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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. We were way old to be that crappy. You usually see a little "old dog" fight left in guys like that. Good riddance to those that under perform.
  2. I would call Duron Carter immediately....
  3. Khaseem made a great play last night. But, no thanks.
  4. Madlith had me cracking up. This had me spewing my C and C.
  5. You think two drafts from now, we'll be drafting top 10? I sincerely hope and believe you are wrong.
  6. I got him in the 5th round of my draft.
  7. I hate this for more than one reason. It stinks when you need to take an all pro player and move them to a position they are unproven at. It's also, late into camp. If you are going to make this move, give him and his replacement a chance to succeed. How many drafts go by and we just add enough OL help to feel we are not destitute.
  8. Gotta agree. Our ability to stretch the field means everything.
  9. What you do off the field directly relates to on field. So yes, he was a detriment to the entire team.
  10. Crazy stuff. I'm curious as to why he needs a rod. More to come...
  11. Mongo3451


    Makes me think of big Ted Washington. Hope Goldman is nearly as good.
  12. And once again Jay Cutler looks like the good guy. Notice how Jay always takes the high road and is vindicated.
  13. Interesting thoughts. He gets compared to AJ Green a lot. Is your assertion that this comparison is off?
  14. Agree 100% I'm very excited for the speed element our offense has added. Faster slot receiver, faster outside receiver and faster running backs. I love it and can't wait to see how it goes. I'm still very concerned about the defense. One thing I think it will have going for it, is a dedicated ball control offense that seeks to win the TOP battle.
  15. I picture him as a guy that simply hates the public and media circus. Probably great with family and friends, but wants nothing to do with people outside his interests. Larry Bird is from the same region and is pretty much the same way. In today's media, he would be portrayed the same. Individuality and privacy were much more respected back then.
  16. Sounds a little iffy too me...
  17. I'm strictly talking about the Bears organization and how they prep and deliver info. They prep the player after access is granted for interview. Independent media reports and articles are not part of that. If you ask anyone in the Bears org about Cutler right now, they would tell he was spotted walking on water last week. Hub would tell he had to rescued by a lifeguard.
  18. My statement stands. I live in the Colts media market and they are nowhere near the Bears. If you can name an organization other than the Whitehouse, that's puts prettier lipstick on a pig, please share. Halas Hall is the best.
  19. Me too. But, one thing I've learned over the years is that the Bears organization is the best in the NFL at creating pre season optimism through the media. Their PR program is awesome.
  20. Unless Marty B is a locker room cancer, I want him here. My thoughts are that he is ok, otherwise he would already be gone.
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