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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Tice ripped his ass in the media for the same thing I mentioned.
  2. I don't find this type honesty refreshing or encouraging. This guy is starting his first NFL game at left tackle, against Merriman and he is not playing like it's a real game. These are the type of pussies that do not deserve an NFL check. Potential, check. Lazy, CHECK! Unmotivated, CHECK CHECK! If I were his coach I'd rip the C off his helmet in front of the team and immediately demote him. Absolute horseshit. Sorry for the rant...
  3. I think the NFL will start cracking down on him strongly. He's gonna hurt someone.
  4. Major Wright is gonna be a beast, but he plays with such reckless abandon. His body is always going to be hurt. I think this pick up is going to be huge. I only hope it offsets the loss of Olsen. Olsens field stretching ability often kept coverge honest. Davis will need to burn somebody early on to get that back. Solid pickup. Toub is easily the best coach on this team. Love this pick up. The staff was drooling over this kid when he was drafted. This may quietly be the best offseason move. Sorry, but Tice has not won me over. I simply dont trust the whole chain on the offensive side of the ball. I hope I'm wrong, because I want so badly for the O, especially OL, turn the corner. Still think we fall short of contending because of them.
  5. Our OL is calling for Shoop to come back. LOL! I would almost keep 4 backs this year, cause as it looks, running we be a priority.
  6. You can attribute that to immaturity. Plus, hes been quiet since hes left the lions. He's young enough to where his skills haven't eroded. Gotta give him a shot here before I lay judgement. Sometimes receivers aren't fits for the system they are brought into. Hes proven in this one.
  7. I have no problem with Williams being the #1. Last time he played for Martz, he made the pro bowl. Besides Knox will probably be on the field for 70% of passing plays while isolated against weaker coverage. IMO - his big play ability doubles from last year. I like our top 4 recievers.
  8. I'm excited about those two. If they can step up, our DL could be a force.
  9. Yes! But I think it will hold the team back from any potential greatness. I really hope I'm wrong. Arrogance makes me doubt it though.
  10. That the "conflict resolution" equivilent of taking your ball and going home.
  11. One more thing. Last year, didn't Tice proclaim that Williams was going to be the elite LT of the NFC North for the next decade?
  12. Nice article. I hope hes right. Counterpoint being, who did he help draft that turned out? OL of course. Two things I like are the size and playing style versus the past.
  13. I agree it had to happen. And loved theW's. Was just using that to counterpoint to point why the sacks slowed. It was not due to any vast improvement of the line. Anyway, how could they not improve from where they started?
  14. I'll bite. Its not the starting unit. Its the whole unit. LT noted how the sacks went down as the season progressed. True only because the offense was noted as dummied down to prevent sacks. We saw the Martz version of the west coast offense. Still the same group of bad OL. Garza is or best lineman and I doubt he would be a solid starter for any team in the league. Tice can not overcome neglect by the GM, no matter how good his rep may be. There's a reason most of these guys were late round picks, undrafted or released. No one needs to be an expert to see the past and not see enough of it changed to effect the future. If we run the ball 60% of the time, it may help.
  15. You can polish it, sprinkle things that smell good on it or call it by another name, but poop is still poop. Our D looks like it could be really good. The skill positions look to be improved as well. We're sitting 20 mil under the cap and have done nothing to upgrade the most glaring deficiency from last season. Oh, and the season before. While I'm positive about the rest of the team. This will be the downfall. Nay sayers about our OL have their place. What's your opinion on how the OL is and/or should look?
  16. Any off season moves made, so far, will be offset by this OL. This is the worst OL I have ever seen. I'm not young either.
  17. Thanks for the correction. And I agree. We still have enough to spend on at least one good OG. That's my sincere hope.
  18. I'm trying to keep my patience here. First, with 2 years left on his contract, I do NOT extend Forte. Give him a nice bonus and resign him in the coming off-season. Now, worry about nothing else but fixing the OL. I'm tired of praising our FO for their frugal nature with the cap. It always leads back to the same old thing. Decent team that sells out the stadium and sell shirts. To be a winner, your QB needs protected. This year we have the money and it needs invested to preserve Cutler.
  19. Gotta agree. Some people think Tice is Jesus with a whistle and bad shorts.
  20. If you compare Olin to Jeff Saturday. Saturday makes 1.9 mil.
  21. My question is: How much is he worth on the open market? I just don't see anyone giving him 4.5, so why should the Bears? Just seems like a lot of loot for a lower tier starting center.
  22. I've seen Terra post since the old board. He's like the Randy Quaid character in Major League. If you notice, his venom is directed toward football. Yours is toward him. Get over it cause he ain't gonna change for you. I personally like his style cause he gets things going. Speaking of: WTF is NFO???
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