed with the only team that wanted him, the only team he has played for these last 13 years, the only team where he knew he would be a starter....but he said no....so we said no to him at his price done deal. Was a smart choice

  19. Replace Austin with Brown and im good


    IMHO its the offense that needs that one little element(speed WR) to gets us over the top and make the offense very explosive. Austin can do that for us...we have upgraded the o-line so it should be leaps and bounds above last year allowing Cutler to throw to more than just Marshall, also with Bennett at TE Cutler will now trust the TE position more than he did when Davis was here...so with Bennett, Marshall, Jeffrey, E. Bennett/Austin and Forte that is a nightmare for match up for a defense.

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