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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/colum...,7233049.column Madlith and I could have written this.(and NFO, wherever he is) Been saying it for years.
  2. Davis and Spaeth should suffice. They are part of the OL and I prefer the continuity they will provide. If some plays are designed for Davis, I believe he can be a 30 catch guy.
  3. I hate him, but under the conditions you described, I'd look at him. And yes, hell may have frozen over...
  4. You know I'm just bustin your balls...
  5. Ha! That's a faux toot. You tooted your horn by feigning not to be tooting. BTW-I enjoy your posts, but you're not right as often a you think you are...
  6. You know most men endeavor to rule a kingdom. I am no different. The new GM has a daunting task this offseason and I'm going to play the role. Here's my agenda... 1) Send a letter to Briggs agent, telling Briggs to play this year, keep his mouth shut and we will extend him next year. A message needs to be sent by the new leadership, that stongarm tactics will not be tolerated. However, good play and locker room leadership will be rewarded. 2) Message to players Part II. Find a way to get Forte under contract. This a veteran team and Forte deserves the loyalty of NOT being franchised. A little good will goes a long way in the locker room. 3) Sign a top WR at all cost. Our immediate needs will not be met in the draft. This is the only way to complete our offense. Draft a complimentary understudy high in the draft. 4) Fix the damn OL! I think we are a LT away fom having a servicable young OL. The addition of a LT talent, with the continuity a full offseason will bring, should reap huge benefits. 5) After our OL and WR needs are met, draft defense, defense, defense. Our D is aging, plus the new bodies will be valuable ST players. 6) Sign our key free agents, depend on Lovie to provide insight on who they are. Of course, the above items are not timeline specific, but all need done. Items one and two set the tone, four through six set the table. Lastly, find a way to pin Lovie to something He has NOT been held accountable for anything in his tenure. From getting rid of Chico with the infamous "trust me", to "Rex Grossman is our quarterback", to firing Turner as a scapegoat, to Martz... He has proven to be made of teflon, but I have a hard time believing that talent issues were on JA alone. Lovie has to stand and deliver or answer the turk. I am that turk! LOL
  7. Irsay is becoming more and more of a Jerry Jones type of owner. He used to stay out of the football portion of the business, but now is constantly tweeting and putting out other nutty football related memos. He wanted Bill Polian to fire Chris Polian, who was in charge of the last few of Indy's drafts. Funny thing though, Bill Polian always had a horrible backup in place, in the great Jim Sorgi. Both Polians did know their talent was dwindling a little. But with so much invested on the offensive side of the ball, they little choice. As AZ54 pointed out, it worked pretty well for 11 years. Add to that, how many years did it work in Buffalo? He didn't do so bad in Carolina either. I'll take Bill Polian in a heartbeat.(even if he brings Chris along) He'd be the best thing to enter Halas Hall since Jim Finks.
  8. I understand what you are saying, but unless OT #4 grades out as a 2nd rounder, get him. I echo the sentiment of Pix's post. Get that #1 WR via free agency, draft another quality wideout in the 2nd. After that, defense. I want the OL fixed once and for all, but don't want to throw a bunch of new bodies in there to do it. The only turnover I want for next season is at LT. The other four startes, IMO, are good enough, with 3 of them at the beginning of their carreers. At this point, continuity and an offseason without a labor dispute will help our young oline extensively. New GM should have a boatload of money to invest. I would prefer impact players VS depth players. That's what the draft is for and developing young talent. Aside from Forte, there are no big contracts to hand out. Against popular opinion, I'd give Briggs a small bump with the condition he STFU untill the end of his contract.(That'd be a unique clause huh?) That being said, I want Bowe or Jackson, even if we have to overpay for their services. We were nervous about Peppers, but he is worth every penny. My gut tells me a true #1 in his prime will be worth his weight in gold. I also would mind a 2 year contract for Reggie Wayne as a 2nd option.(just dreamin on that one though)
  9. Mongo3451


    I think Tice fills that role. Not sure if it's a great thing or not, but it does provide someone tied to Lovie and someone who is familiar with the talent. This is why Angelo is gone. His inability to stabilize things for his franchise QB were unforgivable. Again, who better than the OL coach to call plays that suit the OL. Side note: If Tice truly believes the OL will be in good shape next year, we are in deep shit. This may create better will with Forte and Briggs Great reason for a new GM The only way this is not all rainbows is if they have Ruskell take Angelo's position and see Tice above.
  10. Can't disagree with that logic, LOL. Bring on Polian!
  11. Yeah, that's Manning over Leaf, ding. James over Ricky, ding ding. Reggie Wayne when thay already had Harrison. Dwight Freeney was picked way too early according to Kiper. What about Dallas Clark and Robert Mathis?? The only knock on Polian is he seems to have to rebuild the D every year due to losses in Free Agency. The Offensive payroll far outweighs the D. Polian passed the torch to his son for three reasons: 1) Take on job as President and I think CEO of the Colts. 2) Promote sons' carreer, by getting out of the spotlight. 3) Actually take a less intensive "hands off" job by taking a promotion. That being said, even at 69, the Bears have not seen the likes of Polian since Jim Finks.(before that, Papa Bear) How many HOFers and All Pro's has he drafted? How many Superbowl teams?(6) I'll take the energy of an old man who feels he has something to prove. If he doesn't, he won't apply...
  12. Your friend doesn't know much, because Bill Polian has NOT run a draft in Indy the last four years. Now, Polian placed his son in charge of player personnel by giving him the title of GM/VP. That's on him. Not the roster.
  13. That's also why and how we ended up with Martz. If we keep Martz, who will the scapegoat be? There's always been one for Lovie. The fact we keep ending up in the situation is just that more telling of how incompetent we are from Teddy on down. Anyway, It's easy to replace Martz. He's already on staff. Tice. To keep continuity is one thing, to repeat the insanity is another. Also, If we are revamping the recievers, it'll be more important for them to have an easier system to learn. From what I've seen of Cutler, he'll be fine. If we want to ensure true continuity of greater value, we promote Toub to asst head coach and give him a fat raise that ends when Lovie does. Then we interview him as HC...
  14. Mongo3451

    Roy Williams

    What I see from Williams: He does get open more often than the other WR's He looks faster in and out of breaks. (weird cause he's a bigger guy) Looks to be a polished route runner Good in run support Makes some great catches Here's the bad part: Lazy in the off season Not mentally tough drops crucial passes dumbass with the media I hate to say this(and Terra will vomit) but, if he would sign a friendly contract with fitness and performance incentives, I think we should do it. Especially not knowing what the off season will bring. Hurd gone and I don't like Hester and Knox as WR's. I really hope they make a splash for VJack, Bowe or Wayne. Sign a guy like Garcon. Use a high draft pick on a big reciever. Corps could look like(big signing, Bennett, Garcon, Roy, rookie and Hester. That I could live with...
  15. If so, I don't recall, but am also not positive. Any links?
  16. Good if he's loaded with cash. I'll take Wayne and Jackson for starters!
  17. Yea, but ddn't you post that the day he was signed? LOL!
  18. I'll just assume the tweeter didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Even Collinsworth said there was nothing Bowman could do to stop it. Again, when you play "man" you are going to give up that play unless you jam at the line of scrimmage. I'm calling out the coaches due to the astoundingly retarded repetition. Also, if the coaches thought it was on Bowman, he'd have been yanked for lack of execution.
  19. We can get a good player with that...
  20. Funny thing. Mark Anderson is looking damn good right now. (see #6) JA can't draft and Lovie can't coach em up. At some point, heads should roll, but we don't have an executive footall smart enough to put their finger on it. We would have won 3 of 4 before the Packer game with McCown. Again, from JA to Martz, our staff are idiots. YES Disagree on Bowman. Our dumbass coaches would have let him get beat on the goal line another 10 times before they ley him try to jam the reciever. Doesn't everyone on earth know that's the only way to stop that play from "man" coverage? He got screwed by the staff. Jury is out on Wright. Funny thing, it looks like D Manning is an integral part of a really good D this year. (coaching ??, see #2) I'm indifferent. They just played against one of the most unmotivated D's in the NFL. My final thoughts on the season are this. If it were all perfect and no-one got hurt, we would not have been a contender. Just enough to compete, yes. Our leadership cheaped out on us this year. We could have have the extra pass rush help, OL help and a decent WR, but they pocketed the extra money. Sorry, the cheap card has been played again. It's OK, they'll use Martz as the scapegoat for it. I'm so through with the 3 Stooges.
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