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Everything posted by Mongo3451

  1. I am OK with moving up if the player is really going to be a key component. It's always a crapshoot, but sometimes you just "gotta have em"!! Otherwise, I prefer the tradedown strategy.
  2. I have to disagree with a few of you here regarding Benson’s motivation. This is strictly my opinion, but… One – Benson was motivated when TJ was here. He just happened to get hurt at some bad times. If you remember that last camp he and TJ were in, he was knockin’ heads. Second – Benson is an egomaniac, and a fragile minded one at that, obviously thinking higher of himself than he should. If a free agent or lower round back starts taking his cheese, he’s more apt to rise to the occasion. Lastly – Benson is a pussy of a man. He has shown us this by his inability to play through injuries and constant pouting. If we bring in a Mendenhall via the draft, what is he going to do? I think he’s going to raise a stink by holding out, demanding a trade, or faking an injury. Anything but compete for his job out of fear of losing it. All do the Bears no good. Now we have to pray Mendenhall is the real deal, because Benson has already checked out. Plus we are paying two 1st round picks at a position with no production. All the while, greater needs have not been addressed. Right now, Benson is less of a question mark than our OL and WR’s. Because we know they suck bad enough make Benson suck. The only way I can endorse drafting Mendenhall is if the staff has evaluated the season and deemed the OL was not to blame for the crappy running game. (Which is highly unlikely) Then you draft Mendenhall and let CB cry. IMO- JA is going to have to sign at least 3 FA’s and strike gold with at least 2 of them. Add to that, he needs to hit on over half of this draft, hopefully with a couple of them starting this year. This is Benson’s year to decide if he wants a career in football.
  3. I still would prefer Faneca for the following reasons: 1) He's younger 2) Better work ethic and motor as proven year in and year out. 3) Nasty demeanor 4) Locker room leader 5) Most importantly, too many LT prospects not to get one. This is a position that you can strike gold in. If not, you have Tait and Faneca anchoring the left side and your rookie on the right. Otherwise, we'll be in a continous cycle of overpaying for short term usage. Why I don't want to draft a RB early. Let me start by saying, I would love Mendenhall. That being said, I still think Benson can be productive and would not want to spend an early pick and the loot. What I think would motivate Benson more is a FA or late rounder pushing him for time. That would motivate me as a thoroughbred. He seemed motivated in 06 when he wanted the starting job from TJ. Anyway, let's see if the OL fixes Bensons problem and cut bait next year if needed. Now we have an extra pick for a WR, QB or Safety early.
  4. I like Henne and looking at the list of attributes you have listed, he meets your criteria. The thing I like as well is his experience as a 4 year starter in a major program. Also, Michigan seems to churn out pro QB's. I know I'll forget some but... Brady, Harbaugh, Griese, Grbak, Navarre, Collins and Henson. That's seven I can remember in the last 20 years. Back to the 3 year starter thing; IMO he's the most ready to step in and get it done. I wouldn't mind seeing him come to us in the 2nd round or early 3rd.
  5. This is a good signing for several reasons: 1) Locker room/character guy. 2) He was inexpensive. About 5mil/yr less than Dallas Clark. It makes, especially with our WR situation 3) 2 TE set is back in play. Let's not forget that Olsen was hurt much of the year, making it difficult to practice many 2 TE looks let alone play it. 4) Valuable insurance in a position of need. Who cares if it takes away from Olsen's production as long as the TE position as a whole is productive. 5) He's still a good football player, period. 6) If you want to win in the NFL, you lock up your offensive talent if you can. Don't be surprised if Berrian signs soon. 7) It just makes NFO wrong and he hates it. Negatives are: 1) You may overspend for a player becoming obsolete. 2) You may overspend for a position you are not going to fully utilize. 3) Potentially takes money from the FA pool. The known fact is; the team obviously values Dez and has plans for him.
  6. I like Flacco, but he IMO is a bigger Orton. (Cannon arm, big & strong, nifty feet, inconsistent mechanics, inconsistent accuracy and enough mobilty to buy time) Thing is I think Orton may be a little smarter. No need for an Orton clone. I'd take Henne over Flacco (4 year starter, accurate, strong, decent arm, better mechanics, known locker room leader, smart, tough and quicker mobilty)
  7. According to Mike Mayock, there are zero recievers with a 1st round "talent" grade this year. He went on to say that teams reaching for needs will take 3 or 4 them in the 1st.
  8. This is what I want to talk about. If the OL is fixed, that will definately make the O better as a whole. It's also good to know what areas are good or not. IE: If the Colts O suck, you know it is something other than Manning. This is why it's important to have a strong OL. Now you know if Benson, Rex and Orton is a bust or not, as you can not answer skill position players until it's proven they have protection up front.
  9. I'll add that he had 5 sacks in the 1st 5 games of 06 and zero for the remainder. It goes to show that he degrades as he absorbs punishment. Agreed he not only need to show he can stay healthy for 16 games, but also remain productive throughout. I don't care if he's the greatest, 1st half of the season, player the league has ever seen. If he can't be a beast in December, what is his true worth? Ask the Eagles if they'd sign Kearse again on hope.
  10. I have a hard time believing San Diego is that far under. That is sick if true.
  11. Agreed on age. Sure Miller is old, but it was his production + salary = cut. Walker was a no brainer after the play of Adams, the return of Dusty and the play of the Samoan guy whose name escapes me. Moose saves little dough, but the drops and lack of separation make him useless. . Not to worry, we simply have better options. This team is not done winning. If JA does something as drastic as a yuoth movement then he is a fool. I don't belive he is. I wouldn't mind drafting Flacco or Henne after a tackle prospect. The difference of 5 mil doesn't matter to me. I like the message. Produce or get out. Sure, we are better off cap wise, but the kick in the ass, the impending change and late season momentum should provide a spark going into the season. I don't think they are done with the house cleaning either. Of course I've always been on the kool-Aid side of the fence
  12. I see what you are saying, because I was extatic when we signed Griese. But, that was after strongly lobbying for Brees with some other members of the old board. And the powers that be, begins with JA.
  13. I'm not replying to any post in general, but think JA has done pretty well with FA signings and the Wale trade. He does a great job of not making too many moves. Overall, the players he gets usually contribute and are good fits. I'd say his greatest failure was signing Griese, when he could have had Brees. Biggest flop was trading for Arch and frontloading his contract. Greatest signings Tait, TJ, Wale and Rueben Brown.
  14. Nice history there. I always have been a booker fan. At this point, he IS an upgrade over Moose. I'd also like to see the, younger, Hass get a shot to see if he can get open. If we could sign Booker and cut him if he wasn't much better than Hass, that would be ideal. Reality is, he's dumb enough to sign a contract that would enable a team to do that.
  15. Agreed. You can always grade them while trying to put them in a position to succeed. You can can play to their strengths, against NFL talent, for short periods of time. If their strengths don't grade out so well, you have a problem.
  16. I'd rather go with our young prospects.
  17. FA as well. Signing a FA like Faneca can change a lot of things and would only enhance our growth via the draft. Berrian, Rex and a potential safety will also be points of interest. And then there's the Turk....
  18. I think we all agree he sucks. I think he will be deemed worthless in camp. No need to cut him sooner than that. It's sad that safety was supposed to be a position of GREAT strength last year. Now, it is close to the weakest in the NFL. We have to get some hitters in the secondary.
  19. Agreed on all accounts. There is something to be gained by a rookie tackle learning a work ethic, technique and a nasty demeanor from a pro-bowler/SuperBowl winner. I also want Rueben Brown starting at RG next to Tait. Backups to be St.Clair, Garza, Beekman and another rookie.
  20. Archulletta is on the books for 730K this year. Do we keep him as a cheap backup or is he worthless to us? I have my opinion, but...
  21. Agreed on Brown and St Clair How did Tait play up to a Pro-Bowl level last year? Secondly, Max Starks doesn't even start for the Steelers. Lastly, I don't the stats on this, but how many mid round selections develop into starting caliber left tackles? We've got to get an early round LT. The draft is too deep, not to get a good one in the 1st or 2nd. I can accept grooming an LT only if he is a big enough drop off from Tait to warrant grooming. In any case, if you are grooming the guy, you do it at RT. No to Starks. Too expensive and not needed.
  22. It would be OK if Tait went to the right and we start a rookie at left. Reason is; Tait is a natural RT of almost pro-bowl caliber. At left tackle he is average at best. Moving him to the right will tremendously improve the right side of the line. I don't think a highly drafted tackle is going to be a tremendous drop off. Especially given that the right side will be locked down. You only have one side that ever needs help. You can manage that while developing a player. Tony Ugoh comes to mind as a guy that did OK in a circumstance that was less than ideal, but got the help he needed and thrived.
  23. That's why he's so valuable now. We lead the league in field position because they kick it out of bounds.
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