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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Wow! I'm not nuch much of a stat guy, but damn that was a great one. 1 in 5 1st rounders make the pro bowl... I wonder what the stat is on 1st round QB's???? IMO - that validates the price tag.
  2. JA may wait until the season begins before doing a new deal. That way he can hold onto emercency cash and have a better grasp on personnel and ability to frontload.
  3. Did you use that line because you knew Cutler is from Santa Claus, IN.??? Very nice if so...
  4. I really don't care what Urlacher thinks or says anymore. If were the best player on the team or acted like he wanted to be the face of the franchise, I would probably read into it. Cutler is now the face whether anyone likes it or not.
  5. I saw Cutlers press conference. He was spot on. He has already done a lot to begin winning the locker room. I was actually impressed with how cordial he was. I did not think that was in him.
  6. Exactly! Teams will now actually have to account for Hester every second of every play. The field will be stretched for the play action and run game. We may actually get to utilize Wolfe now that he will have a little room to operate.
  7. OMG! I can't take any more joy!!! I bet Turner feels like a porn star right now.
  8. I get what you are saying, but in the case of dog fighting, the descision was made for Vick years ago.(illegal) I would say yes to your question about dogs, as I have a more than obvious bias. A good dog would never harm it's human family.
  9. That was as cheesy as it gets. LOL!
  10. Good question. I can think of a few reasons - pro and con: 1) Greater comfort with Cassell. 2) Trade value to get Cassell would be a lot less than what you would net with Cutler. So, he could get his guy and have extra picks and/or players. 3) New England arrogance. 4) Maybe he DOES have intell that Cutler is a Jeff George type. 5) Maybe they scouted Cutlers flaws in NE and found him lacking. IMO - regardless we must take the chance. Our QB situation has been mediocre for too long. This is one of the most talented "young" QB's I have ever seen.
  11. Cutler has more clout than Orton. Actually, Orton has none. That's why he has to keep his mouth shut. That being said, Elway was the ultimate bitch when he publicly refused to play for the Colts pre draft. Do you think Cutler would get this trade if he didn't play the card the way he did? I personally would be livid if the 1st thing I got from my new coach is that he didn't want me. I think Cutler is somewhere between Elway and George. George being the greatest waste of talent in the history of the league. (zero leadership) I'm sure the Bears have a pretty good insight on the level of turd Cutler may be. Bennett would be a good start.
  12. Very nice IMO. I hope you are right. I really like Orton, but a chance to get the best young gun in the NFL would be a dream come true. Besides, I have yet to see Orton get it together on his deep passes. Hell, you didn't even hear about it in training camp fodder. Totally disagree. Even before the Pace thread, I feel we improved our OL with younger players. We get Williams as a redshirt, Shaffer is better than any tackle we had last year and add Omiyale(who can't be worse than St. Clair. Throw in a potentially healthy Buenning and a year stronger Beekman to the mix. The only downside may be Kruetz and Garza, with Kruetz being our best OL last year. What does Pace do for us? He becomes our best OL this year, something a draft pick would not do. It is important for more than one reason: One - true insurance incase Williams falters would be in place.(I really loved BearSox idea of Williams to LG to learn from Pace for a year) Two - Most importantly, it gives us the ability to trade a couple of picks to Denver for Cutler and still have the line bolstered. Three - even if Orton is QB, it would be nice to be able to open up the playbook for some 5 and 7 step drops. I'm sure there was a lot left on the table last year because of OL. Endgame is this - if we get Cutler out of it, Angelo runs for Mayor and wins by a landslide.
  13. I like Britton if Oher is gone. Also like Gibson, Bruton and Fiametta. Fiametta is a really good run blocker.
  14. I would only trade a 1st for him if KC would throw in a 3rd. Otherwise, I would trade a 2nd for him. He's a very talented Warren Sapp like athlete. It's not an area of need but could be. Harris is iffy IMO.
  15. I don't think Nicks and Loadholt will be there in the 2nd and 3rd respectively. I would love that draft though.
  16. Like Hester and Berrian. (throw in Olsen too) Like Anderson his rookie year. Like Tillman, Vasher and McBride Touche' Like Forte. AP will be lucky to have a locker this year. I know you meant Wolfe, just being an ass. Sorry. Man you guys are getting cynical. LOL! I do think with the new OT being signed, it lessens the demand of OT in round 1&2. If we really look at it with fresh eyes, we have the opportunity to be vastly improved on OL. Williams has to be an upgrade over St. Clair, nuf said. Omiyale and Schaffer look to be an upgrade over Tait, who obviously had nothing in the tank. Overall, I love the move. Here's where I am with you guys. I fear as you do that Angelo thinks it's complete. I think we all want one more 1st day OL. I think what JA has done is given himself the opportunity to draft the best OT or OG he can get his hands on, while having the greater ability for BPA. I would prefer OL to be a strength and am optomistic Jerry will give us one more. If he does not, I will vent.
  17. Like talking to your wife sometimes, isn't it? My pick is Manning.
  18. I'm sold! I love the road graders.
  19. No, they get to play smart and say, "see we signed a guy that can do it all." No and yes. No - the money they offered St Clair was NOT to even start this year. Yes - Upgrades were probably part of the plan. Don't we nail them for this all of the time?? That's because he IS an OT. That's what they signed him for. The bull ended when St. Clair signed elsewhere. Because our guys are smart. Do you sense the sarcasm? They actually probably wanted St Clair to play OG while telling him he would the RT. Again, they are so smart, they saw that St. Clair would sign for the discount to be named the replacement for Tait. Look at money and that will tell the whole story.
  20. Good for the young guys, but I find it utterly ridiculous that Peyton Manning needs a supplement for his check. Also the big WTF is: How did Urlacher get a performance bonus last year??
  21. I don't think that was ever going to be the case. They payed Omiyale starter money, while they offered St. Clair backup money to start at OT??? I think the whole "we want St Clair back" talk was a ruse to give him some respect, while hoping he would sign for chump change to be a backup. Now, we'll see what they do in the draft and how that affects Omiyale.
  22. Hell yes. If we could pull that off...
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