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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Mongo3451

    Wilbon on TO

    He didn't look to be moving very well at his workout. Very slow cutting and coming out of breaks.
  2. My guess is, he became a distraction in the locker room. That's the only reason you release your best safety. With the impending signings that will need to occur in the off season. They probably decided it would help to do that business now. It sucks, because he will be needed before the season is out. I find out very understandable though.
  3. That's something you do in the off season. Or if you are completely desparate...
  4. My preference would be to leave Carimi where he is best suited to play. I also feel if Williams was a candidate to play LT he would have been moved there by now.
  5. Just saw on ESPN that he has NOT decided to retire yet. Per his agent.
  6. I think he'll have to make it over 20 return TD's to make it. Deion still has the record, due to INT and fumble returns. Devin will have to separate from Deion to be considered.
  7. He was one of my fav's for a long time. My guess is; they probably told him he was no longer in their plans as a starter and gave him the option of retiring or being a backup. Those moves occur all the time for the respected players.
  8. Dont get me wrong, I said F Martz from before he was hired. But, if Jay wants to be the leader and send a message to Martz, he should have called his own play. That's what Mac would have done. Jay needs to show a little more control and outward respect. I'm sure his team mates would have more respect on the high road with a little defiance mixed in. I do agree, it was a hatchet job article though.
  9. There's a lot of truth in that article. That being said, he or we don't know the truth about what type of day to day leader Cutler is. His team mates seem to support him.
  10. I think what's the most telling is that no one would come here because of the "lame duck" situation Lovie was in. Yet another gaff by the regime. Martz is the OC no other NFL team wanted. Hmmm, we nailed that one. Typical JA and Lovie being smarter than everyone else. Turner was a scapegoat and actually would have been a better coach for Cutler to thrive under. He had the same crap OL and WR's that Martz has today. The only difference is Cutler; which I believe Turner would have protected and used more to his skillset. Too bad he had to be one of the sacrificial lambs we have seen too many of. This years candidates are: Martz, Marinelli and Angelo. If Ruskell is our new GM, I will vomit.
  11. I admire your optimism, but find a fatal flaw in the reasoning. You are still trusting the people that have failed to deliver what has been needed year after year. What makes you think they are capable of pulling their collective heads out of their asses?
  12. I don't think anyone is parallel to bi polar on this board. That's what being a fan is all about. Cheering like hell on Sunday and fixing the problems on Monday. I believe the underlying theme for most negative posts has been from things that have prevented us from winning the big one the last few years. This team lacks an identity and a direction going forward. I've tried to believe in the staff; I just can't anymore.
  13. Hate our entire staff, with the exception of Toub. Angelo, Smith, Martz and Tice are ask on the hook for the OL. Its horrible when some of the posters on this board have been crying for OL for 4 plus years now and our staff can't see the need. The same can be said for more years of receiver ineptitude. I'm tired of being portrayed as being negative for being right. The ownership cheaped out on us this year, by pocketing millions at Cutlers expense. Then sent their sock puppet in front of the media to blow smoke up our asses to claim they did their due diligence. I love my team, but am overly discontent with the status quo. Lovie will once again escape unscathed by having the likes of Martz and Marinelli fall on the sword this off season. Angelo simply needs to retire. His reliving glory days of Tampa are archaic at best and his insistence on drafting unproven players in hopes of hitting the jackpot are insane. I dont know what else to say, yet my mind is full of words.
  14. 20-13 Bears. I'll go out on a limb and say we run 25 times and the D will get its turnovers. If not, Martz is replaced at bye...
  15. Mongo3451

    Chris Harris

    Hopefully, he heals fully. He's missed in our D. It may be OK this week playing the rookie. Our D is taylor made to succeed against his current style of play. No excuses this week!
  16. I can't disagree with anything he said. This is ol Roy's last year as a starter, in the NFL, if he doesn't pick it up. You don't make it on talent alone in this league. Don't rally care for all the twig snapping references. Not a Theismann fan, just sayin'. Still makes me cringe...
  17. Realistically, last years team wasn't that good. Angelo has drafted 2 good players in the last 6 years. Unacceptable...
  18. Part of being an NFL caliber coordinator is adapting to the talent you have. Martz has simply failed in that regard. The only player used according to skillset is Forte. He continues to ask players to do what they are physically or mentally unable to do. Add to that, his stubbornness and huge ego are going to get Cutler disabled. The talent is JA and Lovie(some rumored to be Martz), how it is utilized is Martz. He simply has not delivered. IMO-it still falls squarely on Jerry and Lovie for bringing this nutcase in.
  19. Mongo3451

    Forte vs Angelo

    I don't think he's expecting money comparable to what they got. I do think JA lowballed him. Lastly, I believe Connor Bear was right when he said they'll get a deal done.
  20. Why did I know someone was going to say that? LOL
  21. I feel your pain. I had similar post about 3 years ago. Wonder if we would have been better off keeping Orton and the picks. The biggest screw up of all was hiring Martz. I'll never be a fan of what he does. He simply destroys QB's. But, that's only part of the point. Martzs' system is simply not suited for the type of QB Cutler is. It's like hiring an Indy car crew chief to run a NASCAR team. It just doesn't fit. Cutler should be in a Steelers, Chargers, Packers and even the Lions type of offense.
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