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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Ok, you saw the title and rolled your eyes and sighed, thinking "didn't we say this about another guy?", lol! Let me start by asking, has Trubisky had a clean pocket all year? Has he had a running game all year? Has he had a TE all year? Nagy added to the complexity of the game plan without the benefit of crucial components and work in pre season games. Here's what I think he needs: 1) new OC, someone who understands running game and play action. Trubisky has shown good accuracy on throws under 20. Those can turn into huge plays with YAC. 2) stud TE, one that can run and block. A safety blanket like Jason Whitten is huge on 3rd down. 3) OL, OL, OL. Draft two, sign one 4) get a WR that can blow the lid of the defense. We have our number one, plus guys that can work underneath. Nobody on our entire team scares anyone deep. Mitch is not a quarterback that is ever going to be elite. He doesn't have the brain for it. What he can be is a well above average game manager if he has a running game and protection. If you want razzle dazzle in the offense; how about a naked bootleg or a freakin rollout for goodness sake? Mitch showed promise last year with a big growth spurt and the surrounding cast, including coaches, let him down. I'm in the lot of blaming everyone around him. Shitty line, no TE, most drops, and overconfident coach. I don't know if Nagy would ever be willing to do what Mitch needs. If not, he needs to go. If Pace doesn't have the balls to control Nagy, then he needs to go too. I would like to see them all stay and try to fix this. Nagy needs to really sit down and tailor the offense to what the QB does well. But remember, it all starts up front with personnel.
  2. Could was player rep and was not conforming to conversation Fox wanted in the locker room. Remember how Fox was praised for building our winning culture during last year's run? Pace being a young GM is definitely going to listen to a coach that had been there, done that.
  3. Adam, you are the man! Great job. I truly hope place is done trading up. I hate losing the picks.
  4. Adam, I'm hoping you can run with this for me... Pace: He has made some good picks and some duds, so let's focus on the trades. Shaheen is a solid bust. So we spend a second rounder and give up what to move up? Montgomery is solid, but unspectacular. We give a second rounder and what for him? Miller is another second rounder etc... Now, let's go to Mack; two firsts and what else? Trubisky... did I miss any. Can you add all of this up, because it seems like a draft and a half has been spent. Looking at our biggest needs right now. Assuming Trubisky is the starter and we didn't trade up. Who could we have drafted and would we have needed the Mack trade? OL - our tackles are not terrible, but they neither have an identity. We have one good guard and good center. Two needed drafted highly. DL - we have found out Hicks' value. We need another one. LB - assuming Mack is never traded for. We need two pass rushers. ILB is ok. DB is ok. TE - Pure vomit RB - if we had a decent run game would Howard still be our guy? Take it and run gents! Let's have a hindsight draft!
  5. Jared Goff is in a much worse place than Trubisky. He looks to be rattled and a shell of who he was last year. Since the Superbowl he has been a turnover machine and highly ineffective. My expectation is that Pagano dial up the pressure to the point of taxing our secondary. If Goff succeeds, it will have to be via big play. I honestly don't care if we get in a couple of excessive hits along the way. If we rattle Goff early, we have a chance. It's simply what teams have been doing to Trubisky. Let the least rattled win!
  6. No interest in Kap. There is no way he's mentally ready for NFL game speed after being away this long. Plus, I honestly believe football isn't the priority in his heart that it should be.
  7. I don't think so. They want to unload his salary and any drama that may follow him going from MVP to backup. A team would have to be really bad at the QB partition to both trade for him and eat his salary.
  8. I'd just cut him to send a clear message.
  9. Whitehair was drafted to be a guard and Daniels a center. I understand why they made the move on the off-season, because they thought they would make each of them better. Again, Nagy not working players in pre season games proved a failure. Now, if the move was a total flop the switch should have been made at the bye. Amd again, on Nagy. He'll learn or coach himself out of a job.
  10. Sometimes a little anger and pride solves problems. Agreed, it starts with leadership, so hopefully they can sync.
  11. Damn, they have Gurley choking their cap as well. Plus we can compare Donald and Mack on salaries...
  12. The truth is, they locked onto Mahomes because they knew he was all they were gonna get. Also you can apply the Brady theory of hindsight to it. Wouldn't you trade up further to get that pick of you think he's that good?
  13. I get it, but... https://amp.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000950270/article/matt-nagymitch-trubisky-bond-predates-chicago-bears-days?networkId=4595&site=.news&zone=story&zoneUrl=url%3Dstory&zoneKeys=s1%3Dstory&env&pageKeyValues=prtnr%3Dchi%3Bteam%3Dchi%3Bconf%3Dnfc%3Bdvsn%3Dncn%3Bplyr%3Dpatrick_mahomes%3Bplyr%3Dbrett_hundley&sr=amp
  14. I wonder if McVey is feeling the same heat Nagy is.
  15. Nagy was wanted by the Colts as well as the Bears. As I recall, Nagy chose the Bears because he loved Trubisky and is on record stating that he loved him coming out of the draft. I'm sure the compliments could be coach speak for his player, but you can't say he was handed Trubisky against his will, as he was already here.
  16. He was just being of lauded buy everyone last year. Stole Mack from the Raiders. Locked up Hicks, Goldman and Whitehair. Drafted Jackson and saw the renaissance of Fuller. We have the pieces and are in decent cap shape as compared to poorly ran organizations. He and Nagy get one more year. What they do with it will matter greatly.
  17. On the upper end of the scale, would you sacrifice Brady or Belichick? Unless you know...
  18. Damn boys, give Nagy time to lick his wounds. If he's as great of a young coach as Reid says he is he'll figure it out. Also, we were applauding Pace last year. I'm in for both of them next year. If I don't see growth, then I'm out.
  19. How about a seasoned coach who knows how to take a great defense to the Superbowl? Make that two Superbowls. ?...John ? ? Seriously, let Nagy and Pace grind this out. They are both young and talented. The ego bruising should season them well. But, Foxy could be brought on as a consultant to help stabilize and correct what can be.
  20. There are many good players on this team, so let's fix it. My thoughts are simple and always have been. We start by fixing the OL. Spend two high draft picks on OL. Spend one on QB. After that, draft speed on D. Clearly, Nagy has struggled this year and nobody is looking at Helfrich. I suggest Nagy hire a more conservative OC to balance his mad scientist style. I believe Helfrich is not a counter balance. Then, Nagy has to listen. On defense, Pagano needs to find his inner Fangio on defense. We heard how aggressive Pagano is. I haven't seen it. Lastly, stop trading up. It rarely works and sends an instant message to the drafted player saying, "we think you are this great". This team needs taken to the wood shed this off-season. They have talent and know it. Sometime that is the problem. Funny be afraid to cut dead weight.
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