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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Let's stop all the talk about new coaches. The arrow is pointing up for the first time in a decade. And us, as typical Bears fans, are bitching. Let this thing grow and see what comes of it next year !
  2. We have something to look forward to.
  3. Very poor effort to plays in a row by Amos.
  4. sorry bro, chalk this season up as a dud...
  5. How dare compare Lovie to a competent coach, lol.
  6. I disagree. They played John Fox ball and won 17-3 with a rookie QB and no receivers worth mentioning.
  7. Gentlemen! We are winning 17 to 3. Nuff said
  8. I'm not sure what our time of possession was but it should have been a huge bonus for the defense.
  9. That's not in any players mindset. And whoever keeps saying put him at tackle, just stop it.
  10. They got it done! Big playsby the rookie and Howard on the last drive. D was solid today...
  11. Good clean hit! You move like he does, that's a consequence. Ditto on karma.
  12. My thoughts on FA acquisitions is simple. They are free agents for a reason. They rarely work out that way you want.
  13. He asked for a release. It was known they are trying to trade him. No injuries.
  14. I saw a lot of poise from Trubisky. It seemed he was always in control of the situation. 5 drive killing penalties and dropped passes in the first half was a disaster. I didn't see a terrible offensive line as most did. They were simply too many overload looks that the wr's could not take advantage of. I would have liked to see Shaheen used more, as I thought he and Trubisky might have a breakout party together. Defense played well despite the injuries.
  15. I look for Shaheen to step up tonight.
  16. Mongo3451


    It wasn't me. I had actually never heard of him until a week before that draft. I liked what saw though...
  17. Mongo3451


    I'm a big Watson fan too. I just don't think he has Trubisky's upside.
  18. Mongo3451


    The best part of this thread is that only one side of the debate will have any data to support the future argument. If Trubisky succeeds, they can't say with certainty, "he would have done this from day one"! While we can say, "it's because he waited"... if he fails, the pre draft haters of the pick get to rule.
  19. Mongo3451


    Here's why I like slow and easy. The NFL is so much more sophisticated than college. The speed of the game, talent of players, personalities/egos on the sidelines, play calling, game management and preparation are all different. Why not let him get comfortable with the ancillary things before hitting the field. At week 5, it will be far less overwhelming and a better environment to absorb the new moment, as he has already seen and heard the show. What the feeling of earning the position? He truly knows now, that this is his team because he is truly the better man for the job. That will help with confidence and the support from the vets as they are hungry for him to succeed, knowing he is there ONLY hope. I fully support the plan that was in place. ...and for good reason.
  20. Easy big guy, it was a joke. No competitor likes to be bested. We all respect class when we see it
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