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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. I am optimistic as well. But, don't get me wrong, Cutler scares the crap outta me. For one reason or another, he has not lived up to billing in Chicago. The only optimism I have is that this is the only offensive minded staff Cutler has seen since becoming a Bear. I've been critical in the past of Cutler's ability to one) get rid of the ball quickly, two) anticipate the receiver coming open, three) accept the checkdown and four) be completely receptive to coaching. More later...
  2. Bizarre. Jackson in the 1st was crazy, but you say 10 running backs were taken ahead of him. Love your QB's. Recievers could have been better. Backs, meh. Trade Rodgers for a stud WR and you have a 9.
  3. Yea, agreed. It's really odd to sustain a concussion in training camp. This dude just may be naturally fragile or simply not have the natural instincts to fall or take a hit properly.
  4. Thanks Dawizz. The last link about Emery was a fantastic read. I encourage all to take the time and check it out.
  5. He has since said that everyone is "bought in". I think Cutler is brutally honest to a fault. I like that quality in people, as I don't sugar coat well, as well.
  6. Lovie was a mediocre coach at best. His record shows that. They invested so heavily on defense, it should have been better than the 85 Bears and it wasn't close in comparison. He was fired because they chose a philosophy to neglect offense at the discretion of being great on defense. Everyone knew why he was fired before this interview, as previously stated on this board. Glad he's gone and IMO it was 3 years too late. I'm sure will be better for it.
  7. This will be the year for determining who those guys are. I would venture to say that all players at risk will do what they can to work into the new staff's favor. Doing otherwise will only hurt marketability with the team and outside suitors. Veterans with contracts will have to meet or exceed expectations to maintain their standing as well.
  8. I don't see it as snarky, maybe a little nit picky. It doesn't matter how or why he failed to make teams in the past. It also doesn't matter how long he has played the game. What does matter is if he can play.
  9. That cut and paste of yours pretty much summed it up. In the past, he has shown great measurables that didn't translate to making the team. Not sure if that cleared it up or not. The entire context of my thoughts were that some players never figure out how to play when the hitting starts. Guys like him stick around longer because the coaches see immense talent in hope that it will develop.
  10. His failures and lack of development have occurred when the pads come on. Some players simply can't play with contact. I hope he relishes his opportunity enough to understand the fearless sacrifice it takes to succeed and plays according to his skillset. It would a huge bonus to have a matchup nightmare like him.
  11. We play with less for a few reasons. We have transaction fees and a waiver wire system with a pecking order. So, we get more transactions resulting in a higher season end payout. It makes you manage your roster in a manner that saves money and your pecking order slot. The bonus is, that you get an opportunity to really screw your buddies out of a player they covet as the season progresses.
  12. Alonzo Spellman comes to mind.
  13. No offense taken. Shanahan's version was more vertical than Walsh's. Regardless of the run/pass ratio when Cutler had his big year. Shanahan prefers to run first. Cutlers big year also had a lot to do with how horrible Denver's defense was and lack of a quality running back. There were a lot of 4th quarter fluff yards in attempt to come back. I believe Trestman is a little closer to Walsh from what I've seen in the past.(which is a lot of short/quick hitting timing routes that are not Cutler's thing) That being said, I believe Trestman is smart enough to see what has worked for Cutler in the past and go with it. Of course I've said that in the past as well.
  14. It wasn't close to true WCO. I'll admit that I have not seen the modern Trestman version, but his Steve Young and Rich Gannon versions were closer to the Bill Walsh offense. Lucky for us Young and Gannon were both athletic QB's.
  15. Agreed on all. Cutler is NOT the ideal QB for WCO. Can he adapt? Of course he can, but it will take Cutler humbling himself to bend to the will of the expectations placed upon him. He is a point and shoot guy by nature and trust and anticipation may not come naturally to him. We'll see soon enough. As far as the OL is concerned, I think the talent is there to be solid. I know we bled the continuity discussion dry, but the key will be how fast they gel as a unit. Positive karma on the lack of injuries this year.
  16. I'm good with it. While Webb will go into this year make or break, I'm convinced the OL as a whole looks improved on paper, scheme and coaching. I definitely look for Garza to be upgraded next season and Webb too if he does not become solidly average.
  17. Read some comments like, where's the outrage as compared to Michael Vick. I for one am in shock/disbelief over this. While the Vick thing was infuriating and saddening to me, this is simply sub human.
  18. We are essentially arguing the word if. Silly...
  19. I'm more old school when it comes to football. But, if it gives Trestman some information he can exploit, I'm all for. Definitely can't hurt.
  20. No starter has bee named. If anyone takes reps at RT with Cutler under center, there is competition.
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