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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Disagree - I think Turner has brainfarts like any other offensive playcaller, but hindsight is always 20/20. I becoming a firm believer that this O lacks talent, but is showing signs of promise. Disagree again - Orton is hurt and it is affecting his play. Would you be saying this before the injury? I think not. Plus, no matter what you think of him, he's a gamer. Totally agree. We need a #1 in the worst way. Hester on the other side will make a #1 a beast if we get one next year. He simply draws attention at all times and he has improved. Agreed again. But, it's headed in the right direction. Williams will assume the LT position next year with the hopefull addition of a young STUD OG. Beekman is coming along nicely and St Clair can replace Tait. From my rebuttal, you know I disagree. The TE's and RB's are a strength, but not the only thing we have. I think we should all reflect on what we thought this offense was going to be in the pre season and be thankful for the winning record. The O is going to get better if JA does his job.
  2. I would contend that our DL was considered a strength in the past. I don't really know why it is not anymore, but feel it can be again. It is not for a lack of talent. Motivation and good coaching can go a long way. They have WR's, yes, but we have TE's and an all-purpose back. Manning was a mediocre, at best, QB until the 2nd half of last year. IMO - the major difference is the OL. In their case and hypothetically ours, the OL makes everything better.
  3. All of their offense starts up front, as they have one of the best OL's in the game. Manning usually has all day to throw the ball, thus giving his recievers ample time to get open and allows the running game to run downhill. They consistently win the time of possession battle allowing their D line to be fresh and explosive.
  4. I would love it, but it scares the shit outta me. I would love to pull off a trade to lessen the hit, but the hit is still going to sting. If it happens I won't bitch, but I won't hold my breath, because out of the box thinking is not in JA's MO.
  5. I still haven't left my primary philosophy of OL and DL, so I definately agree with that. My hope is that we will hire a great D Coordinator and minimal investment will need to be made on that side of the ball. I still think we are really lacking at FS and DE. If we could get Graham and McBride to step up and start, we could move Nut to FS and Vasher to nickel while using a day one pick on a corner. DE is a different story. If we could that coordinator we need our DE's may be serviceable again. That leaves another OL pick and a WR pick on day one. If we luck out and get a 3rd for Berrian maybe we grab another OL or a run stuffer. I'm also holding out hop for Boldin, maybe the Cards brass has a hard on for Hester(or someone else we have) and a trade could lessen the blow of lost draft picks. That's where I call for creativity. I don't want us to lose the farm for a player, but I still hold out hope that our window has not closed. I look at the Titans, Steelers and Giants as models for success of a team that does not ask too much of it's QB. We could / should be there with talent development and good coaching. We just desparately need a couple of peices. other holes can be patched.
  6. I know what you are saying, but disagree with the post title. The NFL is the greatest sports product on the planet. Every year there is renewed hope for your team. I do think and agree that there are more mediocre teams out there, but also think that is a good thing. Sometimes that allows a Bears team to come out of the shadows a couple of years ago, the Giants last year and no you have who. Truth is, we don't know who is going to the Super Bowl this year and that is a good thing...
  7. I'll 3rd that motion. Unless we get a stud like Boldin, we might as well try to develop in house. I still believe Boldin can be a true asset given we are set at TE and RB. Like the same parallel we discussed with Faneca last year, I feel Boldin can eevate our other recivers, take pressure off Forte and the TE's and consequently take pressure off Orton and the OL by being a threat that can get open on any given play and potentially require double coverage. I think Faneca is paying dividends. Is the price too high for Boldin? I'm really not sure. Creativity will be needed...
  8. Agreed 100% Agreed again. Davis has a history of this: add his marginal talent and you off him to send a message to the other players that need to step up. I can also see a surprise cut this off season. LOL! FOOKiNG hillarious! Throw in a T-Rex as well.
  9. If you look at the Roy Williams trade you are more than correct. Williams fetched a 1st, 3rd and 6th with the Lions giving a 7th. Here's were the plot thickens. 1st - Williams was tradeable so the Lions had nothing to lose by unloading him. 2nd - Jerry Jones in all his arrogance in conjunction with his desparation to win a playoff game overpaid for a Texas player he's drooled over for years. 3rd - With so much money locked up in Fitz, the Cards are likely not going to come close to what Boldin wants as a startegy to not overpay at one position. 4th - we have a multitude of players that have tradeable contracts that would lessen the draft pick hit.(heck, I might throw Hester in to the mix) On the flip side; 1 - Everyone knows how desparate we are for a #1. 2 - Other teams will be quickly in the mix for his services, causeing whoever gets him to sign quickly which usually is done by overpaying. Lastly, How many deals like this come to be fruitfull? All told, my vote is for going for it. Because we all know we can't continue to rely on Forte the way we have. Odds are he won't last through many heavy carry seasons. Add to that defenses have figured out our recivers can't get off the LOS, giving them ample time to get to Orton. The smoke and mirrors is over.
  10. I would give a 2nd for Boldin. I'm not sold Housh as a true #1, as he has always had a good QB throwing to him as a reliable possession reciever. IMO - we need an identity with our #1 that will allow our #2 and #3 to make themselves known.
  11. I'm starting the outcry for Bolden now. We started crying for Faneca and were not appeased. We a need a #1 that can get off the line of scrimage and make plays. A #2 will only emerge then.
  12. You hit the nail on the head with the above statement. The ownership has to pay to the cap to get a winner, especially after the community paid through the nose for the new stadium. IE: To fill the McCaskey vault. Yes, they paid Lovie, but didn't they have to after ESPN and every other media outlet called them out. But, look at the rest of the staff and what they are being paid. I would almost bet Belichick makes more than our entire staff combined. The cold hard truth is that our team has underproduced since the Superbowl. ( eh hem, Trust me) Lovie is the first that needs to go, but he won't because the owners are too cheap to let him go. We won't go after Cowher for the same reason. What experienced head coach have they hired in the last 30 years? Cheap!
  13. I hate making bitchy comments after an ass whoopin, but Moose was right. Receivers go to die here. I would gladly have Gage, Bradley, Berrian, Moose and Wade over the shit we have now. Hester is our only playmaker at WR and he's half idiot. Bennett should be playing.
  14. That was weird. It looked like a weak hit for that result.
  15. Has he ever been caught from behind? Damn he's fast!
  16. I love and hate Belichick. I gotta say he's lucked into a lot of wins. IE: the tuck rule and the 5 yard contact re-inforcement. I also wonder how many close games they won while cheating. We'll never know for sure. Still, he's a helluva coach and his players are intensely loyal to the him and the program, That puts him in the top 10, but not the top.
  17. Mongo3451

    Mock Draft

    I won't care about the off-season until the off-season, but way to follow up with facts and an article that presents a very solid viewpoint. FYI - I totally agree. As of now, I'm thinking DE, OL and S.
  18. Turner gets a pass, but Lovie gets flamed until HIS defense shows up to play. Agreed on the assumption that they run it again.
  19. [quote They are going to run Matt into the ground before they go with an RB tandem... I think you are right, unfortunately. What good will Forte be when they run his dick into the dirt? That's been my question for a few weeks running. I don't care who spells Forte as long s he's fresh when we need him.
  20. Just pray Mike Brown can play, as he will be playing in the box all game long and the key to stopping AP.
  21. This is the difference between football players and ex-football players. Replace a uncreative 1st round QB with a 4th rounder and a bottle of Jack; then replace a heartless 1st round RB with a hungry 2nd rounder and Turner's offense actually works. Even though the D blows, I actually have more hope than I did pre-season, but for the opposite reason. We talked about the incompleteness of our O, but now we have a RB and QB that can get the job done. Combine that with an above average TE set and we have 3 out of the 5 essential pieces to the puzzle on offense. Now, I'll be back on the bandwagon for OL this off season. Anquan would be a miracle.
  22. Again, I am going to harp on the coaching staff. It seems as if Vasher has lost his motivation to earn his paycheck. If he's my player, he gets a private meeting in the office. If that doesn't work... PINE! If that doesn't work... Traded or cut! Dusty is a different story. I've complained about this before, but our staff usually rides a horse until it's dead. Dusty could use a break to get his legs back. If the staff knew how to spell players during the game, it would go a long way. Fresh legs of Adams, Harrison and Idonije can go a long way. I'll also add that they are grinding Forte into the dirt. There is no reason why Jones and Wolfe rarely see the field. The Forte situation is really a shame, because his career will be cut short due to over-use. We are tied for 1st place, but would have a 2 game cushion if the coaching staff knew it's collective ass from a hole in the ground.
  23. The public wants Babich's head on a silver platter and Lovie does not let him off the hook with the above statements. It may be one of those chicken / egg conversations, but I really want to know who is calling the shots for the defense. My contention all along is that Lovie is responsible for our defensive collapse and the author is insenuating the same. Others say it's Babich in way over his head. It started and will end with "Trust me". I still think it's all Lovie. It's time for him to break his foot off in some asses and publicly take over the defense. If the players don't respond, they are not worthy of the "C" on their helmet. If Lovie fails to motivate them, he's not worthy either. There is a difference in getting beat and getting a beatdown. I can handle the 1st if it's legit. I have no stomach for the other.
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