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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. If free agency goes well, I would consider it.
  2. It's like we won without playing...
  3. Mongo3451


    Said it multiple times! I'm in!
  4. I too thought Gase would stay one more year. He must be one of those guys that can take over a room, because his body of work is not there yet. Will he be Josh Mcdaniels or Mike Tomlin?
  5. The whole Marshall interjection to Jeffrey is complete horse apples. One: if Jeffery is that weak and impressionable, he's not man enough to handle the load long term. Two: Marshall is already a proven three time team cancer. Lastly, this is not fantasy football. Marshall will get his stats. Team sports require their stars to be team players. Marshall is on some levels but not on others and that makes him more dangerous than the guy that's one way or the other. He both brings credibility and destroys it. Not what you want on any team, let alone one that needs rebuilt.
  6. Speaking of coaches worthy of HC consideration, what about Dave Toub? Has there been a coach over the last 10+ years that turned out more excellent product on the field? Look how the tone was set in Houston yesterday. The NFL is all about the next hot candidate, while the Bruce Arians of the world wait too long...
  7. Adam Kaplan just reported that Gase will be hired by someone. Hottest name out there...
  8. They all say that until their demands exceed future return.
  9. I don't recall many people saying how much they were going to miss him. What have you heard to think he wasn't a tool in the locker room.
  10. Holly crap! Buy the big puss a puppy or something!..
  11. I see Cutler has two picks. Game is not on in my area. What's going on?
  12. Nkemdiche is the one player I would trade up for in this draft. IMO - best player in the draft, along with Bosa...
  13. Sounds like draft shenanigans are starting....
  14. Totally agree. Pay him well and if he becomes a top 5, that's covered too...
  15. Oh, I don't quit son. Taking your ball and going home is what you've proven to do. You just lost credibility with me when claimed to know more than the man on "the trophy". You can have your build through losing mentality all you want. Just don't sell it to me...
  16. You completely nerded out your keyboard on that reply and didn't say a damn thing that relates to this topic. You win...
  17. Like every Lovie Smith team. I'm calling BS. Winning is a habit. You will never convince me of a good reason to lose. Karma is a bitch.
  18. Forte must understand that he'll not be the bell cow anymore. If he likes it, he'll sign for the right price. If he wants paid, as the man, "he gone".
  19. I hope we win next week too. From a player perspective, winners think about how they are going to win next week, not next year. I think our team needs this far more than a better draft position.
  20. Good ol Bill is an evil genius. Comments like that will drive his price up making it hard for the Jets to resign him. Way to punk your division rival without spending a dime...
  21. Fix what can be fixed, patch what can't. That being said, I go OL. If we use some FA money and our high draft pick, the OL is complete. Once the line it's fixed, our defense becomes instantly better through sustained drives, time of possession and points scored. Points scored alone allows Fangio to blitz a little more than we have seen. Now that the offense is fixed, spend the rest of the draft and FA on defenders and TE.
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