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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Blah, blah, blah. Have we not heard this a milion times a milion different ways. Bently is saying exactly what Carimi is paying him for.
  2. That, in and of itself, is a problem. Will he ever be?...
  3. Novel concept here; get good Gabe and you will play.
  4. I've just been plain ol MotM. If you don't know what that stands for, go be a Packer fan...
  5. You are definately right on the high end. If a guy runs a 4.6, which is very realistic for an LB, that's 26 feet per second. Since we are talking about .3 seconds at the end of a pass play, giving an LB momentum, I think 10 feet is very close. Definately a body length.
  6. .3 seconds is an eternity in the NFL. That's 10-15 feet of movement from a defender.
  7. Agree. And, whether anyone likes it or not special teams accounts for darn near 1/3rd of the game. I would always prefer starting caliber players doing that vs professional special teamers. Better development potential.
  8. No worries. It's just a matter of time...
  9. This is starting to fizzle out for me. I was thinking we were going to pick who we would have picked when the Bears drafted to weigh ourselves against Emery. It seems the majority went with Long after the all the hype and hoopla. Did anyone have Kyle Long on their round 1 draft board even 5 minutes before the draft? Now we are debating a second round pick based on picking Long. This is interesting, but not working. My guess we'll end up redrafting Emery's team. I'm still going Floyd. Next Warford.
  10. I think this may be a false statement. Indiana has legislature to decriminalize pot, but it still would be against the law. Please provide link to the referendum you are referring to, as I am interested due to living in Indiana.
  11. We do have special rights as Bears fans!
  12. Kinda disagree. I think I get what you are saying, but think critical is, well, a little critical. I think the fan in us wants to be optimistic, but the armchair analist prefers to be skepticle. There will growing pains through the process until the WR's and Cutler get in sync and the OL gels. I think a lot of things went wrong with Lovie and company. Mainly falling in love with players before the pads come on.
  13. I want to see the offense find some sort of rhythm. Mainly, solid and timely play calling.
  14. He'll never admit it when it happens. You aren't too young. I'm old school and see your point a lot. BTW - Players are young, thus possibly giving you a better view of their social dynamic and mindset on life. I'm big on redemption and feel we are all worthy of it.(Regardless if we like them or not)
  15. Floyd, but am very pleased with Long. In hindsight, would have drafted Long. But just not on draft day.
  16. I applaud his honesty. The kid is 24 and has a lot of opportunity in front of him. It's on him now to prove to be the man he chooses to be. He is now doubt physically gifted and if he gets his mind right he could be an asset for the next decade.
  17. Agreed on all. I think I read that Peppers contract would be difficult to redo because it would cost more down the road. I think next season we can redo with less pain.
  18. Mongo3451

    Jon Bostic

    Gotta agree here. I played football from 4th grade through high school. Was even offered scholarships to play at the collegiate level, but neck injuries ruined that. During my freshman year I was invited to play on the Rugby team. I lasted two days! Rugby is gruelling to say the least, but that's the end of the comparison. In football you simply run the risk of getting into the equivilent of a car wreck on every play. You get bruises and bump in Rugby, in the NFL you get concussions and debilitating injuries.
  19. There are several reasons we had so many whiffs last year: trust, line calls and knowledge in the system are huge points that all relate to continuity. Garza was in his 1st year at C, Spencer and Rachal were 1st year LG's for us and Tice was a 1st year OC. Add that to a cast of marginally talented guys and you have a recipe for disaster. I would imagine new Englands line would have struggled if we say, shuffled the positions, changed OC's and swapped Brady for Cutler.
  20. I agree with your opinion. Just repeating what I read. I do agree with Wise in that Long is very talented.
  21. Tony Wise said, forget OG and pencil him in at LT on day one...
  22. I'm not replying to all, but only what is relevant to the topic. Yet an acceptable explanation, because there is always a reason for failure. I'll take continuity, if it's actually valid, over saying a highly talented group of people who have excelled at every level athletics, simply suck. How blind are you. Christian Ponder? Percy Harvin missing half the season. No other options in the passing game? Yet they run wild on a barely healed AP knee? You should get that, but you'd rather be right than correct... That was 12 in continuity at seasons end. Kind of a bad stat. Pace's only year with team and he simply wasn't physically capable anymore and our stubborn coaches held on. Omiyale, first year at OG maybe? Williams first year at RT. And talent does play a part. Just not the major. It doesn't go toward the entire team. Simply OL performance. Stupid? I never called you you stupid for dangling off TO's nutsack last year. But could have. Or when you were clearly wrong on the Webb V Williams debate last year. Time to check yourself before you wreck yourself. I can access a totall dickhead side of myself if I need to. Just choose not. DL has nothing to do with OL, but you can look at basketball in comparison to OL continuity. The Heat assembled an all star lineup, but did NOT win a championship in their 1st year. Now, in their 3rd year, they are on a rampage. Reason = continuity. Look at this years LA Lakers cast and crew. Continuity! They started to get it together toward the end of the season when they started to develop... wait for it! ...CONTINUITY. All NFL caliber players have a degree of talent if placed in the right system and given time to develop. But, it is very clear that you can't put it together and expect them to thrive without continuity. It takes time. You know that. If you assembled the best collective OL talent in the NFL, not the all world OL you dreamed of to start. They would need continuity before they would actually BE the best OL in football. End of lesson. I realize due to your stubborn nature, you will continue your argument, but I get bored quickly. Do your best, you will still be wrong. Just accept it.
  23. Some reading material. There's a lot more where that came from. http://www.csnbayarea.com/football-oakland...-offensive-line http://www.orangepower.com/threads/gp-offe...tinuity.161443/ http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-01...randon-marshall http://www.footballoutsiders.com/extra-poi...ntinuity-scores http://www.bloggingtheboys.com/2013/2/13/3...rsonnel-changes
  24. So, the time it's partially not true is when you assemble the greatest offensive line of all time. There is nothing you will ever say to convince me otherwise on the importance of continuity. I invite you to seriously try though.
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