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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. More so the up front way though. Talking about pressure, the QB doesn't have the ability to look off DB'S if they are getting pressure. Good DB'S will get abused by a good QB given proper time to go through progressions. That means everything to a passing attack. Ask Peyton.
  2. I like it as well. And actually don't mind a RB. We need a little speed and depth at the position.
  3. I'd rather see Mills stay and develop further at the RT position. We have Brown and Britton as key backups that are young as well. If we are going to spend a draft choice, it has to be for our OC of the future.
  4. At his age and productivity, it's almost better to cut then resign if they want him back.
  5. Glad I'm married. If I had 3 chicks, I wouldn't be posting 24/7. Just sayin...
  6. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Slaussen played well at OG. Leave him there and draft a guy for grooming at OC. If Garza is healthy and graded well by the staff, he deserves another year.
  7. Charles Tillman at FS. I don't care what he says, his days of being an effective corner are over. That way we can move forward with DL and CB, all while getting him his next Pro Bowl nod.
  8. Typo. Meant paying for. Fixed it.
  9. My friend at work said he read an article where Emery said he was strongly considering paying for Peppers for at least one more year. Thing is, I can't find it anywhere. Anybody?
  10. I definitely think they would have to overcome distractions. On the other hand, I believe with the cameras on, they would be striving fir excellence to avoid moments of ridicule from friends, family and peers. All said, I'm all for it. I'm a junkie for all info Bears.
  11. When you become wiser, you will find the only stats that matter start with W and L.
  12. I'd put several ahead of Kiffin. Lebeau, Ryan, Capers, Belichick
  13. This is the only thing I can add to your post. In the last game against GB, they did almost what you suggest. They essentially ran a 4-2-5(Nickle) almost the entire game, thus removing Bostic from the game and Briggs manning the middle. You would think that our rush defense would have suffered by displaying a front 6 vs a front 7. It did not. We had been giving up around 200 ypg in the weeks leading up to this, with a season average of 161ypg. We gave up 160 to a hot rushing team with one less body up front. Now, on the converse of that you would think playing a nickel defense all game long would mean our pass defense would be pretty good against a rusty Aaron Rodgers. Over the season, we gave up 233 ypg passing and decided to give up 315 in the finally, in bad conditions, for a total of 475 yards. How does that happen? I was there to witness how horrible our scheme was. And believe me, if Rodgers hit any of several opportunities he missed or didn't see; we would have been blown out. Comparing the QB's, Cutler was far sharper, as he only missed one throw that I saw. Rodgers missed a good 10. Our DB's were so far off the ball, GB had that 6 yard quick slant all day if they wanted. And we were in nickle coverage! Of course he may have adjusted that for the playoffs had we won. I was calling for that in the 1st quarter. Just a fan in the stands, what do I know? He must go...
  14. So Tucker inherits another thing from Lovie... ...the ability to throw underlings under the bus to save his skin.
  15. Agreed. Love, love, love, this part. I still see the star struck approach. I believe Tucker comes in and starts to work with the guys and the players say, "we did it this way". He had the opportunity to throw his dick on the table to show he had the biggest one. I don't have the facts, only a dotted line. Never know, he could have been undermined by Trestman. I doubt it. One thing I'm sure of, is that we'll never know the whole truth.
  16. What if Tucker came in a little star struck and gave our guys a little too much respect? And what if they took advantage of it and didn't work as hard as they should have. What if he expected excellence, but didn't command it? Coaches coach and players play, but coaches get players ready to play. They just didn't seem ready...
  17. Straight up; the dumb ass was agreed to run Lovie's D. He obviously convinced them it would be OK. He failed. Fire him. He obviously lied in the interview process.
  18. Honestly, I think there is nothing in that article that our bearstalk cap guys have not covered. It was well laid out for my novice cap mind though. What I would like to see now is our own comprehensive wish list. Get crackin boys!
  19. Yes, he failed as a leader this year. If we let him and Peppers go, does that make peanut more important to re-sign? Or do we already have a leader we haven't talked about?
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