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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. This is somewhat off topic and don't want to take anything away from Harbaugh, but Singletary built that team and they still resemble what he was teaching. Just take Vernon Davis as the poster child for what I am saying. Harbaugh has the same team, they just score points now.
  2. Mongo3451


    Wow, that really sums it up...
  3. Mongo3451


    22. This quote... "Realize what the score is, we lost to them again, but for us, yesterday’s game was a must game for the NFC North championship,” Smith said. “Besides that it wasn’t a must game as far as what can happen with our season. This week we’re to that must game, I mean the tournament has begun for us, so it’s about Arizona as soon as the players get a chance to watch the video. We have to find a way to get to 10-6 and see what happens.” He doesn't even realize how important that GB game was. It WAS must win. Now we are NOT in control of our playoff destiny. We ARE dependant on winning out and losses by teams ahead of us. What an asshole...
  4. I was basing my comments on the quotation Connorbear provided. He was paraprasing. Beyond that, I don't know. edit: Here's an article. Connor was spot on as usual. http://blogs.suntimes.com/bears/2012/12/br...fans_media.html
  5. If we do sign a legit LT, we still need to throw a high pick at OL. It is that bad.
  6. Yeah, then he'll throw some assistant coaches under the bus and somehow save his job. I already want to vomit.
  7. Love his fire and effort. I hope he keeps it together in the off season. Really rooting for this young man...
  8. That was the last thing he should have done. He just lost his "face of the franchise" leverage in getting a new contract. That being said, I don't care what he says. I only care if he is effective on the field and the locker room. He can stay for cheap, otherwise go.
  9. Nice list! I still want the chin! After that, I really like your top 2...
  10. 1) Totally agree with the Jeffery calls. I would have been livid had a Packer reciever push off on Tillman like that. You simply can not get full extension like that. Jefferey will learn the subtle push as he gets more savvy. Watch Marshall, he pushes all the time. His is a quick burst at an opportune time with no full extension. Busted everytime. 2) Refs gotta make the call on the jersey grab. 3) Peppers got hosed. He was committed. What happens if that was just a pump fake? If Cutler takes that hit there is no flag. 4) Criticizing Aikman is just retarded. He is the best and brightest announcer NFL broadcast has to offer. Close 2nd is Collinsworth. The refs may know the rules better, but they don't have the benefit of replay and the men in the truck pointing facts out.
  11. Mongo3451


    So we need 4 more to make the predicted 20... 17. Treating the fans like morons in the press. 18. Making training camp "Club Med" 19. 54% win percentage for career. How many coaches have lasted that long with that? 20. "Rex Grossman is our quarterback".
  12. Regarding Peppers, remember Richard Seymour as a Pat. Dude was a beast. Pep could thrive. Briggs and Url would be inside. Mcclellin outside. Melton and Wootton would be good ends. Just need a Raji or Wilfork type of player and another OLB. As I stated earlier, look how fast the Colts changed over this season. It can be done easily with our personnel.
  13. I was chiseling through typing mine while you were posting this. Like...
  14. I challenge that. Let's take the Colts for example. Can you name 3 players on each side of the ball that were on the team last year. I'm willing to wager nobody on this board can do it. With a couple of additions, our D will be fine. With a few additions our O will be fine also. What's not fine is our talent development and evaluation. That begins and ends with Lovie. Agree short term, vehimently disagree long term. If Cutler ever saw a pocket like Tom Brady has he would think he was on an episode of Punked. I challenge anyone to show me a clip of Cutler in a pocket with time to throw without either being in "max protect" or the defense "rushing three" to try to get a turnover. If we had an OL with talent, we would be moving people off the ball in the run game, the offense would be able to utilize all routes without extra protection. That's why the Pats are so successful, because the full threat is always there. For our offense, the full threat is not there. So defenses can play us differently knowing we aren't going to put up a ton of points to make them pay for their scheme. See above. And I don't give a crap what Cutler likes. He still needs a good OL to succeed.
  15. Ha! Just to clarify, he played another season after the 2K. Favre still blows though...
  16. Wayne Fontes had Superman and kryptonite all in one player. Barry Sanders. He was widely regarded as the most dynamic runner of all time. While that may be the case, he was also a drive killer. I don't think any running back in history had more negative yard rushes than Sanders. That being said, he tried to manage it and failed. Sanders was a big fan of Fontes, but had his greatest year the year after Fontes was replaced by Bobby Ross. Ross took them to the playoffs in his first season. Ross too, tried to manage Sanders ability. Ross' style is rumored to have caused Sanders' abrupt retirement the following season. If I remember correctly, it was Ross who started pulling Sanders out of the game when they got into scoring position. Lovie has Lovie...
  17. Yeah, I think we could switch to 3-4 easily. Peppers, Melton, Wooten, Url, Mcclellin, Briggs could make the switch well. We would need another rusher and huge guy for the middle.
  18. Mongo3451


    Elite QB's don't throw off their back foot. Hopefully he knows his production is not elite and doesn't demand to be paid as such. Of course we'll never know as long as he is running for his life in any scheme except max protect...
  19. He can go 5 years ago. He is the only common thread to the teams failure.(unless you want to blame 54) Dude has more lives than a cat...
  20. I've said it before. Not a fan so far. The Marshall trade was his signature piece, but believe anyone would have made that deal. I liked the Bush signing and that's it for free agents. Signing Briggs and Forte were no brainers as well. I felt it was idiotic to sign Campbell and the special teamers in lieu of OL. Also, disagreed with the draft strategy.(made me feel he was a Lovie puppet) I smelled a rat when they hired him, since he was known at Halas Hall. He was probably the only GM they could find to deal with Lovie. Of course that's all speculative. All told, we could have done better with another GM. Grade = D
  21. We are differing on the roles of coaches and players. Bennett dropped the ball = he failed to execute. Before Bush got stuffed, Lovie dropped the ball. When a coach makes a mistake, there's the additional layer of failure. BTW, Bennett has 1 drop vs 23 catches for a 4.3% drop rate. Marshall has 7 in 91 catches for a 7.7%. Bennett will get a pass from most fans.
  22. Because it's not an issue. Bennett choked, so what? He's notably one of the most reliable recievers in the NFL. He's officially dropped 2 less than Marshall this year. OTOH, the 4th and 1 is on coaching. You run a shitty OL into a good D. Take points off the board for a D that is very opportunistic with a lead. Give the opposition hope and lose a game that should have been won. Lovie and Tice are guilty of being fans.
  23. Your analysis is flawed. You are simply starting the odds are similar between making the FG and converting the 1ST down. What you forgot is the odds to score points after the conversion are still there. Belichick is the only pro coach I know that subscribes to your theory. He has Tom Brady. When you dont take the points, you're kicking your defense in the nuts...
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