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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Shhhhh... there are some on this board that said we finally have a real NFL OC.
  2. Knox has given up on at least three routes.
  3. I said in the off season that we should have retainedTurner. Also said we should never have hired Martz. Just said last week we would be the worst 5-1 team ever and we lost. So yes, I agree wholeheartedly.
  4. Agreed with your agreement. 1 million percent agree with the rest. To add, Lovie is NOT off the hook. It's his responsibility to develop talent and tell the GM what he needs. (special note to the DL comment above) Lovie is going to "luck ass" out again and get to keep his job. This team we have is not a good one. After this week, we could be the worst 5-1 I have ever seen.
  5. He gets it THIS week. Martz does NOT have the reputation of learning from his mistakes and/or the shortcomings of his system.(It's ego driven) He won't change. I stand by my thoughts and comments before he was hired. He will continue to get QB's hammered and have too many offensive turnovers.
  6. sorry bro. Its gonna get worse before it gets better. As the inevitable new offensive line gels, the D will be getting ready for pasture. Jerry had 2 drafts to get Cutler some protection and failed. Now we're 2 years into the Cutler era and are at least 2 years away on having a decent OL.
  7. sorry but he looked lethargic before the opening kickoff. He had receivers open on many occasions. The telecast even pointed that out. I won't call him a puss, but he definitely gave me a vibe before the game even started. He was simply off. Nothing he can't recover from.
  8. I think your defense of Cutler is a little off. At least 5 sacks Cutler took were his fault. He simply was not sharp tonight and held the ball too long. Martz and the OL sucked tonight, but Cutler looked out of it before the game even started.
  9. Said the same things...
  10. Forte/McFadden. Benson is a little dinged.
  11. Mongo3451


    Yeah, I think he had 3 drops. Without those he would have had a big game.
  12. I like the way the offense is mixing it up. Omiyale is horrible anywhere you play him. Very slow feet and not enough size to make up for it. Peppers is worth every penny. Total beast!
  13. I'll add that his love for money outweighs his love for football. I can't stand holdouts, especially during the season. Revis and Chris Johnson both had contract beefs, but when it can to time to play, they were both in uniform. A true football player would be dying enough to end the holdout and earn his agreed upon paycheck.
  14. That was a win or lose post. My comments stand.
  15. If I have to explain why, I will shoot myself...
  16. This just in. Omiyale still sucks. 3rd and goal and he gets blown 2 yards back. Completely unnacceptable. Good to see a nie opening drive though.
  17. Anyone remember how good of a coach Dick Vermiel was?
  18. Pix - I think your post speaks volumes. When, in the past 5 years, have we worried this much about a season opener? At home? Against the Lions? Bear nation as a collective has lost faith in the leadership/direction of this team. Now, the only thread of hope we have left is that this group of leaders sandbagged the pre-season??? Really? I don't believe for a second that any of them other than Martz has that much balls. I look for our team to be a middle class competitor this year. I think we beat Detroit, but have a very real chance of starting the season 1-5.
  19. I think it's actually that JA has struck out on too many DL. He knows that's the one position the "Lovie Two" needs to succeed. He continually tries to re-invent the wheel. IE: find the next Rice and Sapp. His failure to hit on anything other than Tommie Harris has cost us dearly in drafting other talent. It also doesn't help that Lovie couldn't motivate a goose to shit.
  20. Kinda sucks we've been begging for that.
  21. Ihope you Brad are right. I'm just not a believer. Big Toub fan. Not much of a Martz fan. I do like Martz's coaching style. He was asked if he talked to Cutler about picks and his response struck chord with me. It was something along the line of "we don't want to teach second guessing into a player". He almost won me over as a teacher. I just don't like the scheme.
  22. The part that concerns me the most is Cutler. I have yet to him look instinctive. Martz's offense is dependent on the QB's ability to anticipate. From what I've seen in my years as a football fan is, a QB either has that ability of not. So far far all I see from Cutler is gunning to an open reciever on talent alone and not leading or anticipating. Martz and Cutler may be a marriage made in hell. This is the stuff 5-11 seasons are made of.
  23. Mongo3451


    You forgot to add... "Chris Williams is our left tackle." Lovie It reminded of the days of Rex. LOL. I really am done with Lovie. Win or lose. I'm afraid it will be the latter.
  24. Mongo3451


    It's pretty bad when we are looking for good things to say about the OL. At this rate Cutler may not make it out of the pre-season. It takes a long time time for an OL to gell. Add to that, we have a new OL coach, new OC and an average to below talent pool on OL. It does not look good. I potentially see us at 2-4 to start the season. Don't get me started on the defense. We can only hope they are sandbagging for the beginning of the season.
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