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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. Turner's offense has proven to be effective now that Rex hasn't been given the keys to the kingdom. Turner stays. He has proven himself, now, for the 2nd time with this organization. Unlike the Rex years, I've only questioned his play calling a couple of times this year.
  2. I also like to have our OLB's blasting WR's and TE's off their quick routes. But, it doesn't happen in our scheme.
  3. I'm voting for Grossman, with a hook at halftime if he does not show anything. At least Hanie could provide some hope in the second half. Also, Hanie could play like he has nothing to lose. Rex has a whole career on the line during the time Kyle is out. Hanie can completely suck and it will all be attributed to him getting his 1st action. If he's a hero, he still doesn't take Kyle's spot.
  4. I would also like to see our OLB's knock some recievers out on those slent passes. It's tough to do from the LOS. The angle is simply not there. This is a huge thing for me. I don't see us dictating where recievers go very often. You can sometimes funnel them and give your defense more options. Agreed with vasher at nickel. D manning has been our best blitzer, but they have not utilized him in that role a lot lately. Creative. LOL That's F'n hillarious. I don't think anyone on our staff is capable. 5 Get Lovie Smith more involved in the defensive calls, and let people know it. See above. Seriously, Lovie doesn't have the "Greatest show on turf" to make other teams one dimensional. I still think Lovie is the problem. I would love to eat crow, but I really think Lovie is behing the preparation and execution during the week. What else does he to do during the season?? I simply don't think Lovie would be anymore cerebral than Babich. Again, I hope I am wrong, I just think Lovie is in the lower tier of the coaching ranks when it comes to brains.
  5. Agreed on the subtle comments made by the players. I still believe you are villifying the wrong guy. IMO - Lovie calls the shots.
  6. I tend to agree, but think you are missing the greatest weakness. Preparation. Our D is one dimensional, undisciplined and somewhat unmotivated. That all happens during the week. In game adjustments don't occur that much when you are submitting the other team to your will. What do you think Lovie works on all week? Babich is a game token, Lovie is everything else. Rivera was that guy and he got ran out on a rail. Then, Lovie said those famous words... Hiring another DC get's Lovie another year or two of excuses and another scapegoat. Another thing Lovie is somewhat on the hook for is the huge contracts that were laid out to some really underperforming players. I know JA controls the purse strings, but Lovie has a ton of say. My hope is the defense gets hell bent for redemption and ends makes the Lovie / Babich debate moot.
  7. My opinion, for what it is worth... I said this pre-season so this is not a knee jerk reaction. If this defense can not get it's collective head out of it's ass, Lovie must go. Lovie told us not to worry and Lovie has been dead wrong for a season and a half so far. Nobody need blame Babich. If it were Babich, Lovie would have subplanted him already. The shame of this is, we were all clamoring about the offense being the hold up with statements like: If the offense could give the D a breather, If only the offense could score early in the game. If the offense could put points on the the board, the D could pin it's ears back and get to the QB. If only we could get Mike Brown, Url and Tommie healthy, the D would be stellar. All those wishes have been granted by the football gods. Since Chico left, it's been Lovie and everyone knows it. Now, here's the problem if we fire Lovie - we lose Turner. Stop laughing, as I kinda chuckled too. But, if you look at it, he's finally got the balance required to run his scheme and it is working. If Turner goes, Orton has to learn another playbook and the offense could take a step back. Combine that with the new coach coming in and installing a new D, of which we would probably not have the personnel to run it. As bad as our D is, imagine how bad it would be if they had to change to a scheme not suited to their collective skillset. It's all Lovie...
  8. First, unless Brown is 100%, I sit him. I'd go with Manning and play him a tad deeper than usual. I'd also suggest playing starting Grahm and play vasher at nickel, as we need our best tacklers on the outside. I would run a lot of run blitzes and make Collins beat us. Anything to get the D Line fired up, as they the key to our success.
  9. Two things. I could give a crap who scores, unless they are on my fantasy team. Second, I have no problem with Rex celebrating. The look on his face was pure joy. After what he's been through, I think he deserves to let go a little.(and us fans should be happy for him) It's not like he thought that TD earned him the starters job.
  10. I know I'm going to sound like Lovie on this, but... We have to play the player that gives us the best chance of winning. I'll take Orton if he says he can play. The next part is what Lovie probably would not do. If I'm Lovie, I tell Orton he's getting a quick hook at the 1st sign that the injury is affecting his play or judgement. Rex did barely enough for us to win the game Sunday, but he looked like the same Rex as last year. (plodding, deliberate, locked into a receiver) Rex just has no Moxie.
  11. My guess is that the publication made a mistake. No way we pay that.
  12. Just saw Tommie Harris in last nights episode of Criminal Minds on DVR. The good part is, he really sucks at acting. So, he'll have more time to focus on earning his pay check.
  13. On offense: I am loving what I am seeing from Orton. It seems like he get cooler every week. We are finally getting our TE's more involved. Our OL gets no push, but are surprising me at pass blocking. Matt Forte is being used too much. IMO - Jones should be getting more reps in the 2nd half of the season, as I don't want to see Forte completly worn down. On defense: I have to believe there is some life left in the pass rush. Hunter and M. Brown look slow as get out. We are 8 points away from being undefeated. In each of those defeats our defense was gashed when it counted. Time for the money side of the ball to step up or I can see some surprising cuts and/or trades this off-season. ST: Solid as usual!
  14. My washed up player is Hilly. He was awful today. If he's not in perfect position, he's completely unable to make a play.
  15. I'm not far from agreeing with this thought. Harris may be able to draw value if he can prove he is healthy. Url, I think a coach like Belichick would salivate to have a backer with his size and speed. A beast DE is key to a pass rush and we need at least 2 high picks at OT and OG next year. Add a top safety prospect and we are out of luck without extra picks. We'll have a lot to discuss again this off-season.
  16. Nail on the head on that one.
  17. Hopefully, he makes it back to form so we can have the option to keep or trade, this off-season.
  18. Undeniably the biggest pu$$y on the team last year.
  19. Let me play "Internet Psychologist" for a minute.(Just for Cracker) Calling out team mates on the heels of getting his $$$$ Professing to be a minister in the making, yet having children out of wedlock? I'm no prude and am thinking he was tapping some fine young ass, but I'm positive the bible doesn't speak highly of it. Now he's a late for treatment and getting into it with the coach. Also whining about Bradley leaving? I wonder if that is who had the kid? Remember, this is the same Tommie Harris that questioned his own desire to play football a few years ago. I remember many of us debating what he may or may not do with his career after he got his big payday. I'm not judging the man, but I do see some warning signs of a man in a crossroad.
  20. I wanted to get him too, but none of us wanted him at #4. I was hoping for a trade down and Johnson.
  21. Weren't you one of the first in line at the Tampax machine after our loss to Carolina? Nothing like being a hindsight internet genius...
  22. I hope our staff is smart enough to sit Tommie for another week or two. When feeling good, he is a beast. Idonije outplayed what Harris has done lately. Lovie, sit Tommie! It's looking like we can make a playoff push and a healthy Tommie Harris will go a long long way. We have enough average guys to fill his shoes right now, we don't need Tommie average.
  23. Personally, I don't see how Kyle was on the bubble with you. If not for some crappy defense, Olsens fumbles and P'nuts penalty, we'd likely be undefeated. Kyle had 10 point leads and huge TOP advantage going into the 4th quarter of both losses. You'd think a shutdown defense would take it from there.
  24. Sadly, it would have been of more benefit to him if he was found guilty. Now, he still has no accountabilty for being a turd.
  25. The one I want to see is the "Button Hook" route by Hester. Drive your man upfield turn, grab and cut. If they can get that one to work, then they can do a "hook and go". Hester accelleration would make him a force at this play, especially devastating would be a "hook and go-out",where the reciever would take an angle toward the sideline as they were heading downfield. Harder for the safety to roll over. Hell, I'd venture to say Lloyd could run it as well.
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