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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Uh, Fencik and Plank ring a bell there Adolph? LOL
  2. Had a guy at work give the same argument about Brady just a few days ago...
  3. Pro Bowl is fluff. Players mostly need to be on successful teams to make the pro-bowl. Players start to get recognition when the media starts following the winning teams. I would guess they get 2/3 of it right. The other can be easily argued.
  4. They can draft a battering ram in the latter rounds. Barber needs to go, as he can't be depended on to stay healthy. Plus, he's not tremendously bright on the football IQ. Plus a true successor to Forte needs to groom as he gets older.
  5. Almost completely agree. Jennings can go as a starter, but unless we have a replacement and/or depth availible, he needs to stay until then. Otherwise, spot on.
  6. I agree with you that OL is still the greatest need, but disagree with some your player evaluation. I also get what DABEARSDABOMB is saying about experience and continuity. Here's my talent eval: Webb is bad = totally agree Edwin Williams is bad, but he is the backup to an average player moving up to good in Chris Williams. Garza is average = agree Spencer is NOT bad, I have him at slightly below average with upside. Again though, he is the backup to Louis. IMO - Louis is average with tremendous upside as Guard. He is completely out of position at RT. Louis=see above. Carimi is average with upside, as long as he stays at RT. To me, all we need is a LT to come in and boot Webb. At that, we need to hit a homerun with the pick for the plan to be successful. If that occurs, Omiyale is gone forever and Webb is the swing tackle. I would also love to get lucky and steal Nicks from the Saints and draft an LT. This would afford us the luxury of Chris Williams as an LT while the younster develops. Then Edwin Williams is gone. Then next year, draft the center of the future.
  7. Agreed on all counts, but the groundwork is laid for the dream offseason.
  8. Love the Nicks, Jackson and Orton pick up. Disagree on Carimi, I think he should stay on the right. To me, Williams is a better fit on the left. Paired with Nicks, I think he does ok. Still would like to use the first rounder on a left tackle.
  9. If you can get a good LT in the draft, you take him. Get a WR in the 2nd and FA. After that BPA on LB, CB & S. We must stabilize the OL at all cost. The rest will be better as a result.
  10. My list starts with Lovie. Call it chicken vs egg, but talent evaluation, player development, game plan, coaches and in game adjustments are all on him. Next is Angelo; tired of crappy OL and WR's and guys that can jump out of a swimming pool. Ted Phillips: 20 million in reserve could have done something to make this team a superbowl contender, this year. (maybe it was over his head as well) Someone was cheap this year. Martz=hate him. Players= Omiyale, Roy, Hanie can all go.
  11. Put me on record as screaming "hell no" to Ruskell. As loudly as I screamed against the Martz hiring.
  12. So, my Dad, brother and I are watching the game and there's about six minutes left. Then my brother calls it, "they are going into the "2 deep"! "We are gonna f#% around and throw this shutout away." Dad then says, hopefully they throw the game away. Few minutes later it's 10-7. The rest is history. Blame the little guy all you want, but he busted his ass to get us to the point of losing it for us. If we stay in the D we were in the rest of the game, we win 10-0. Can you not honestly say that you didn't say, "oh shit, we are in that god forsaken prevent." ?? LOL Barber made a mistake, the rest was gameplanned. Lovie started it, Barber finished it.
  13. Screwed the pooch? By what, giving up 7 points? Once again, it's OK to disagree on something. You guys aren't going to change my mind. They gave up, what should've been 7 points all game. At some point, the blame goes on the players. A 7 year veteran RB has to know to stay in bounds. By my count, they gave up 10 points in 2 minutes. All after the prevent.(ie: screwing the pooch) You change the mindset of your players when you do stuff like that. I'm not trying to change your mind. The truth is your own to seek.
  14. Blaming Barber is like taking an aspirin for a headache, only to find you have a brain tumor. While it might be treating a symptom, it does not address the root cause. Our coaches screwed the pooch long before Barber. If you initiate the chokefest, expect your players to respond accordingly.
  15. You need to add a horn to Lovie. He was the main reason for the loss. That prevent defense was horrible and stunk of Lovie. Also give a horn to the refs. Our DL was held on almost every single snap of the game. Otherwise, well done.
  16. I think our safeties were lined up deeper than Tebow could throw and the corners were at least 10 yards off the ball. Hell, Url was 20 yards deep a couple of times. Hanie may suck, but he did what he needed to do to win the game. He gave our defense a 10-0 lead with 5 minutes to go. Our defensive coaching staff shit their pants the last few minutes. Just another reason I can't stand Lovie. It had his name all over it. I feel for Barber being portrayed as the goat. He made some unforgivable mistakes.(gamewise) But, he played his ass off in the effort.
  17. Counting backwards... KC, GB 2011, GB NFC Playoff, GB Season finale 2010, Atlanta 2009... UGH!
  18. Count the defensive players and rounds they were selected in. That's why the talent on O is not there. Angelo has failed to draft or Lovie has failed to develop. Can't put my finger on it. Defense will continue to be the focus untill they get it right. That being said, how long would an effective offensive draft take to be successful? Don't think Cutler will live that long. Martz can go, cause we'll never draft that way with current leadership...
  19. Or we could play a 3-4, with Peppers at LB shadowing Tebow wherever he goes. Tebow wouldn't last to halftime. LOL
  20. Mongo3451

    Just for fun

    There are 3 positions that are very hard to get in free agency. Franchise QB, LT and DE. We don't need QB, so I'll take LT and DE for our premium picks. If we can spend to get a a good WR or two in FA, I'd like to bolster the secondary and LB corps. As much as I want the OL to be beastly, I think it is time to let them gel once we get the steal of draft with our new LT.
  21. Having no contract to fall back on, this is as reigned in as he's gonna get.
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