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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Thanks for update Jason. I have a few questions. 1) Did the recievers seem to get separation? I have been concerned about the lack of passing plays mid to deep and can't really out my finger on it from the TV view. Cutler seems to rarley pass in rhythm and seems to make plays when he sees a player open and just fires. Is it separation, OL, Cutler, play calling? 2) OL?? Do they suck that bad or is Turner/Cutler not able to make hot reads and adjustments? OL part II - Do they ever get any push? It has seemed non-existent. 3) Roach seems to be a stud against the run and liability in the passing game. Is he reacting late or just out of place in passing situations. Reacting late can be due to experience, but out of place is inexcusable. IMO - we lost a very winnable game against a good football team in their house. I expected a different type of game from both teams, but definately expected more from our O coming off a bye week.
  2. I was huge Benson supporter, as I thought as most experts stated; that he was the most NFL ready back to come out of college when he was drafted. Lo and behold, we were wrong. He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to grow up. He wasn't ready to train. He definately wasn't ready to be a professional. In reading an article last night, I found what I believe is the truth. Here's the rub for me "People who know him insist he changed after his release and that the Bears got his attention by firing him. But it was other clubs passing on him, they say, that really shook him up. In fact, it was nearly four months before he landed a job, and then only because Cincinnati was running out of healthy backs." http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/12352707 I think most of us truly believe he never got it here. Whether it was the coaches not getting to him or him not getting tp himself. the ultimate responsibility was his. He simply did not do it. I'll go as far to say it was Benson on his appearance alone. Look at him as a Bear and he looked soft. Look at him now and he looks chisled. It shows he's actually working for his paycheck. If I have to guess, we are going to see his demands in the offseason. I am a fan of Benson's ability and running style, but I'll have a hard time forgetting what he cost us. In a nutshell, I couldn't disagree more.
  3. Impressive accomplishment: Smith registered his 50th victory in his 88th game as Bears coach Sunday (including playoffs), reaching the milestone quicker than Bill Parcells (89th game), Bill Walsh (91st), Chuck Noll (94th), Bill Belichick (111th) and Tom Landry (119th). http://www.chicagobears.com/news/NewsStory.asp?story_id=6177
  4. I matters about as much as your reply.
  5. This team is a slow starter. I hope as well, we can come out of the gate firing. Like AZ said though, at we're making adjustments. I especially like they had a specific mission for Tillman on Johnson in the 2nd half. It seemed to pay off.
  6. I loved seeing it and pray he's judicious from here on out. (meaning only if necessary)
  7. Thanks for posting that. Was going to do the same. Agreed with all the Defensive personnel grades, but think think the staff gets a B to B+. On the offensive side the OL has moved from an F to a D- for me. They usually need time to gel, but that is not being factored in my grade. Agreed on Turner. Toub gets a B for his unit getting gashed on coverage breakdowns. Lovie gets a B+. I'm glad he has taken accountability and making others accountable. Looking for Harris and Harrison to come to life. If they do, all other fascets of the D will improve.
  8. Really? Stupid? I would like to hear from one person on this board who would not choose to be an NFL coach if given the opportunity. The reason I say that is because I believe people in general seek their own level in life. I don't know coach Barta and am not going to look him up. But, he either has a life calling to be a high school coach or could not cut it in the NFL. Either way, he is not a poster on this board and he obviously made his choice in life. You or any other poster does not have that choice. Take Shoop out of the analogy and this argument is retarded. (Shoop joke) Honestly, I totally don't buy it at all. I would have the time of my life and would eat, breath and sleep the job. But, simply feel I would always feel over my head. This is something you have to be in for life. If I'm a minority on this issue. So be it.
  9. Not true and furthermore you are embellishing on my statement to enhance your argument. And if I wanted to call any indivual out, I would do so. I think everyone knows that. We all can be upset about calls and think there are better candidates for the OC job out there. But to come in with the arrogance that we (as in anyone on this board) could do better is pure bullcrap. We may get a play or two right, but not on the level of any NFL OC. I know you meant Wolfe and I agree with that assessment. I even cussed at the TV when the play was ran. He admitted the mistake. Do you that as a sign of weakness? You are right on your assessment of OC and GM. I truly believe no-one on this board could succeed as an OC. But, I do think some of us could handle a draft with the right personnel. Some could manage the cap with support staff. But none of us could be the complete package for any coaching, scouting or GM position in the NFL. Again, through your enhancement of my post, you try to say we can't have an opinion. That's why we are all here. That's almost offensive. The Wolfe / Hester analogy was to show that you have to earn respect to soften the defense. IF Wolfe is viewed as a perimiter player only, he will be defensed that way. Thus a non factor in any situation. Once he busts a big gain up the middle, the rest will open up for him.
  10. I've been reading all the posts on this topic and have some observations. 1st, I thought it was refreshing for Turner to come out and say he messed. To me, him admitting the mistake shows he's human and willing to look himself in the mirror. 2nd, in defense of Turner. Unless you work for an NFL franchise as a coach, you don't know more about delivering "High quality H2O" than this guy, let alone being an OC. Am I saying shut up and don't criticize him? Hell no. But don't act like he's an idiot and you know more. It just takes from individual credibilty. Lastly, while I hate seeing Wolfe getting stuffed, I do understand the concept. If Wolfe breaks just one run from the inside, it changes the gameplan forever when he comes in the game. (the whole playbook is opened for hom now and he becomes a true weapon) It's kinda like using Hester on the WR screen and reverses last year. They never worked. Now they do.
  11. Adams - I have always liked him, but I just question how much the staff does. If Dusty didn't go down w/ injury, and Harrison didn't show up to camp out of shape, would Adams even be starting? Even if the staff has come to appreciate him more, how much will be tested before the 2 year period I mentioned as we will have to re-sign him. I am just not confident the staff will want to re-sign him. They simply do not care for DTs that can't rush the passer. I really see no need to let him walk, unless through normal attrition. Harrison may well still be around, but I see that as far from a lock. He showed "something" on a few occasions last year, but didn't exactly break out. This year, he showed up to camp over weight and out of shape, and his work ethic came into question, prompting the staff to sit him until he got his weight down. Thus far, through only three games I realize, he has shown nothing. There is still time, but I just am not so confident he sticks long term. You are going on pure speculation that he will not grow up and be a professional. Anderson - He is a FA after this season, and (a) needs to show a lot for us to even think about re-signing him and ( even if he does show something, he could then position himself for a nice paycheck. Will we pay him? We should pay him if he’s a capable DE. They simply don’t grow on trees and we can’t get rid of this many players and replace them via the draft. Briggs w/o question. The rest? Yes, to most of them. We can’t afford to lose most of them over the next 2 years. The loss of depth alone would be disastrous. Williams is a FA after this season, and I frankly would be surprised if he re-signed. He has been stuck behind Briggs, and not until this season did we even give him an opportunity, short as it was, at a position other than WLB. Even now, w/ the injuries to Urlacher and Pisa, Williams seems like an after thought. I can easily see him looking to move on to a team where he may believe he has a better chance to play. If someone leaves to be a starter, I’m good with that. Otherwise, keep Williams. Pisa - Could very well happen, but lets be honest for a moment. As great as he looked in camp, he has yet to do jack in the regular season. Before we declare him a long term starter, he needs to start a regular season game. He has been a good player for several years. I think he has a place for a few more. Raoch - He may well be here, but I simply am not a big fan. Roach actually impressed me with good instincts at MLB. I like the guy. Tillman to FS has always been a message board topic, and fans seem to love the idea, but the staff has never gone for it. That still doesn’t mean it shouldn’t happen or that it’s not a feasible idea. The argument is that he is our best CB. I see him getting beat like a drum, then making up for it with sure tackling and stripping. That sounds more like a FS than a CB. I am a big fan of Graham, but is the staff? Even when both Tillman and Bowman were hurt in preseason, the staff went w/ McBride, who was cut, over Graham. Graham is a mystery to me. He did pretty darn well last year, but the entire offseason, the staff simply has not seemed inclined to get him on the field. When Bowman was knocked out of the game for a short bit, it was Vasher who came in. That is the same Vasher who has stunk, and who has little future w/ the team. If Graham is in the plans at all, you sure could have fooled me. Maybe Graham is in the doghouse. I like him as well. He’s gotta be in the plans. You always see turnover. But as I look at the roster, I see far more than just some turnover. I see a total overhaul. Often you see a couple players per unit change over the period of a couple years, but I see the opposite. I see only a couple remaining over the next two years, and if that is the case, it would be an overhaul, not a tweak. You do realize that we already have 4 new starters on D this year? Two more years of that trend and nobody is left. Changes happen all the time. Like I said earlier, we were really blessed to have our core stay together for as long as they have. Trust me, this is all normal and the staff is fully aware that it needs to be handled.
  12. No overhaul needed, but there will be a large turnover in the next couple of years. We have been blessed to have the core of the D for as long as we have. On the flipside, success can also be a curse if you are not proactive in replenishing talent. Agreed on your keepers and add Anderson, Harrison and Adams. IMO - Adams has forced the staff to like him. Briggs, Williams, Pisa and Roach should be here. Url may also have a couple years left, but I see a need to draft a replacement this year. Tillman to FS anyone? I like Graham and Bowman as starters and Manning as nickel. Jury is still out on Moore. Afalava is a keeper. I also see a place for Payne and DM. Although I do not like DM's instincts as a starter. I do love his athleticism. I guess we keep drafting until get it right. (or see Tillman comment) I see this as a normal, "Circle of Life" type situation.
  13. I think a lot of what we have seen is the result of something we have already talked about. Most of us did not expect our receiving corps to come out firing on all cylinders at the beginning of the season. Others teams figured that as well. The best way for them to hinder progress is to take away what has been known to work. IE: Forte(1) and Olsen(2). That placed the onus on all the new guys. Now that Cutler and the young receivers have caused damage. Defenses won't be able to play the same game for too long. We also have to remember, our OL is 60% different from last year with a new QB to learn how to block for. From week one to two was a pretty big difference in improvement. I expect this trend will continue as the season rolls on. Then, we will see more of Forte, as well the mid to deep passing game once play action is established. So far, I'm very pleased with the progress.
  14. You can tell he actually trains now. Looks like he's on the TJ workout plan. Still an asshole...
  15. I usually don't make predictions, unless it's for the office pool but... IMO the Bears win today. Preseason I told friends that we'd start 0-2. In all honesty thought it would be huge if we could start 2-2. We match up well against Pittsburgh for starters and also think we'll have more of a sense of purpose / urgency. Bears 24-20
  16. What aggrivates me is, they drafted Beek to be a guard, not center. Now they think he is too small to play guard? Did they think he was going to miraculously grow a bigger frame at the age of 22. Once again, Angelo trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
  17. I agree with what you are saying here. I just don't agree with the extent you are calling out the coaches. Cutler was just plain horrible. Only Cutler could control that.
  18. Agreed on all. I especially loved the safety on Rodgers. That was one heck of an athletic play. BTW - I think the lights came on for DM the last QTR of last season. Wale and Anderson worry me about their individual work ethic. It's odd, they are both in a contract year. Let me add, that Chris Williams looks quick and aggressive. Please don't confuse this with saying he played well. It just looks like the lights are on for this kid.
  19. Did you not see the joy in the Dallas locker room after Romo just threw for a career high last weekend?
  20. This says it all for me. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4469786 This is good stuff.
  21. Nuf said. It was a team effort on offense, suffice it to say. Turner could have called perfect play after perfect play and someone could have screwed it up. It was the entire offense that failed to get it done and we'll never know the culprit. Guarantee film has been reviewed extensively and only the staff and team will ever know the extent of individual failure.
  22. Nice rant! I hope the team feels the energy tonight. Game on tonight boys!!!! I should be a good one.
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