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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. How about a post eating crow and an acknowledgement of greater knowledge? It will be a tough pill for whoever loses.
  2. How about the believed in him so much they traded for him?
  3. We agree in principle, just disagree on the how to do it. I'm willing to make a wager for fun...
  4. I remember some of us clamoring for him last year. I'm thinking we'll stand pat at tackle and upgrade the interior, as it is worse off.
  5. While I agree with the turd analogy, I think you tend to exaggerate when you portray others expectations of the OL unit. Webb in particular. Starting with the assumption that we don't know what we can count on down the road. Do we want to blow it all up and start from scratch? The answer is yes of you want to lose. We only have the ability to address 2 maybe 3 OL positions this year. So do we start by replacing arguably our most promising , young and least expensive resource? The math and logistics are bad there. While we may want nice upgrades in improvement from all our OL, that's just never going to happen due to the talent margins in the NFL. The order of importance for our team is OG, OG, C, LT and RT in my opinion.
  6. Manti in the 1st wouldn't go well with me.
  7. Make it so then. Blocking TE's are obsolete IMO...
  8. PFF's official stance is that his rating of -.2 is considered average. I think...
  9. Mongo3451

    Jake Long

    We could lose tons of money that could be spent elsewhere, then pay cap hell later. For that reason people talk about Peppers value, even though he was the best player on the team last year.
  10. I'm in that minority as well. And completely agree the interior needs beefed up before anything. Let me add that Webb is in a carreer make or break season. In that, if he has an above average season he will cash in big time at the age of 25. While I'm not confident he will make that jump, I'm more confident he will make a slight one. Average at his price is good for me if we upgrade the atrocious play on the interior.(That is where the room for the greatest improvement lies) As far as Carimi is concerned; he needs to show his knee has healed and he can carry extra weight in his achor area to be an NFL player. He looked like a TE last year and if that doesn't change he'll be a camp cut. I'd love to see reports on what he is doing this off season. Brown looks as if he may be an option at a rotational G this season.
  11. I don't mind it. We'd save about 5 mil a year by drafting him and letting Melton walk. That would free up money for Levitre, then draft Barrett Jones or comperable in the 2nd. Of course that's not going to happen, because of the timing between FA and draft.
  12. But, can he jump out of a swimming pool?
  13. Spencer was the singularly worst player on the team last year. I do not want him back.
  14. Mongo3451

    Backup QB

    I like the concept. Backup QB'S come in with little prep and being able to run a little would be a good fallback.
  15. Ok, I'm looking at this with a half full glass. My hope is that this will be a wake up/grow up moment in his life. Mine was at 22. Maybe his will be at 24.
  16. Mongo3451

    OLineman and TEs

    Webb has never been handed anything. If he was named starter, it's because he earned it or everyone else sucked worse than he did. They gave him Williams to compete against last year and IMO he clearly beat him. That will be arguable with others who saw it differently, but I agreed with the staff on that one. Webb has all the tools to be good. My problem with him is between his ears. He seemed to grow up a bit last year after the Cutler reeming. Hopefully, he understands how important he is to the success of this team and will continue to improve. It's funny, nobody has complained about Carimi being handed his job and he's worse than Webb. We really need to worry more about OG.
  17. That's the weight he has always looked tohave had. College teams tend to inflate stats as part of the hype machine. At that size and lack of speed, he will be spiralling down.
  18. Light and slow huh? Sounds like comments after the bama game....
  19. Hopefully we get a Jimmy Graham type. I'm not as concerned about inline blocking ability a maybe I should be. My thought has always been, if hes a threat he takes a defender regardless.
  20. Mongo3451

    OLineman and TEs

    If the article holds true and Kromer likes to build his scheme and core inside out, we wil ned at least 2 new interior linemen. We will not have the money or picks to address it all. So being that Webb was the sharpest turd in the pile means he should be starting again this year regardless of what side he plays. And of he improves like he did last year, he should be above average.
  21. I think it's a hybrid of your and s7's thoughts. I understand Tice testing his guys ability to block one on one during the preseason, as it offers the ability to know what plays you are capable of running. On the other hand, he had ass talent to work with, so help schemes should have been priority one. While it be easy in theory to learn the different protection scheme, it takes a long time to perfect into practical application. That's why most offenses take at least 2 years to gel. With the turnover in coaching and probable turnover on players, we should expect growing pains. Once we have good OL personnel in place, watch our coaches look like geniuses.
  22. Mongo3451

    OLineman and TEs

    That's complete BS. He was our strongest point of attack OL last year. Carimi backpeddled like a DB, yet you call out Webb. I am not a Webb fan either, but I saw him as the only OL on the team that improved. Everyone needs a team "whipping boy", but trust me Webb should no longer be it. Anyone who says otherwise is discrediting themselves.
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