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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. I think you missed the point Terra. It's not Rex V Kyle. It's the staff blindly handing the job to Rex again. Funny, yet true quote though!
  2. Is this a slip up? I can see a FA asking, "who's throwin' the rock?" Hmmm...
  3. Bullshit! I guess it's all individual opinion... You can't tell me, when we unexpectedly won the division a few years back that that was NOT a successful season and you weren't juiced for the next year. There are years when the promise of next year is a successful season. That's just they way it is in the NFL. Ask a Lions fan, if a season is successful if they make the playoffs. (That made me laugh) Sorry I said that. I will agree that last season was a huge failure. But, if we get back to the playoffs this year we should feel good about where we are heading.
  4. You have to draft offense to be truly bad at it. I simply think the philosophy they take is: Keep the pipeline fresh with young defensive talent. JA has simply ignored OL in the draft. You can't just hope to get lucky on picks in the later rounds year after year. Higher round picks need to be made, especially at OT. His lone pick under the 3rd round is a starter on a playoff caliber team. Stupid us for letting him walk.
  5. Well said, AZ54. I'm still holding out hope, that we hit the jackpot at LT.
  6. If we show interest, we are not drafting them. That's JA's way.
  7. Al Davis gets nuttier every year. It's time the NFL look into revoking his franchise. He's George Steinbrunner without a medthod.
  8. "Poison Pill" is something in the contract that makes it difficult to impossible for his current team to sign him. Like frontloading the contract when the team is strapped for cap space.
  9. I totally loved it when JA got two 1sts for that pick. Then struck out on both. I liked the picks when he picked them though.
  10. This is why I want a LT. You can't develop a franchise QB without one.
  11. Here's where I think you missed it. If we have these future stars locked up, we have the leverage. There is a huge difference between a player bitching with 1 year and 3 years left. As a GM, you now have time to figure out what is best for the future of team, player and cap wise. It also means a lot when you tell a player they have security within the organization and they are valued. Also, in good faith, you have already payed a little forward with the player and agent. Call it investing in the future.
  12. Moss yes, Pep no. I saw talk of this on ESPN this morning. I think it's a power play on Moss' part. My guess is NE is low-balling like they/we always do and he's playing his hand. If I knew Pep was really back to his old self, it would be a no brainer. But, peoples knees aren't meant to do what his did. That was an uglier than usual injury and he hasn't been the same.
  13. Tough question. This one year I wish we had just one more 1st or 2nd rounder. I would love to have an OT, Mendenhall and Henne/Flacco. For now, I say draft OT 1st, QB 2nd and sign a cheaper RB than Turner. We really need to fix the OL before anything. Signing a cheaper RB will leave extra money for a decent FA guard.
  14. I like all of it. Harris and Gould are no brainers if you can get them at a fair price. Anderson is chocked full of potential and went through a sophomore slump. My bet is, he'll be back in full swing this season and the staff knows it. You don't want to pay him if he's hot. Hester is not the wildcard you think he is. One thing we do know is that he is a drawing card for the franchise. Therefore his value is far greater than just on the field. Also, he may be a future Hall of Famer. Do we really want to see him on someone else's highlight reel? One last thing; don't underestimate his current value on the field. Field position is priceless. He's the only player in the NFL that truly buys that for his team.
  15. How about Brady Quinn, plus a 2nd rounder? Anyway, that's one I wouldn't mind. I do feel we are not that far away. Cream me for being for saying this, but I want Randy Moss now. He's matured a little and played on a team that teaches team first. If he could be convinced we are a top flight WR away, he might be had. I'm not sure our window is closed and actually think it may be better than NE's at this point. He'll be expensive as hell, but think he brings 2X the fear Berrian did. It'd leave a lot of room for our skill players after Moss clears out 2 on every snap. Also, sign Jacob Bell and pray Brownie can stay healthy for a season! More later...
  16. I would just love for JA to shove it up Drew's ass! Hey Drew, it's me Jerry. Let's talk about Tommie. Here's what I'm thinking...
  17. Seems like the Bears and Bills are on a parallel universe since Jauron became their coach.
  18. Get some Kool-Aid Madlith. We are one of 20 teams not to have won the SuperBowl since we last won it! We've also made our fare share of playoffs since then. I think what draws attention to us is that when we fall off, we land hard. Chicago loves it's Bears and Cubs so much, it becomes a huge hype when they are good. So, the media naturally feeds the story by playing devils advocate. Then comes the fall and the media goes devils advocate again playing the rise vs Fall and hope vs. misery.
  19. See how fast and furious this is? I'll catch up current events now. LOL
  20. OK, let the grilling begin, but here’s my shopping list. Just a pipe dream at 4:25 AM Is this even realistic? I really haven't researched the matter. Alan Faneca 4yr/32 mil Allows us to draft a rookie LT and move Tait to the right. Sign Jacob Bell for 5yr/28 mil if Faneca signs with NYJ. We get younger and better by signing a 31 year old and drafting. Age upgrade to youth is 9yrs per player.(10.5 if you sign Bell) Randy Moss 3yr/30 mil How do you improve your QB play? A+ Sign the most gifted receiver to ever play the game and chuck it. How do you improve your run game? A= Get the safety out of the box by(see above). The combination of Faneca and Moss would make our entire offense more effective. The trick is ponying up 44 mil in guarantees. Sounds easy huh? (sarcasm) It’d be a tough bullet to bite, but do-able. That leaves room for one more FA. Ken Hamlin 4yr/17mil His addition allows our D to be free to play pass and run evenly. When Mike Brown went down in the 1st game, we lost that ability. If a defense doesn’t have the ability to do one thing greatly, it will suffer as a whole. This will allow us to dedicate a little more to the box to play the run and rush the QB. JA has been good enough with the money to facilitate just about anything: whether it is cutting headcount, restructuring contracts or trades. Here’s to spending like drunken sailors!!
  21. At this point, I have to question his overall value. Yes, he is a disruptive force. Yes, he racked up nice stats again. But to shell out 70-90 million on a guy that: 1) Questioned his own desire to play football a couple of years ago. 2) Is injury prone and 3) Fades as the season goes on. How horrible would our D be without him? When you lose a good player, someone usually steps up. Do we have anyone who can step up? I'm really not sure. My vote is to wait on extending Harris. Making a mistake and signing him now could hurt for a long time dur to the magnitude of the deal. Waiting may cost a little more, but be less risk and there is always the tag.
  22. I think we keep AP as an ST'er this year, but I really question his value as a RB. He just has nothing another team would gameplan for. If we get any new RB this year AP will be #4.
  23. Givens got released as well. I wanted him a couple of years ago.
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