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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. I will have to disagree that position coaches don't have effect. They teach the technique and provide interpretations for the gameplan that is laid out early in the week. As an example: The coaches study film on Monday and lay out a plan for the week. Practice time comes and the DB coach has laid it out wrong to his players. Now, you've created confusion. The players are now rolling their eyes at someone. This also creates trust issues, as the separate units have less faith. The part I highlighted is what I totally agree with. Holding Lovie as the #1 person accountable for our defensive collapse is a must. However, it's not happening. It's like treating a symptom instead of the root cause. Lovie has to know what is going on at all times. He said "trust me". I don't.
  2. Starting with Tillman. I've been an advocate for him going to FS for a long time. If he moves there, he'll be a pro bowler again. With Tillman at FS, that would leave Vasher at SS. That aint happening. SS's have to hit people and Vasher went to the Deion sanders school of tackling. I would suggest Vasher stick as a nickle, as he has better ball skills than Manning. If Vasher is on the team as a backup, he'll need to take a pay cut.
  3. C'mon, you are not new at this. You know you will never get the straight truth out of Angelo from now until next season.
  4. Heck, after I wrote it, I bought my 1st pack of cigarettes and flushed a bottle of Viagra down the toilet!
  5. OK, let's go from pipedream to wet dream. Cowher as HC Shanahan as OC Johnson as DC Toub as Toub Ahhhhhhhhhh!
  6. He's just setting the tone for the off season. I'm hoping the entire staff is making an attempt to elevate our deficiencies.
  7. Nice stats. I do think McNabb is worth every penny of the 9 and 10 mil. He is in his prime right now and would gretly benefit from our style of play. His WR's aren't really good and they don't have out TE's and ground game. Sure he would miss Westbrook if we got him, but he would love Olsen, Hester and Forte. And damn he throws a great deep ball! I just don't see Philly parting with him. I also would not give a #1 and #3 for him.
  8. I have to say, I don't usually subscribe to football coaches as genius, but Martz may fit that bill. The thing that kills him is that he tends to out think himself, as was the case with him as a head coach and asst with the Lions and 9'ers. He was ran out on a rail in all three places. Also, with all three places he had the type of weather and stadium that he could do his thing. He has also proven that he can not work with the head coach well. You think Turner makes some head scratching calls try Martz on for size. Warner like Favre has also shown great signs of wear at the end of the season. Nothing is more brutal than our playing conditions and I don't think Warner would hold up. I think you are right about Warner being better than Orton, but think Orton would prove more reliable over the long haul. Plus he's 13 years younger. I would take Collins over Warner. Holt, I agree he is better than anyone we have and would be an instant upgrade. He is just not a #1 anymore. I would love to get Holt and Housh. I also hear rumblings of Marvin Harrison getting cut if he doesn't restructure. The stats aren't there for the offense, but Orton and Co did keep us in games and provided us with some very key drives when needed. All with sub-par talent. Disagree on Forte being able to even come close to the Faulk role, as they are completely different backs. I think we would be squandering the benefits that Forte brings to the table in the style and role he currently plays, which I think is perfectly suited for his talents. Yes, I think Forte's pass catching ability is great. Faulk was used so much differenly because of his elusiveness and accelleration. Now, I will say that Wolfe may be perfectly suited for that role on the limited basis he would play. I'm just very Leary of Martz across the board. Shanahan - I would hire in a second. He would also have the ability to bring in some of his assistants in to help with the entire offense. I just see a coach of his caliber being an assistant anywhere. He'll land a HC job anywhere he goes. Now if you want him as HC, I'm all for it!
  9. Horrible #1 - Martz. He's proven he can't get it done. The greatest show on turf was an anomoly born from the perfect storm of talent and a new style of play. Horrible #2 - Forte V Faulk Forte is great as is, he is not the fit Faulk was for that offense. Forte is perfect for the power running game and Bear weather. Horrible #3 - Keeping Babich. Someone needs to fall on the sword for this defense. I expect a player or two to be affected. It just can't be the DB coach. Horrible #4 - Firing Turner. The offense is the only reason we won 9 games this season. Plus, bringing in a new OC will stagnate the offense. The only way I see a new OC coming in is if we make a big play for a QB that JA eluded to. Horrible #5 and #6 - Warner and Holt. I would take both of them as #2's but they in no way could resurrect the glory days for Martz, as they are past their prime. I totally disregard Hub on this.
  10. Quick note: If cutting and pasting from publications, you need to give the source credit. Disagree on that being our #1 problem. I would argue that Babich and Lovie did a far worse job, as he answered to Babich who answered to Lovie. Also, the D-line NOT getting pressure absolutely killed our DB's this year. The LB's lined up on the LOS and us blitzing is a close 2nd, if not a tie. I can see Haley and Babich possibly gone today, Monday at the latest.
  11. You could almost equate our D to one of those Mega-Disasters episodes on History Channel.
  12. I'd fire Lovie and Babich in the locker room. I think Turner did a decent job with little talent. I'd promote Toub to asst head coach for next season and hire Ron Rivera to be our HC. But, that is far from what will happen. Of course my real dream is still Cowher.
  13. A = Lions, Raiders, knicks... I know it's all in good fun, but when leadership is not present from the top down it does, will, and has occurred. We all have to remember, these guys are pro's but also very young men prone to lapses in character. I would be willing to bet my life that any of our players would mind playing for a great leader who jumped in their ass occassionally. Everyone knows we will never hire Cowher, as Lovie has done enough for another year. Next year will definately have to take another upswing.
  14. I wasn't trying to bait you. I did read your whole post simply thought it contradictory. Anyway, you need your shit stirred from time to time. It gets things going. Thanks for the clarification.
  15. I have had an idea I've been floating around, but have no idea if it would work or not. First, I've been on the bandwagon to platoon Brown for the last couple of years thinking the lack of reps and rest would potentially keep him healthy. That being said, I do like the player coach idea and wonder if the following scenario might work. It begins with Manning. I have loved his aggressive play as of late and there is no denying he is a physically gifted player. He simply lacks it upstairs. Here's where Brown comes into play. If he knows he's not the starter and also being paid to coach, what would prevent him from being in Mannings hip pocket in training camp and OTA's. I mean right with him, constantly in his ear, shoving him into position and letting him know what he sees in real time. I know with some players the light never comes on, but IMO we've been waiting on the physical nature of Manning to arrive and it has. What's to say, with a little creative coaching the light won't be as bright as we need it to be?? Just a thought...
  16. I'll put it in internet owner terms. You say you like what Lovie brings to the table, but you don't like the product of his work. That's like saying you love the BJ you get at the local brothel then bitching about the nut you busted. Service vs Product.
  17. The bold and the top comment kinda contradict each other, don't you think? How can you be a Lovie fan and NOT hold him accountable for how we play all the way down to Hesters transformation? Remember, "Trust me". Doesn't take an internet GM to figure that out.
  18. That had the tone of a eulogy. I don't think he is through yet. I have been a proponent for platooning him for a while. He keeps getting these calf injuries because he never leaves the field. He has known issues with fatigue and re-hydration, yet he never leaves the field. A lot of coaches monitor snaps played. I think this may be a good thing for him and for the development of younger players.
  19. That had the tone of a eulogy. I don't think he is through yet. I have been a proponent for platooning him for a while. He keeps getting these calf injuries because he never leaves the field. He has known issues with fatigue and re-hydration, yet he never leaves the field. A lot of coaches monitor snaps played. I think this may be a good thing for him and for the development of younger players.
  20. Live from Mongo's house.... http://rdcp.football.sportsline.com/images...3966-faajhb.jpg Ho ho hoaooooo! Merry Christmas everyone. Go Bears!
  21. I agree with most of the previos post, so I only pasted the part i disagree with. Most blitzes are effective between the tackles. My issue is with the main set-up and disguising of these blitzes. The coaches are trying keep lanes filled while blitzing which is very effective against draws and standard runs. But, are often easy to pick up by the OL, as nothing is truly overloaded. Also, Manning has been successful on his outside blitzes because they are set up by the inside blitzes. NFO said we should be attacking from all angles and that I really agree with, as it will keep the offense guessing. Also, I want our CB's pressing more on blitzes to eliminate the hot routes.
  22. I agree with almost everything you said, except "I will take Forte over AP, he is a much better all around player." You lost it on that one. AP is the scariest RB I have seen in long time, maybe ever. I love Forte, but would cut him in a second for AP.
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