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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Mongo3451

    Possible Guard

    I still think it's because he's ran out of areas to suck at. Mannings last stand, so to speak.
  2. Mongo3451

    Possible Guard

    I still think it's because he's ran out of areas to suck at. Mannings last stand, so to speak.
  3. Remember, they said he "could" be released. That doesn't mean he will be. I really don't envision them letting him go with nothing in return. If the goal is playoffs or bust, they are better off with him than without. I think Biggs threw a tad bit of "Chicken Little" in his story.
  4. I agree on your assessment of Brown. But, what type of pick would you hope to get for him? I'm thinking more in the lines of trading players. I realize what they are trying to do: They have Brown who only plays one spot (right). Then they have Peppers and Anderson playing both. Anderson is younger with more potential, so they want him to start and be interchangable as they move Peppers around for mismatches. 5.5 million is too much for a backup RDE, that only plays one side. Idonije can anchor the LDE spot just fine and hopefully Melton can continue to develop. The situation sucks, but I understand it. Brown is a solid player who will be missed.
  5. Mongo3451

    Possible Guard

    I kinda agree with him about SS. At WR and SS, we are loaded with unproven players that can be starters. I don't see any star quality at either position. RE: Manning. I think he's being moved to SS because film has probably shown he has no clue what to do in pass coverage and it's his last chance to make it as a defensive player. People mention him as a nickle back, but the only thing I ever found him good at was blitzing. That makes him a one trick pony.
  6. Mongo3451

    Possible Guard

    name='bradjock' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:48 PM' post='79367'] Despite what Lovie says, all we ask of our FS is don't get beat deep. The most important pre-requisite for this is intelligence. I'm thinking Craig Steltz might actually be able to fill this need. As for RT, we're not going to be able to find a starting caliber RT in the 3rd round. At least not immediately. I'm curious to see what Omiyale can do if he's moved over there. Loadholt started RT for Minny last year. Why can't we find one? You are higher on Steltz than I am. Also, Lovie says our safeties are interchangeable. We all know that's not true. After finding a steal like Johnny Knox in the 5th round last year, why wouldn't you want to take a WR? We're going to need more in the Martz system. While we have a lot of SS's, none are very good. I think we should draft a TE, but only one that specializes in blocking. One who's build like Manumaleuna. Not 6-6 250 lbs.We are young and talented enough at WR. I'd like to see what Iglesias can do before throwing another pick on WR. Drafting a TE would be completly insane. Huh? Where did this come from? Corey Graham and Zach Bowman both slipped to the 5th round due to injury concerns. Both were nice picks. If you can get a guy with 1st round talent in the 5th, why wouldn't you? Chris Williams might have slipped, but he made up for it by starting every game is sophomore year. Who else are you talking about? Not much time. I'll have to answer with the list later. If you look at the history of Martz offenses, they take off their first year. Not to mention, as for our o-line, we finished the season with Williams, Omiyale, Kreutz, Garza, and Shaffer. There's a damn good chance that's what opening day will look like. There are pro's and cons with that take off. Stats can be decieving. Cutler's a lot more talented then Big Ben. That and he's never raped anyone Talent has never been the issue with Cutler. It's between his ears that's in question. Honestly, what makes Cutler more talented than Big Ben? Smart talented guys can make dumbass descisions. Cutler on field, Ben off.
  7. Mongo3451

    Possible Guard

    Right now, I see 4 positions on the team where we are below the league average. 1st being FS, with a close 2nd of LG and RT. Lastly there is DT. If I had my choice, I would take the best availible at each of those positions. I would NOT draft a QB, RB, TE, WR, OLB or SS. The lines and secondary are my only concern. (and for Pete's sake, NO MORE drafting guys that have talent and fell for injury reasons) I'm not sure if any team in the league is average to above at every starting position. So, the Bears are close to being good from the talent standpoint. What I am concerned with again is continuity of the offense. Last year, it was Cutler and 3 new OL. Now, we are looking at Martz and one to two new OL.(plus the most complex playbook in the league) Is anyone else worried about Cutlers ability to anticipate, as is necessary with the Martz scheme? I think he's always relied on his quick release and cannon instead of seeing a play unfold. I really think we need to use him more like Big Ben.
  8. I don't agree. Tebow is a guy that has talent. He will work harder than anyone to correct his mechanical flaws. His leadership is without question as well. It will be a year or two down the road, but Tebow he will succeed. I think he'll go late 2nd, early 3rd.
  9. Mongo3451

    Vasher cut

    Olsen is making next to nothing. His only value is playing well or being traded for a reasonable draft pick.
  10. Hell, we just signed Jennings yesterday. (5-9 and 185 if he's lucky)
  11. Gotta disagree on the KR. I think he's a beast at KR. Nice crack though...
  12. Lovely news. However, he has to be smarter than Manning. Nobody could be less instinctive than him. I agree that we should be cautious. Other "Mock Talk" may have better things to say. Anyway, I'll take a slightly less gifted "football Player" over a "dumb athlete" anyday.
  13. It's good to see Lovie and you are on the same page... I like the guy too, but think he won't be there when we pick.
  14. Decent player. I'm glad we got him. He's a little guy though.
  15. My God, hell has frozen over! He had to be the worst fullback of the decade. Oh I just saw pig fly...
  16. I was reading the entire post thinking it was destined to be a one I'd remember for awhile. But the above paragraph made it lose some credibility. I would argue 1 FS, 1 DE, and 1 OL as needs. The rest is depth. Now, if you were saying you'd like to have upgrades at those positions, I'd agree. But 11 to 14 positions? That's a lot. It's like you are saying it's a miracle we went 7-9 with the talent we had? Like I said earlier, the rest of the post was solid.
  17. The problem with Olsen, is that a corner or safety can play him. That negates him even more as a WR, because he can't separate. Teams have figured this out. If he doesn't make it as a TE with our system, I am very against making him a WR.
  18. This is why I'm not a huge stat guy. Manning has always been a guy who is hesitant and takes poor angles. Like you said he's a "catch and drag" guy. Those types of tackles are easier because of his athletic ability. Back to my rub on this, stats don't capture hesitation, poor angles and just plain not being in the play. A lot of guys high on that list are the ones you see flying to the point of impact. Sometimes they lay some serious wood, sometimes they whiff. I'd take Chris Harris any day over Manning at S.
  19. Agreed. The way things are now, if you are only on the team because of special teams, you better be an "ace" at it. Davis and AP are not aces and not starting caliber players. They must go to allow younger players an opportunity to emerge. Yet, another indictment on the staff. One last shot; while I am a Mannelly fan because he shows that average Joe can make it in the NFL, do we really need him so badly? How many longsnapper specialist are there in the league? If I'm a bubble OL, DL or TE, I'm learning how to longsnap. Mannelly is the best, but damn.
  20. That's how I remember it. Jerry would have won 3 or 4 more if he'd have kept JJ.
  21. F'n classic! Mad love on that one...
  22. I think he actually had his best years as an LDE and moved to RDE when Rucker left. True. And I think Brown strongly prefers RDE. I think with Peppers ability, he would be a greater benefit at LDE. (Distrupting in the QB's face. ala Strahan) This would also benefit the way we are used to seeing Brown Blast by the QB as he step up. Now the QB can step up into Peppers or flush out to Brown. I think so.
  23. You have your biased opinion, as I have mine. I do believe the staff got complacent / arrogant. I also believe it directly translated into a huge lack of hunger from the players. That's what I took from the article. Angelo is nearly as guilty as Lovie on this. He has openly admitted gambling with the draft because he thought we were solid enough to handle it. This article rings true depending on how you view the staff. The article is in retrospect, but I do not believe for one second it is hindsight. It's been covered by our board, media and former players enough to throw that out. Phillips and the family get a pass in my book, because he pretty much left the football decisions to JA and Lovie. If I had to place blame on the fall of the team, it would be 60% Lovie, 30% Angelo and 10% players.
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