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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Mongo3451

    QBs rising

    2 maybe 3 QBs will go top 10. I simply hope hard core fans understand this when we get accused of reaching.
  2. J'Marcus Webb has been rehabbing and is reportedly in the greatest shape of his career. Also note that at 28 is just hitting his prime. That being said, I think we should make a strong push to ensure he resigns with...The Seahawks bwahaha!
  3. They look at 6 things mostly. Arm talent Athleticism Pocket presence Poise Intelligence Clutch factor This isn't exact but very close
  4. I didn't know he was still in the league.
  5. That's why we draft the one we think is best. It is imperative...
  6. Loved what I saw from Watson from a leadership and read/react perspective. I do have concerns with accuracy and delivery. Is what I loved seeing good enough?
  7. Cleveland could do that by taking Fournette at 1 and Watson at 12.
  8. This year, I fill holes in FA. For the draft, I get the QB I want then BPA after that.
  9. That's my stance. If you like him, take him. If not, BPA or trade.
  10. I know you did. I did too. BTW- Kramer to Moss would have been deadly. As would my mom to Moss and my 11 year old son. He is the most unstoppable player I have ever seen. The only thing I can equate him to is Tiger when he was on his tear.
  11. Never mentioned Polian. It was a simple comparison stating what you can expect from a rookie. And disagreed on Moss. He would clown anywhere he went. Dude was a freak.
  12. Polian has nothing to do with it. It all hinges on the relationship Pace has with the brass. The Mccaskeys seem like people that would be receptive to the conversion. Also, had Polian taken Leaf would you still use the argument of can't miss? He was the one with most upside according to experts. Trubisky and Kizer have all the tools to succeed, they just lack experience.
  13. That is so not true. If they draft a QB that high, it will be with ownership buy in. Ownership will ask, how long till he's ready? That is how much time they will have. I would argue that it buys them more time as Pace can recall Peyton Manning's first season of 3-13 and record interceptions as his first defense.
  14. I get it and would love a monster OL. I think we are getting close once Long is healthy. My thought and point runs on the odds of getting a Dak Prescott in the 4th. They are not a dime a dozen. Odds get much better if you get one early. I'm willing to sit this QB until they are truly ready.
  15. My opinion stands out. Draft the best QB ibn this draft. We have been stuck in mediocrity for years. All knowing the QB position is the most important on the team. QB for the future it's worth the reach.
  16. If Pace wants a QB in the 1st, I guarantee he clears the clip board time with his uppers before he puts his ass on the line. That would give him his 4th year.
  17. Mongo3451


    The top things scouts look for are: Athleticism, arm talent, pocket presence, football IQ, clutch factor and character. Kid has all the tools. Yes, he lacks experience, but the rest is not much of a factor. Did you see the 97 yard drive with the game on the line? Dude was money, even after his receivers dropped sure TD'S.
  18. Mongo3451


    Watched his bowl game today and came away impressed. He's not ready to start any NFL games, but has the mental and physical traits I like to see. As far as his demeanor goes, he's the anti Cutler. I would love to see him in a Bears uni.
  19. It may be worst record wise, but two years ago was an abomination...
  20. Do you sit him this week to prevent wear and tear? Or do you let him try for the Bears rookie record?
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