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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. So, a guy who was a 1st round pick and won a SuperBowl doesn't have the credibility to criticize or evaluate another player? Douche yes, not credible No.
  2. Heard Trent Dilfer talking QB's yesterday. Of one of the topics, he said Cutler would join the ELITE club this year. He talked about his tougness and maturity. Even mentioned that his body language changed. We all know Cutler has great talent, but I saw what Dilfer saw last year. Looking for great things from JC this year!
  3. Most of his successful returns have been from cutting and going. Or course you hit on it when you mentioned blocking. If there are no lanes, he tends to dance. That's when I cring, because good things usually don't happen when he changes direction multiple times.
  4. Agreed. Url is at the end of his carreer and wants a championship badly. Sometimes my faith in humanity is greater than my common sense.
  5. Williams' scouting report said he might play OG for a couple of years before moving outside. Garza play G and C (not new news) What is a true center?(Aren't they guards that hike the ball?) Just bustin chops... How many 300 LB TE's are there? I would call him a definate project. (success though) Carimi has played both, but is best suited for the right side. It's not all dire. We need only one upgrade to become an average OL. My hope is that Chris Williams worked hard this off season and wants the job bad enough to take it.
  6. 3rd round, only if I felt good about him.
  7. That is spooky. I've run my fantasy draft like that for the last decade.
  8. What would you think about drafting DE with our first 2 picks? Not saying I'm for it. just a good debatable topic. Things like: our D is predicated on pressure, lots of DE's worked for the Giants twice, drafting two increases the odds of striking gold, Peppers could move inside on passing downs to pressure the QB's face and lastly, the Pack hate it.
  9. Agreed on all. I was going to say its different from what the returner sees. It goes right along with the coverage differences you explained. Hester is very visual, with a one cut and go mentality. He may simply see punts better. Plus they may not want him on KR because those guys can take some train wreck hits.
  10. We don't need a pro bowler. Just need someone of NFL starter quality. Middle of the road would be a huge upgrade.
  11. So Iv'e been thinking a lot about this FA offseason and made comments on how I would do things differently. Seems it was unpopular as an opinion. So, I'm having my coffee and thinking out loud. Here's my position by position thoughts on where we are. QB, IMO is more than good. I was OK with McCown and Enderle as backups. That being said, I feel better about QB than EVER. QB is definately upgraded, with a sidenote of cost. WR was a huge position of need. I am more than happy with Marshall. Cutler is putting his clout to work with team and I really trust him if he vouches for someone. I'd be awesome to see Knox as the speed compliment to Marshall, but I don't see it this year. Roy and Johnny missing does not come close to the upgrade from Marshall. WR is hugely upgraded. TE will be better through the subtraction of Martz. I thought Davis was dependable at best, so if he gets 20 more targets this year, it will be OK with me. TE is a push leaning toward slightly better. OL. Well, here is where it gets interesting. IMO, we have done nothing. But... We have improved with the dismissal of Martz. The biggest thing that will help this OL is another year of continuity. It is the most important thing for an OL.(more important than pure talent) This is a young group with the exception of Garza. The talent level still needs to improve, but they will move out of the bottom third this year. RB. Depends on Forte's attitude. If he comes in good, we will be really good. Bush makes us better, but youth or Bell will need added to complete this unit. Like Clutts at FB. Deeper and better with Bush. DE. Peppers and Idonije are one year older. Hope Wooten gets better. So far, we are worse off. We really need a hit in the draft. DT. Lost Adams doesn't hurt. Okoye might. Hopefully, Paea can step up and show why we traded up for him. So far, I haven't seen much. (I'm really worried about our DL. It's the key to our D and it's really in need of a boost) LB. Url and Briggs are not getting any younger with little talent in the depth chart. This unit needs a youth infusion. The big two will not be great too much longer. Worse. (see the trend) CB. I'm indifferent about what is going on here. Not thrilled about the pickups, but think a change was needed from Bowman and Graham. Slightly better, but needs a little youth to stick this year. S. Signing Steltz was huge. I thought he played very well last year. Conte showed that he is a diamond in the rough. If Wright can stay out of the training room this position will be a major upgrade through youth and added experience. Need a vet or rookie to come and compete. Better ST. Better, through free agency. Don't really agree with it, but it wil remain a strength of our team. All told, we are going to be better on O, but not as good on D. The key will be the playcalling of Tice. If he can establish a ball controll offense to keep our old defense off the field, we will be a better more solid team. If we break even in time of possession, we will have to grind out wins. Prediction. For some reason, I have some unfounded faith in Tice. He seems like he knows what he's doing and has the conviction to make it happen. I like our chances. We are better and have not drafted yet. But, we MUST hit on a couple of front 7 defenders to sustain.
  12. I'm for anything as long as Emery doesn't stockpile 7th rounders like JA. The way the FA period has gone, the draft has more importance. We could really use starting caliber players at OL, DT, DE, WR, CB ad LB. If we can get 3 of those, it will be lightning in a bottle for this team.
  13. Yeah, when I think 1st rounder, I'm thnking Pro-Bowl prospect. If you see it, pull the trigger.
  14. I see DE as well. I also see a center or guard, instead of a tackle. I have a strong suspicion that Chris Williams will be given a solid look at LT. We need it for upgrade and depth. Looking back at all the scouting reports and pre-draft hype, all reports had Williams achoring the left side for the next decade. I look at his body of work in the SEC and he gave up 2 sacks his junior and senior year.(In the SE f'n C!) Dude can play IMO. One scouting report said that it would be best for him to play OG for a couple of years to get stronger and acclimate to the NFL, done. I'm ready to see it. If it pans out, it would be hitting the jackpot. And don't give up on J'Marcus yet, he may be fine in a year or two. I see 2 maybe 3 offensive picks in this draft and 4-5 defensive.
  15. And I agree this is the best way to go if you can. Thing is, the best insurance policy for this team and Cutler is to keep his ass upright. And our chances of solidifying that are dwindling.
  16. That is very true especially with the position we need most (LT). I'm very concerned with the depth we have at the tackle position. Carimi has shown potential, but we have to be concerned about his knee situation. We spent money to back up Cutler, but it may have been better spent elsewhere.(like a vet OT or OG) An OG gets Williams back at OT for depth. Winston gives us instant depth and much needed insurance that I think would prove to be more valuable than Campbell over McCown. I didn't want all stars at FA, but I did want one OL or DL to solidify things a little more before the draft. I'm hoping for a bargain afterward now.
  17. Hillarious. They can definately out knit the the shorter ones.
  18. Not getting it done when you want it is blowing it, especially for the price. So, you are just going to take Mincey's press conference at face value? We got outbid, plain and simple. We could have gotten Wimbley if we wanted as well.(I agree with not paying him that much) You honestly think what I wrote indicated a need for undrafted FA's? Please explain...
  19. Please don’t attempt to discredit my opinion by throwing Lawson into the mix. I never mentioned adding him, nor would I have. That’s sort of the stuff a spouse would do… Loved the Marshall trade! That made the off season for me. Next I would have signed Jeremy Mincey or Kamerion Wimbley. Although, I got very excited at the prospect of Mario Williams, it was pretty unrealistic after getting Brandon Marshall. Mincey signed for a bargain in Jacksonville at the last minute. Emery blew that one. Move on to OL, where I would have made a run at Eric Winston or Ben Grubbs. Wasn’t much out there for secondary help. In a nutshell: Loved the Marshall deal, liked keeping Steltz, Izzy, McCown and Davis. Like signing Bush and Thomas. Hated the Campbell, Weems and Costanzo signings. For the 6 mil we spent on them, we could have had Mincey or Winston. Would also sign Roy to an incentive laden deal. Then I would draft another DE, CB, and WR with my high picks. What would you have done for your off season?
  20. Thats the play it safe model. If you want to go for it, you sign impact players. I still believe we should have filled our ST holes with rookies and our backup QB with McCown and Enderle. Like the Bush upgrade though. Would have loved to see a DE, OL or DB signed. Not upset about anything, cause it is solid. Just would have done it a little differently.
  21. Again, everybody knows Martz is a QB killer. The pont is the false starts, holding, whiffs and failed run blocking assignments. The guy has ability, but no football IQ and instincts. We shouldn't give up on him as a player, just as a starter. He simply needs more seasoning behind more polished players.
  22. Talent and the level you achieve in life are separate things. He may be playing ST's because he's still on the floor, while Weems may be playing because he's at the ceiling. Never know what situations lead them both cheaply to the Bears. I'm just agreeing on the 1st RD talent statement in that he had great production out of college, along with great measurables.
  23. He may be the first offensive HC that had a lopsided team toward the D side. LOL
  24. I thought the same with Campbell. Maybe he has some insight. As far as the 1st round talent label goes, I think he's worthy. Heck, he was the 3rd pick of the 2nd round. Great size/speed combo too. Plus, he was highly productive in a run heavy offense. Agree on Roy Williams. If he shows up in shape, he makes the team. If he gets too winded to practice, cut his ass at the water fountain.(Better than Sanzenbacher)
  25. I think Billick was their OC. Tice has already said there will be chip blocking with TE's and RB's releasing afterward. I really like that style, plus the fact they will allow Cutler to audible.(IMO-this will be a huge addition by subtraction) I'm honestly not as low on the OL as I let on. Just tired of the rhetoric from Lovie. IMO - it's all a smokescreen. OL or DL will be taken 1st in our draft. Either will be fine
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