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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Actually the defender gets credit for a sack and a forced fumble...
  2. I think THIS team has underachieved though. I see the offense getting much better. While the D tapers off a little. We're 2-1 with hardly any offensive production. Look and expect better as the season progresses.
  3. He had numerous pressures yesterday, according to Thayer.
  4. I'd attempt a hometeam discount signing, which I don't think will work. If he makes it to free agency; I let him test the waters with the hope he offers a chance to match. He's not worth what he used to.
  5. Jay has no business yelling at any staff member, ever. Jay yelling at offensive team mates is OK. Lovie yelling at Tice is OK. Emery having an authoritative yet respectful discussion with Lovie is OK...etc
  6. That's not the 1st time and won't be the last. Manning has the respect and respectability to weather it. I hope Cutler treads lightly through this. Linemen will feel it when their QB gets hit, if they have love and respect for him.
  7. No problem with this at all. We all know Cutler has leadership issues. Either it gets fixed or it smolders. Some of this is good and Cutler will grow from it. I'm not sure about Webb, because it seems there is no light on or fire lit. If it continues, Lovie, Url and Briggs will smooth the locker room out. I'm sure Jay has made ammends with Webb by now. Now, we'll see how Cutler chooses his moments.
  8. If they moved from 20 yards to 10 yards off the LOS, I'd be happy. The 2-deep is too deep...
  9. Mongo3451

    It's early

    Sorry, but I don't buy this at all. When my QB got in someones ass, no one thought it was funny. Cutler has every right to chew ass whether it be in the huddle or the sideline. QB is the undisputed leader of the offense and gets leeway direct his people. Webb laughing actually showed the opposite of what you say. Webb doesn't get it. Why else do you think Tice would specifically call him out by refuseing to say his name? He's trying to help Webb "get it". I don't get the mentality of ever letting your QB get sacked. I hope it was not in a game. This, I completely agree with...
  10. I'm a little down on Cutler right now, but in way did he say anything wrong. He said he cared and his way of dealing is to say something. Have any of you NOT seen Manning or Brady chewing someone's ass on the field and sideline. Didn't Rodgers chew some ass on the field last night? Non story to me. More importantly, non issue. Maybe it will lead to a change...
  11. Mongo3451

    It's early

    I think it's been split with the exception of you me and a couple of others. I understand your process and agree with it. I wrote a long post titled "Fix the OL First..." about 5 years ago. The premise was if you solidify the OL, then you will know what you have at skill positions. If you fix the skills positions and NOT the OL, they don't have the ability to perform based on time constraints. That in turn tightens the box and shrinks the field. If you have an OL that can establish the run or pass(it really doesn't really matter which one), then you can get a defense on it's heels and do what you want with them.
  12. I look at it a little differently. Three of the sacks were purely bad OL play. The one sack on the overload blitz was just too much to block for the play called.(It goes on the OL, but it was a tough break) The 3 coverage sacks you rarely see Manning, Brady or even Rodgers take. Case in point last night. Cutler, time and time again, takes coverage sacks and/or makes bonehead throws. Just like Woodson said, "we count on Jay being Jay". More than anything, Jay gets rattled, miffed and placed "on tilt" more than my comfort level likes. I wonder if he might be Jeff George 2.0 Gamewise, I look at it as Cutler, coaching and OL respectively.
  13. Lol! Good one. I actually have a blind seeing eye cat and he can actually smell shit through a TV screen. It was combo ugly, but Cutler as compared to Rodgers lost his composure which was the true difference in the game. Not the OL, as bad as they were.
  14. I'm just doing the O, because the D was not a problem at all. Series# 1: Play action, 7 step drop, Forte blows his assignment, Cutler sacked. 2: Shotgun, plus 3 steps, Spencer lets Clay go, Cutler sacked. End momentum. 3: Starting to run delays to counter pressure.(Note: Marshalls man playing 15 yards off and Cutler doesn't see it) Carimi penalty stalls a promising drive. 4: Shotgun(should not have been called after fake FG) Webb false start. Got a 1st working Forte over middle.(This was open all night) Cutler throws and should have been picked, throws a pick the next play. You could actually feel it coming. 5: Shotgun, Cutler slides in pocket and hits Forte for a 1st. Almost throws another pick on a seam route with NO seam.(stupid) Throws 1st down to Forte as a checkdown.(now a re-occurring theme) Draw to Bush, if Hester attempts a block it's a TD. 1st down Spaeth. Marshall drops a TD - FG 6: The run game is now starting to work. Cutler gets out of the pocket and gets picked. Mayock blames Earl Bennett. I do not. Bennett was sitting in a hole and had no idea Woodson was coming. Cutler did. I know recievers are supposed to work their way back, but Cutler had time to see he wasn't. 7: We start with a run for 4 yards. Overload Blitz the inside fails to pickup - sack. Hester drops a potential 1st. 8: Cutler has time. Horrible throw and decision as he throws pick #3 9: Cutler runs for a 1st. Cutler to Bennett for 1st. Cutler avoids pressure, should have been picked. Missed Jefferey on a wide open TD. Sack 10: Sack. Cutler to Marshall. Cutler and Marshall miss an opportunity in the endzone as the refs give us the time by allowing Webb to tackle Clay. TD-Cutler to Davis. 11: Sack 12: Pick. Bad form, bad decision, bad throw Now let's look at the sacks: 1: Play action, 7 step step drop and Forte blows assignment. 2: Spencer got initial leverage by pushing Matthews back, but underestimated his ability to recover. Sack was a total lack of continued effort as Spencer disengaged. 3: Shotgun. Webb sets up well, but never gets his arms extended on Clay. Bad technique. Note: Cutler gets in Webbs ass and Webb laughs. The experiment should now be over. 4: Cutler took too much time. Had to get rid of the ball sooner. Note: this and the two below may be coverage related or bad play calling. Regardless, the line can't be expected to hold that long. 5: Ditto 6: Ditto 7: Webb engages Matthews to inside(good), but then fails to step outside on the stunt(bad) as Bush had inside assist on Matthews. Clay gets sack after Webbs guy flushed Cutler. Summary: Play calling wasn't great. OL was bad. Cutler was horrible. IMO - you can only ask your protection to do so much. The under/middle of the field was open all night. We ran zero rollouts or naked bootlegs to the right. What about a quick trap or two? Quick slants??? On a lot of the pressure, Cutler simply held the ball too long. It was all-around clusterfu#$. Cutler will never live down is over-confident interview earlier in the week. Postgame mentioned by Rodgers and Woodson. Time to see Williams. I've said it before that Webb slightly outperformed Williams pre-season, but Williams is the devil you know. And Williams probably would have fared better. The smile at the ass chewing sealed it. If this continues, I will not be sad to see Lovie and Co gone. That was as embarrassing as it gets. Hat's off to the D...
  15. Bullshit! Cutler is far more to blame than the OL tonight. Not even debatable. He was horrible.
  16. Completely disagree with Mayock. That throw was on Cutler. Poor mechanics. Bennett was sitting in the hole. He doesn't know Woodsen is there. Cutler sees the field and made the decision. Stupid.
  17. Cutler was chewing his ass and he was smiling. Something wrong with that mentality...
  18. I think Jennings was the one that ended Bowman's carreer here...
  19. I don't like the bulletin board material. But, if he backs it up it could be a major blow to the Packers phsyche.
  20. It's how we say it around here. An Indiana sarcasm thing I guess...
  21. Someone please delete my post on this. It was David Nelson from Buffalo. Sorry for the screwup guys...
  22. On the ESPN ticker. I can't find any links to the story. Hope I didn't pass on false info...
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