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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. You are the only one that thinks Jason is right.
  2. Burping methane? Stinky Q-Tips? Pasty pallet? I can provide more...
  3. You lost credibility last year with your constant support of Chris Williams over Webb. (Even after Williams clearly lost and is currently sucking elsewhere) Don't go there again please. Now, we have Scott and the rookie competing and it's the same old thing. Webb, again, is not being handed anything. You mentioned in another post, he must be Dez White? Don't you think the coaches looked at the three years of game film on him? (over and over) If he WINS the job, he's the BEST we have period. The reason he was NOT replaced is because he was one of the BEST we had last year. Trust me, I'm NOT a Webb fan. But if he continues to improve as he did last year, he'll be your whipping boy for the next decade. Objectivity has it's place...
  4. Good! I hope they drill it through Cutler's thick head so he doesn't learn the hard way.
  5. It doesn't go away in a week. He must have some Lovie in his bloodline...
  6. Add that McClellin has plantar fasciitis.
  7. Correct. The changes we'll see is a little more press coverage from our CB's, which can have positive and negative results. Positive will be less underneath stuff will be availible. Negative will be that our safeties will be depended on more to cover the holes that cover 2 provides. Regardless, of anything else, we will be able to go back to playing Lovie ball anytime we want if that's where the success is. I'm not worried about the D as much as I am the offense gelling in time.(especially the OL)
  8. While I believe that nobody is trying to slap Lovie, I will disagree on your defensive comments. Why would someone be so foolish as to dismantle a team strength just to slap someone? Building an offense is essentially a slap to Lovie anyway.
  9. It doesn't matter if Garza starts or not. There has been complete turnover at the G and T positions and completely new system. So, what does Garza offer that anyone else doesn't?
  10. This is a surprise. I thought he would be competing in camp and the staff would decide what to do then. Why publicly support him and dump him for essentially nothing? I would have rather seen him compete in camp and be cut for nothing than not seeing what he can bring to the table vs a 6th rounder. Outside of sending a message, this reeks of money. My other thought is, what if a coach went to AZ to watch him workout and saw the same old bust they had last year? Regardless, I'm disappointed.
  11. Hate it. The backup QB'S need to be ready at a moments notice. Which means paying attention in practice and meetings, as you are not getting reps. I don't think he will ever get it.
  12. A freakin men! Give up Jason, he's a WR...
  13. If he develops, yes. But, there is a reason hes been bouncing from team to team. Until he shows he can be trusted, he can't be. I would love to see E-Rod become our Tom Rathman.
  14. 6'6" and a 4.4 forty is the equivalent of an 8 ball and a boner pill for Wesson...
  15. The Bears have stated they will not retire any more numbers. At this point, I vote for the ring of honor and unretire all with the exception of 34 and 51...
  16. If your statement is true then Emery and Trestman are freakin genius's. To believe they offered him more money than anyone else, knowing all along it would lead to his retirement. Pure genius!
  17. 51>50>54. HOF Yes, but not a slam dunk.
  18. I'd rather see him in camp healthy and hungry to compete for a spot. Would love to see him win a starting role. That would provide great depth and competition.
  19. I get what you are saying. I was pissed when it was all going down, but not anymore. I would be a dick over a couple million bucks too. He simply misplayed his hand leading to all of this.
  20. Something we dont know, that I guarantee Trestman knows is, how many times Cutler forced to Marshall. And how many times he looked at Marshall first and threw late to the others, causing defended passes.
  21. The bolded above is what the blah blah was about. Guess I could have explained it better.
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