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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Agreed. After Cutler quit on the team the last game he played, I was done with him. Then after my conversation with my insider, I'm thinking he may be OK. But Ditka? Gotta start with my initial gut. Cutler is somehow cursed.
  2. Watching Countdown, Tom Jackson and Ditka endorsed Trestman. Ditka stated, "Can't win with Cutler". Not new news, but damn...
  3. Just read an interesting post. It said: what do John Elway, Steve Young, Jay Cutler and RGIII have in common? They all had their best season playing for Shanahan... Any validity to that point?
  4. Lol, no. He was an offensive player no longer with the team.
  5. My guess is they had money to spend and he was easy to get done. Hopefully it was a deal that if they cut him, they owe him nothing. He was horrible the last couple of games...
  6. Also learned that Houston Texans have a lot more contact in practice and accountability to standards on the field.
  7. I had an interesting conversation from a person that spent some time with the team. I'm not naming my source, but... On Trestman: Knows offense like crazy. Runs an ultra soft camp. Players were actually lobbying to hit more. Some pleading to the staff that they needed contact. Practices lacked intensity. Offense completely dominated the defense. On talent: Cutler is a stud. Of all the QB's he's played with, Cutler was the best at running practice and making sure players were in the right position and accountable. Quoted, "dude is misunderstood", "good teammate", "leader I would follow", "hard worker". Marshall, Bennett, Jeffery and Forte are talented in that order. We all know about Marshall, but it was said that Bennett is a beast. Probably the 2nd best "all around" TE in football. Eric Weems: Team misses him. Held ST together Hester: Team scratching head. They all knew how good he still is. TeamlLost some heart when he left. Peppers: Team understood the math, but see Hester. Briggs: No comment Conte: Softest safety he's seen. Doesn't like contact. Fast with good instincts in passing game, but... Vereen: Clueless with no instincts. Doesn't understand how he was 3rd rounder. Didn't even game plan against him when he was at U of Minnesota. The team has good individual talent but lacks direction. Again, stated Trestman was a good offensive coach and the O destroyed the D. All said, I'm wondering if our D was so bad that the offense had nothing to work against. Remember how they used to say our defense made our offense better? Haven't heard that this year from anyone.
  8. If Polian says it's so , then it is...
  9. Here are some above average traits Cutler has: arm strength, touch, accuracy, intelligence, work ethic, creativity outside the pocket, toughness, release, red zone production and mobility. Average traits: none Below average traits: anticipation, locks on receivers at times, doesn't look off safeties, demeanor, leadership, stubborn, going through progressions, and pocket awareness. That's the thing about Cutler he's good/bad, heaven/hell. What I really want to know is if he has the confidence and respect of his team mates. That is a scale tipper for me. We may never know the truth on that.
  10. Agreed. No place for it...
  11. Could be a good thing if Cutler tears the Queens a new one. (Build a little hope for next year and increase Cutler's trade value) They already have decided on the coaching staff.
  12. Adam Schefter reported that too. I'll add that there is no way in hell that is ever going to happen.
  13. Yet are GM's were crucified for picking Curtis Enis and Cedric Benson and both had it all over Richardson talent wise. We argue semantics all day long. IMO, Holmgren is not the choice.
  14. Holmgren moved up in the draft to select Trent Richardson. I'm not convinced in his body of work. What's Parcells up to these days?
  15. That's more like what I'd been thinking before Monday. I wish someone had an answer for all of this year's ago, so I have to go with my gut. From what I saw Monday, Cutler flat out quit. What I heard yesterday, was a Cutler that wants to stay and fix it. Did you get the vibe that he may be willing to take a pay cut? Anyway, I've been lied to before, so I gotta go with what I saw.
  16. I will defend Cutler on this. I've stated this numerous times. The only way you can compare those two is from underachieving. Cutler is so much the tougher player, better team mate and human being the Jeff George. Jays teammates actually like him. Jeff George never had that. Being from Indiana, I've followed both of these guys since high school. Jeff George is an unbelievable prick on all levels and complete gutless pussy on the field. I will always take exception to this comparison as it is only talent based.
  17. I applaud Jay for his efforts working with children with diabetes. He goes into clinics and hospitals without fanfare (no media allowed) to educate and inspire children. Diabetes is a tremendously difficult disease for children to manage on a mental and physical level. Any help they can get is great.
  18. They will lose more than 15 million in revenue next year if they don't make the necessary changes. 11000 fans not showing up Monday night sent a very clear message to the McCaskey family.
  19. Gotta say AZ, you are the poster I tend to agree with most on this site. You make some great points. On the theme of this post, I have to say I disagree. I've supported and rooted for Cutler to be the QB we have all envisioned he can be. But, final straws are simply final straws. Monday's performance simply showed that Cutler was done.. What he was done with, I don't know. For a leader to come out and completely wear "done" on his sleeve is unforgivable. I don't care if it's a little league baseball game, my expectation is that players fight till the end and lift each other up. Didn't see it and haven't seen it enough from Jay for him to have credibility in that regard. The only defense I can give him now, is that this organization is an utter mess that he can't overcome. I can not disagree with people blasting him. He not solely to blame, but he is a key part of it and I'm simply tired of his part in it.
  20. It was brutal, but that is what I saw the other night.
  21. I believe he can take any terrible team that has a need at QB to mediocre. The next step is where he fails.
  22. Kidding about what? He wanted Cutler pulled too. That's only one at at least 5 times he ripped him. What is the topic again?
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