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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. I don't agree. Carimi is a tackle, you simply don't draft them in the 1st round to convert them to guard so quickly. He will get his weight and strength up in the off season and become the tackle we drafted him to be. If it doesn't work out, you see the reason several of us clamor for more drafting of talented OL candidates. If it does, the same reasoning applies...
  2. This is a huge game against the best Defense we've faced this year. The offense must show progress to build momentum. This is not a must win, but a must show for the O.
  3. OL you say? I know, you also mentioned QB. But didn't Kolb look pretty good when he played for Philly? They had no receivers the caliber of Fitzgerald, but they did have a pretty good line. Just sayin'...
  4. I agree with your wishes, but also believe all owners meddle when sentiment and money are involved. I don't think they'll overpay too much that we can't get help on OL...
  5. The family is in the business to make money above all else. I'm sure they'll do what they can to keep their two best marketing assets. (even if it means overpaying a little)
  6. Angelo was not an idiot. We are contending with a team he built. But, his lack of OL had me wanting him gone well before the Hanie debacle.
  7. I may be alone in this, but I disagreed with this philosophy during the off season and am still disagree. I simply think if we would have had Campbell last year, yes, we would have made the playoffs. Do I think we would have won? No. For that reason, I still argue that it would have been more prudent to invest in one more piece to the OL instead of of a high priced backup QB and a slew of special teamers. One caviot, I loved the Bush signing. So, if the OL gets Cutler killed or the offense never gels. What difference does Campbell make if he doesn't bring home a championship?
  8. Also, if Cutler uses good mechanics and steps into that throw, it is NOT underthrown and Marshall has a chance. 100% on Cutler. OTOH, totally agree we should have ran till the well went dry. I think Tice and Cutler are both a tad impatient...
  9. Players have been drafted as "fits" for his system for 10 years now. Not sure what you are saying.
  10. Agree with this. Louis may crack the top ten RG's if his progress continues. No way Rachal cracks the top 20 at any position. Garza is probably 12-15. Carimi and Webb are 25+ currently. No where to go but UP!
  11. Maybe we should let Marshall have the honor since he was the only one with balls enough to tell to get the f#$k away from Cutler while he was being attended to. He should have had an OL escort...
  12. I was mainly talking season so far and how I see things rounding out. The offense is still figuring it out, while the D dominates. Since our front four pressure is so good, I don't see that changing.
  13. Agreed on Carimi. I'm thinking his issue is related to the recovery from knee surgery. He looks like he's about 20 pounds light. With that weight, he's lost a little power and a lot of leverage. That's where you see the inneffectiveness in pass protection. If his knee holds up, I look for him to be vastly improved next season.
  14. Guys, I gotta say it. I love this team. I've been meaning to post this for a few weeks, but finally have the time. Our Offense continues to do what it needs to do in order to be successful. It is still learning Tice's system, as he is learning to be an offensive coordinator. Cutler is managing games very well and keeping enough drives alive for us to dominate in "Time of Possession". Sky is the limit for this unit if the OL holds up and key players stay off the IR. Special Teams is solid as usual. We have not experienced the spectacular, as we are accustomed to, but this unit rarely lets us down. Defense is the difference maker for this team. This IS the best defense in the NFL. For the first in Lovie's tenure as Bears coach, he has the defense that he's invisioned. Pressure from the front four is the key to his D and we are finally getting it. We have blasted Lovie and management for investing so highly in this with disregard for other areas, but it has paid off. This is the way to beat the Packers! Anyway, this team "barring injury" is a legitimate contender. This IS the best team we've had since about 1987.
  15. At some point we are going to give up the argument over who was better between Williams and Webb. At this time of the season, we are going to have to trust that there was a very legit reason for this release. I'm surprised we don't have a comment from Williams on the issue. I'll be waiting to hear it...
  16. I'm guessing he told them he didn't want to be here anymore or was Chris Harris 2.0
  17. So, we get get 3 picks in the 1st 4 rounds. Let's look at key players(aging or average/poor) with no quality depth behind them. Urlacher = Aging, coming off injury, obviously not his former self. Huge dropoff in backup. Webb = Young and talent with a doorstop for a brain. Huge remainder of season for this kid. Again, talent behind this position is below par. Tillman = won't stay young forever. Good depth at CB as of now, but FA could hurt us. Also, not any quality youth in the pipeline. Briggs = Same as Tillman, but no depth behind him. Garza = Same as Briggs, but no depth behind him. Spencer will NOT be this team next season. Now, let's look at positions we are solid and young on. (DL, S, RB, QB, WR, K, P, PR/KR) I do not look at these positions as strongly. So, we've indentified 5 players with 3 picks to grab a quality player.(2 OL, 2 LB and 1 DB) This is what we should be focussing on. Since odds are that starting OLT's aren't found past the 3rd round, you can rule that out. I also wouldn't want to reestablish our legacy of MLB's with a marginal starter. So, I rule that out also. Webb controls everything here. If he turns out to be a player, we go LB, C/G, CB in no specific order. This is the best way to place talent and youth where it is needed most. If Webb continues to be an enigma, THAT becomes #1 pushing everything back a spot.
  18. Regardless of rumor or not, it makes zero sense to do any extension, as he is under contract through next season.
  19. Don't get me started. Just not the way I'd like to see things done. History has been known to repeat itself...
  20. Why not wait till his contract expires? This the same f'd up scenario we've been saddled with before.
  21. Cutler displays poor mechanics even when he has time. That can be worked on. That fact that he doesn't instinctively see the whole field will hinder him.
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