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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. I think the reason we say it doesn't matter what other teams do/did is that we can only judge performance based on what actually happens. Like Crackerdog said, "we'll find out a lot more Friday". Then, we'll break it down over the weekend and see if we debate the staff decisions.
  2. I honestly wasn't making a point. I just didn't understand what yours was. Now that you've committed, I will as well. FWIW all of the coaches mentioned above, built their teams form crap. Lovie inherited a lot of talent. That being said, I have not been a Lovie fan throughout his tenure. However, I have noticed a change in him the last couple of years that has softened my stance.(a little) This year means a lot... Since, this is an Urlacher post I won't elaborate any more on the subject. I just wanted to clarify your interpretation of my question.
  3. Not sure what the point is when you reference a .552 win percentage...
  4. I also like the fact that we have a better ability than any NFC playoff caliber team to grind a bad weather game out. That should not be overlooked when game planning us.
  5. Yep, saw the same game. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter what the opposition runs. You need to look at success and failure. The only negative impact play Webb had was that run to the right where he let his man laterally make the play. No sacks and no penalties. And I disagree on the pressure you claim he caused. He had his man sealed on that play. Carimi, on the other hand, lost his ass on it. That one game Webb looked like an NFL caliber tackle. I'll continue to agree with you that Williams is the safer choice.
  6. He also said we didn't need to invest in OL last year, then turned 180 and .bitched cause we didn't. To each his own.
  7. add an LG or swing tackle to my list...
  8. I did an OL/DL analysis. DL: Loved the NASCAR package. It was like a jailbreak. Good to see we took a page from NYG's playbook. I wonder if we'll see Peppers play inside on any passing downs. Not going to focus on the DL much, as I think they are going to be as good as I've seen from this team in 20+ years. OL: I thought they played better as a whole. Carimi - He was worst of the 3 tackles. To me, he is not setting his achor very well. Definately could use a little more weight. He's probably lighter this year to help the knee. Louis - Love this guy. Easily our best run blocker, nasty attitude ans was mistake free in pass protection. He was our best OL in last game. Garza - Solid as ever Spencer - Geez he was bloody awefull in every aspect of the game. Rachal looked better, but not enough to look good. We could be in trouble here. Webb - Made only one bonehead mistake on a running play. I think this kid is lazy, but can truly see his upside. He may have as much talent as anyone. I thought he played really well. When he's engaged, he moves people. Williams - Mistake free game from him. He just has no power, as he struggles to hold his own on every play. But... He holds his own on every play. If it were up to me, I would start him over Webb. But, Webb definately has a future if he wants one. If Webb beats Williams for the starting LT spot, I think they need to strongly consider trying to find a servicable swing tackle and move Williams back to G. Spencer/Rachal were that bad.
  9. I haven't seen it, but NFL Network will replay at 4 today. I want to focus on OL again. It will probably be tomorrow before I update. Maybe you or Jason can get to it first.
  10. Boredom. Otherwise, agreed...
  11. Mongo3451


    I was thinking the other day, "what would JA have done differently"? Trade 2 3rds for Marshall? Who wouldn't? Sign Bush? Yes Sign Campbell? No Sign veteran special teamers? That's in his wheelhouse. Draft McClellin? Maybe Trade up for Jeffery? Probably not Draft Hardin? Again his M.O. Draft Gonzalez? Probably not Draft 2 DB's with potential in the late rounds? No. He would have been slobbering over the measurables of the next Webb. Although they are not far off on methodology. Emery killed him with the Jeffery trade and Campbell signing. I'm just hoping the lack of OL attention will not come back to haunt. Again.
  12. I don't care who anyone says it's on, cause its always on the HC. Theres and old saying, "go with the devil you know". I think Williams is that.
  13. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/footb...0,3494879.story I think this has been mentioned a time or two...
  14. My guess is that he has some chronic inflamation in his knee. We all have heard his views on getting medicated. At this point in his career, he's getting the shot and suiting up to play. Hell or high water will not stop him. Just like trying to hold him out of the Minny game, in which he was injured.
  15. Url was the best player on the entire team when the 09 injury occurred. As of now, I'd take Peppers, Cutler, Forte, Briggs and Marshall over him. It would not be ideal, but we could survive. His loss may make everyone else pick up the torch. That's what winners do.
  16. You may be on to somthing. Fear about his "water on the knee" may have him thinking about his future. Agreed on the Emery theory as well.
  17. After watching the game on DVR, I was able to see a few things. DL - I'm not worried by talent anymore. I really like what I saw from McClellin, Wootten, Davis, Melton and Collins. Seems like we are going to have plenty of push from the interior. Peppers may feast this year. Idonije may lose his starting position to a platoon of Wootten and Mac. Damn, McClellin can close fast. OL - Spencer and E Williams were complete turds - horrible. Louis and Garza looked OK. Now the tackles. None of them looked all that good. C Williams looking the best of the 3. Carimi and Williams engage their assignment much faster than Webb / Williams at tackle. Webb is physically impressive, but is often late on assignments which leads to pressures and sacks.(I saw at least 3) Williams is very quick to set up on assignment, but seems to just hold on once engaged, unlike Webb who displays punch. All told, I think they know what they have in Williams with solid decision making and average physical ability. Then Webb, with the opposite. If you put Williams head on Webb you would have a perennial all pro. My guess is that Webb is getting a longer look because they are not liking what they see. It's the % of bad snaps that will get him benched and Cutler killed.
  18. Easy, big guy. Losing him for a little while might end up being a blessing in disguise...
  19. Mongo3451

    Sorry Jason

    I highly doubt TO ran a 4.4. Just cause it was put out there, doesn't make it true. After two weeks of camp he'll be running 4.8. He'll be lucky to have 500 yards and 5 TD's, let alone make the roster. I'm not arguing Moss, because I think he can be dominant if he chooses.
  20. Mongo3451

    Sorry Jason

    But they are tall and that give them the advantage. Sorry wesson, couldn't resist.
  21. Mongo3451

    Sorry Jason

    Sure. Come up with something and I'll counter. Should be fun...
  22. Mongo3451

    Sorry Jason

    I still think you are crazy. If you think you will see him put up numbers, you are completely delusional. Hes gonna suck and blame his team, coaches, and QB. It will be anything but his old age. I thought we were done with this tool and the seachickens bring him in. Makes me hate them, lol.
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