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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Yeah, there is really no reason for any agent to publicly support ownership. It's in their best interest and legal obligation to serve the players at all times.
  2. Agree and disagree. The part I agree about is addressing the OL is priority one. The part I disagree with is that we need to grab that guy in round 1. I say you get the one you think will be the biggest difference maker. If you don't get OL in round 1, it is important to go that direction in round 2 and 3 or 4. We also need another CB, that guy should come from 3 or 4. OL and DT are almost 1A and 1B to me.
  3. Fantastic debating guys! You have exceeded my expectations and ability to offer anything more credible to it. To all sides of this, keep up the good work. This debate is as worthy as anything I have seen from the people that get paid to do it.
  4. My contention is that the piece of the NFL pie that the players get was disclosed to them and negotiated upon. After that, breaking down the NFL into 32 individual pieces and trying to figure out what is feasible is simply impossible to get done. Can you imagine the how complicated that would become? Also, The owners and players are NOT profit sharing. They are revenue sharing. Huge difference. Profit after the CBA is the owners business once the players know what they are getting.
  5. Disagree that is what's needed to get a deal done. I stay on record as saying it's none of the players business what the owners make. I had a guy working for me one time that saw what I made on a job and thought he deserved a bigger cut. He already agreed to do the job at a pre-arranged wage and ended up not working for me after that. They are ALL making tons of money. Players are going to lose. If they don't watch it they will lose big time. Nothing good will come from the owners opening the books. It may even widen the gap.
  6. Great athlete with low productivity sounds like another JA 3-4th rounder. I hate it. That's why our OL sucks because we could draft a starting guard or center almost every year here. I'd much rather see a productive guy from the SEC drafted in the 1st or second if they draft a DT.
  7. With the economy the way it is, the fans are in no mood for anything resembling greed. All sides will lose the longer this goes.
  8. Never said players deserve an equal share to the owners. I believe the pie should be divided the same as it has been. Everyone got fat off that. Why fix what wasn't broken on that subject?
  9. There are some owners that don't reinvest in their teams to keep them competative. Brown in Cincy has substandard workout facilities according to players. Bidwell has been rumored as underspending on winning for a while, but has had some good teams recently. Hell, some have accused the Bears of being cheap, due to scouting, assistant coaches and upfront money. But again, if I own a business, I don't want to be told how to invest MY money. I believe the players deserve a piece, but the owners should solely in charge of how it is divided. Retired players should be entitled to a pension comensurate to their tenure. They should also have a great healthcare plan to take care of the injuries they have incurred over their career. The players should have also taken advantage of the free education they were offered in college. If not, they should have invested part of their contract in an education fund for when their 3 year career is over.(average) I'm kinda split, but leaning toward being on the owners side. Yeah, they are rich, but isn't their ass on the line too? It's their business to manage and reap profit. Show me a player hurting for money and I'll show you an idiot. Here's what I want to see: 16 game season is enough. Players and owners keep the same piece of the pie. Rookie salary cap. Take care of the health of former players. Add 2 playoff teams per conference. No more byes in the playoffs. Move the Superbowl to Saturday, so all can enjoy the parties without being unproductive the next day. Play ball!
  10. They went 14-2 last year. They'll probably repeat that this year. I looked at their roster and out of the 74 players on their roster 36 had 1, 2 or 3 years experience(49%). We are 22 of 65 for 34%. They are younger and will continue to get younger while we will probably go in the other direction for a year or two before an upswing in youth. I'm not going to crack their stones at all for what they are doing.
  11. His pectoral is rumored to be degenerative where it attaches to the shoulder. Dude was a beast when healthy.
  12. I can actually agree with this. Tice, Toub and Marinelli have earned my trust.
  13. Gunshot to the head. I bet it's related to concussion syndrome somehow. I'm sure we'll see more in the near future. Sad.
  14. You're hired! As of my thoughts today, it's absolutely perfect. That's about all the OL I'd want to add for the year, just because we don't want to replace too many at once. As everyone knoews continuity is a huge factor in OL execution.
  15. I love this draft, with exeption of the WR in RD 3. Put a DB in that slot and it's perfect for me. Never imagined that we could have a shot at Pouncey. He can play center as well. Add to that, we should have a bunch of loot to spend in FA.
  16. You forgot mine Jason. BTW - Thanks for the effort on uncovering all of that info. http://www.talkbears.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1582 http://www.talkbears.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2732
  17. I like the Haynesworth idea, only if he'd restructure his contract to have a fitness clause. I'd also like to see two OL drafted highly along with a CB, another safety and Urls understudy.
  18. Hopefully interesting tidbit. I produce the blood glucose strips that Cutler uses. Made in Indy.
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