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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Remember Chad Henne? That's who Fromm reminds me of.
  2. I don't like any draft that doesn't have OL in the first 2 of 4 picks. (One of them being a second rounder) Gotta nab a pass rusher and TE somewhere.
  3. Happy Holidays from my family to to yours. And ? Down!
  4. You would be correct. It definitely has to do with the success of Mahomes and the flash of Watson. Both of those QB's had a much better situation to start their careers than Trubisky. I still think our guy will be ok in the long run.
  5. They have Alshon "soft tissue" Jeffery. Remember how people cried when we didn't overpay for him?
  6. You need to stop bro. It's starting to play out like a prequel to the worst horror movie ever. You know how our luck goes, lol!
  7. I looks to me that Nagy is adapting and Trubisky has looked serviceable the last two games as a result. Notice the amount of bootlegs and rollouts? Now, get a couple of running plays that work.
  8. I get it, but it's his second year. We all know he got too cocky. Let's see if he learns from it. Aside from that abysmal pick Trubisky threw, he had a decent game. The OL pass blocked a little better too. I can only remember a couple of head scratcher plays. I think Helfrich needs to go before anyone.
  9. Pace is tied to Trubisky. I really doubt they will use one of their high picks on a QB. OL is deep this year in the second and third rounds. I'll be disappointed if two of our first three picks are not OL. If any QB is to succeed, they have to fix that OL.
  10. I would honestly keep Patterson. At 235 pounds, still the fastest guy on the team. He plays physical too, so why not convert him to the Burton role? If he fails at that, he's still the best special teamer we have. Burton and Gabriel definitely have to go.
  11. I think Leno got lazy in off season conditioning and prep (weight room) Just got engaged and a fat contract. We need a guy like Quentin Nelson that just comes in with an anumal attitude and let rub off. Drafting new guys will help, but if you get that animal it even better.
  12. I'm not against that at all. It has always been my philosophy that OT's can be converted before guards.
  13. Yeah, it's Coward and Leno at a minimum.
  14. The Vikings did this a couple of years ago. They got rid of the whole OL one season. I don't think we do that, but I do see at least 2 new staters next year.
  15. And we all thought locking most all of these guys up was brilliant before the season started.
  16. Look at the video on the Horstead thread. Nobody can succeed with this OL.
  17. I am a big believer in not throwing out the baby with the bath water. I'm pretty sure if an internet blogger has this down, someone in the chain of command of the Bears does also. I'm sure the proper heads will roll.
  18. Honestly, after watching this break down on film, Helfrich and Hiestand need to go. Hiestand was getting a pass due to past success. Not after that. Somebody needs to buy Montgomery a crown of thorns, because he was getting crucified at every carry. Lastly, can we get off Mitchs' back for a second. My god he played a decent game under those circumstances.
  19. I think the kicking game goes hand in hand. The team is ill. Everybody has to be their best version of perfect, all the time, or we can't win. Now everyone is tight. Tight kickers miss kicks. Tight pass rushers don't get sacks. Tight QB's overthrow the wide open guy. Tight receivers drop passes. Right now, they are all tight because they care. It means it's fixable. When you start hearing about on fighting and complaining, game over.
  20. I'm wondering what we could have drafted with those traded picks that could fill holes in the roster. Two firsts and three thirds is allot of points on the draft value chart. Just to think, we could have traded back in the 17 draft and got Jamal Adams and Mahomes. Woulda coulda, lol!
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