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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Instead of debating who should start or what the best option going forward may be, how about asking why? Q: Why is Cutler starting? A: Because there's an old tradition that the starter does not lose his job to injury. Why? It's a message of loyalty and confidence to the team. Nobody wants to sacrifice their body for a coach or team with the thought that their standing will be lost during rehab. A: Because they need more film on Cutler. Why? Smith vs Kaepernick. Why? Smith was 7-0 and the highest rated QB in the NFL then loses his job to Kaepernick. SF goes on to the SB as favorite and were beaten soundly until the power outage. Karma's a bitch. Add to that my personal belief that Smith was and still is the better QB. Why x2? They know what they have in McCown AND what he can be signed for in the off season. That question has not been answered for Cutler. Why? Cutler got hurt as the offense was starting to gel. New scheme, new OL, new coaches simply take a season. Q: Why not ride the hot hand? A: See above Also, Emery and Trestman have a huge decision that will affect the next 5-8 years of the franchise. If Cutler were the only off season priority, it would still not be easy. But, they have 30 guys with contract situations to deal with and they all hinge on Cutler. Film…
  2. For the 3rd consecutive year, I hope it's Peanut...
  3. Jason already called that, lol...
  4. That article pretty much sums up what I stated in another post about having one side of the ball being dominant. Good read. Thanks fir sharing.
  5. My philosophy has always been, you have to be dominant at one thing. That being said, I think the best option for that lies in Cutler. There's no chance of the D betting dominant next year, do it has to be O. How about 6 years 80 mil for Cutler? Two years 7 mil for Josh?
  6. Amen x2. And I'll add Lovie was in job saving mode, again. That win allowed him to throw Martz under the bus and promote his next savior in Tice.
  7. As long as that doesn't mean tanking games to get a better pick. I agree if you are out of the playoff scenario, you should give bubble guys and youngsters a long look to learn more about them and provide experience.
  8. McCown is a very good athlete. Who's to say, he could just be a late bloomer between the ears. One of McCown's former teammates said he is the most physically gifted "white boy" he'd ever seen. If you look at him, he looks quick, strong, fluid, accurate and confident. Add to that, an average arm and above average foot speed, you have a recipe for a modern QB. I'm not concerned about his age either. As Adam pointed, he's younger than some that we're not worried about. Plus, he has less wear and tear than all of them. I'm somewhat sold on McCown now and the 14 mil(minimum) Cutler will command can buy us 3 to 5 starters on defense.
  9. Greene is the worst player on the team. He bites on everything and ends up trailing plays. He make Shae look like an all star. Speaking of Shae. He has all the look of Url 2.0. I'd move him to LB in the off season and move Bostic outside.
  10. I really don't care if our head coach is offense or defensive minded, but I do agree on the aggressive nature of Trestman. If he makes the smart decisions on 4th down and field goals, I'm totally good. On the Lovie note: I believe his style of coaching is dead alongside the Tampa Two D.
  11. Doesn't make sense to me. They currently have a better D coordinator in Wade Phillips. Why would they lessen their team by hiring Lovie? I would hire an offensive guy and keep Wade.
  12. With his 2nd field goal of the game Robbie became the most accurate kicker in NFL history. With his last 2, he is no longer. Not sure what the math is to get him back on top, but he's gonna have to start another streak. Just sucks that he set an all time record and didn't get to enjoy it for a night...
  13. I call bullshit. Bad decisions are still bad, even if they happen to work. Kinda like using the rhythm method when you are a minute man. Odds are...
  14. I have straight disagreed with his game management in 3 off the last 4 games. I place 2 recent losses directly on his field goal decisions. If Gould hits, I still disagree. My confidence is disturbed.
  15. I do not understand Trestman these days. Bizarre....
  16. I guess I don't understand Trestman lately. Goes for it when we don't need too in previous games. Now he doesn't try the 59 yard field goal at the half. Then he goes for the 66 yarder. I'm puzzled...
  17. I wonder why they didn't go for the field goal before the half. Must have been the Bama game last night.
  18. As much as I hate to go against my mantra of "the buck stops with the GM"; Drafting McClellin and Hardin had Lovie written all over it. I won't; so Emery gets full blame. He hit homers with Long and Mills though.
  19. If they don't try some version of the 3-4, agreed. He is completely useless as an every down 4-3 end. Never understood the pick. The guy I wanted has 10+ sacks for NE this year.
  20. This was the key to me. I'll say again. Unless the game dictates, YOU ALWAYS TAKE THE POINTS! No exceptions, ever. That totally deflated our team and fired them up. He needs to squeeze one off before the game to mellow out.
  21. I definitely wouldn't rush any player back, unless it was for the big game. My point was sort of what your summary was. I'd like to go down swinging if we go down. Absolutely do not like playing for next year.
  22. It needs to happen soon. The Corey Wooten needs to get back to LDE. SMC is getting killed over there. Plus, that is Briggs' side. That side was completely gashed today.
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