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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. My friends and I have always debated the wonderlic. I was wondering if anyone knows how to get a copy of this for the average Joe to take??? I would love it.
  2. I remember watching that. I forget the kids name, but he had the softest hands I'd ever seen. The problem with that kid is that he is slow and not really big. But man those hands are worth a tryout for a team. He'll have to be one of those crafty guys who can find the soft spots in a D. He'll also need a QB that has the "read" skills to anticipate wher he'll be.
  3. Mongo3451


    I understand it takes longer to develop a rookie WR, but they don't need to know the whole playbook to contribute. Give them a few plays each week that lead to a few snaps every week. Our coaches, I believe Turner in particular, get locked into players. IE: Forte's over-use and Bennett's under-use. Agreed! At some point you have to take the numbers for what they are. You simply can't draft that many slow learners. The coaches must be held accountable for getting the players on the field. Dummy down the playbook, put a foot in their ass and get them a few snaps a game.
  4. I wouldn't mind WR in the 1st if we can't get our guy or a trade down.
  5. I wouldn't mind WR in the 1st if we can't get our guy or a trade down.
  6. Why do franchises have to pattern? I would set my own bar as a leader. I lieu of copycatting, I would prefer to stay ahead of the curve.
  7. Over the last couple of decades, hasn't true genius started with having a good QB? Angelo wants to be a genius, but isn't smart enough to pull it off. Conundrum
  8. That doesn't look too bad. IMO - Cutler can be Elway or Jeff George. He's at that place in his career in which his resolve will determine how he turns out. IMOx2 - worth the gamble. Orton will never be more than middle of the pack, while Cutler has the 2nd to 3rd arm best I've ever seen.
  9. At this point, I don't see anyone other than St. Clair signing for OL. I think he signs with us before thew draft. After that, I see JA spending a 1st or 2nd rounder on a TRUE right tackle. We'll have St. Clair and Omiyale to play stopgap LT if Williams goes down.
  10. Bowman was touted as a guy with great range and instincts, so this hopefully the answer to all the Tillman to FS posts. I think it makes sense and hope it works. This also means we will probably look at corner somewhere in the draft.
  11. My fantasy draft would definately involve adding a couple of high choices on OL. Here's what I'd like to see... Trade to the bottom of the 1st round if a stud OT is not availible and pick up an extra 2nd rounder. Not realistic, but here goes: 1st - Beatty OT 2nd - Robiske / Britt WR 2nd - Freeman QB 3rd - Louis Delmas FS 3-4(comp) Louis Vasquez OG 4th - Phillip Hunt DE 5th - Corey Irvin DT 6th - Ryan Stamper OLB 7th - Tony Fiametta FB comp comp
  12. Don't lose faith in the 30 that have not panned out yet. Half of those 30 are not to the 3rd year yet. That is usually the breakout point. Do you happen to have any stats on the 1st two rounds?
  13. Put me in that category as well. I've gone as far to say to convert an angry athletic OG or DT, trim him down to 260 and just tell him to start running over people. I know the odds are not in favor of that being successfull. but, it's better than nothing. Agreed on the OL analogy as well. If a team gets off the bus running, the OL should be stocked with maulers and pile drivers. That identity imposes it's will on the opponent in the 4th quarter.
  14. Not angry. I just find it necessary to step up, if I feel my words got twisted around. I was simply using them as an example of the only "top" players that fell that hard prior to the draft.(that's the only comparison I made) I honestly can't think of any others than those two. The connection to Smith is the elite talent and college production that made these people regarded as top pick talent. My point was that Smith has fallen from grace due to laziness and poor judgement. He has definately hurt himself, but in no way will drop out of the 1st round unless he really messes up. Thing is with Williams is that there were questions about his speed and work ethic way before the combine. Those are much bigger flags for skill position players than anywhere else. Again, he didn't drop that far anyway. Ha ha Lions.(as they were laughing about Benson) Sorry, just me being an a$$.
  15. I am with you brother. I am not a Lovie fan. I used to be really high on Angelo, but I'm wearing down on him. What I don't understand is if the upper eschelon is sectrectly calling shots that handcuff Lovie and Jerry. We just have no way of knowing. I will always keep the faith though.
  16. What is your point? I never said he was in Moss and Sapp league. Re-read the post. They were brought up as a point to HIGHLY regarded picks that fell hard due to, other than talent and skill issues. Again, read what I posted about Williams. Especially the fact that he did not fall far, so he is moot in the conversation. If you want to debate a point, please have one by bringing something more than estrogen laden pointless remarks.
  17. I said this about Smith, "Smith at #18 is a no brainer and would actually be our best LT option." Put down the taroh cards when you read posts. Anyway, can you name other players that were rumored to one of the top picks in the draft that fell like Sapp and Moss? Another poster said it happens all the time and my memory doesn't serve me well on the issue. As far as Mike Williams is concerned; that's not how I recall him. I remember people talking about how slow he was and at 240 he possibly could be a TE. How far did he fall anyway? All the way to #8. Huge collapse from 3 or 4.
  18. Disagree - You don't get to the NFL by having any sort lof osing mentality. The Bears want to win. It's in everyones best interest. It's does seem possible in light of the Cassell trade. Plus, it makes sense to the Cards to get any value when they can. They save 8 figures by trading him. And get to develop the talent they currently have. Agreed, whole heartedly. What one person finds annoying, another may see as an opportunity to communicate their thoughts and share fellowship with friends. Keep hope alive Stinger. This could happen for the reasons AZ54 stated. Heck, the Cards could have a guy in mind they really want our 2nd for and pull the trigger. Sometimes GM's just "gotta have em". I've seen wilder things happen.
  19. The last 2 players I have seen fall this far from grace prior to the draft are Randy Moss and Warren Sapp. Both will be 1st ballot. Smith at #18 is a no brainer and would actually be our best LT option.
  20. C'mon, you gotta find a little humor in it... I'll admit the baiting was a tad slanted, just in knowing I am a card carrying McCaskey basher. My statement almost read, "It's conclusive the McCaskey's are..." The 1st word that would have popped into everyone's head would have been "cheap". (whether anyone felt that way or not)
  21. C'mon Wesson you are thinking like a football player! Seriously, I agree. You can't teach his size and athleticism. Does he have the natural instincts to make him a football player is the big question? That's all up to game tape now. Those scouts could have been spewing dis-information to start the sh!t storm, in hopes that he does fall. To the common fan like us, he has to be dismissed because we don't have the film on him and the ability to interview. To a GM, it's an indicator of his maturity and work ethic. Talent wins out though. It always does. If a GM thinks he's a gamer, he will be taken in the 1st round.
  22. I get where you are going with this, as far as OL early, RB later.(agreed) But, challenge the argument that RB's have greater success past the 1st round than OT's. Like you, I'm not doing the homework.
  23. My mindset was to sign a top FA tackle and draft one in the 1st round just so the competition scenario could play out. Once again, we have penciled in an unproven 1st rounder into a starting position. Who will we place at LT if Williams fails? It has also been my contention that you can draft a player to play LT and move him to RT or an OG position if they fail. Sometimes that's not do-able due to the players skillset, but usually the LT prospect has a superior skillset to the other 4 positions on the OL which makes the gamble pay off through better odds. Good points. Agreed 100%
  24. Ha! I knew someone would fall for my little snare. All I said was "It's conclusive!" PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
  25. It's conclusive! Thanks for the read Madlith.
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